How would you react if Luke was Carver's son?

I know there has been threads that hypothesize about Luke being Carver's son, but I want to know how would you react to such news?

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  • Uh I came here to comment on the topic but that picture just really creeped me out....

  • I'd be like, "Huh."

  • Well, Carver is a creepy guy.

    Uh I came here to comment on the topic but that picture just really creeped me out....

  • I wouldn't be surprised. But, I highly doubt it since he only came looking for Rebecca and had no care in the world if Luke was there or not. I could be wrong, but seeing that the one thing Carver seems to value is his unborn child, you'd think he'd care about his other kid if Luke was his kid.

  • "Wellll... shit".

  • I think there was a thread on this already, however it would be pretty weird. Also I know he could have lied but didn't Luke say his parents died the same way he assumes everyone else's parents died?? I just think they used to be in the same camp until Luke helped the cabin group escape.

  • I'd search my feelings for the answer, even though I know it's true.

  • edited April 2014

    That won't happen since we all know Luke is actually Anakin's son(Couldn't resist, sorry).

    Seriously though, if it turns out to be true..... Well, I guess "wtf" and a lot of confusion will follow.

  • edited April 2014

    Too Star Wars cliché

    And what the hell is that drawing? I mean just... Gee!

  • I'd say something like, "Considering the fact that nobody in this group brought this up, that we've had countless allusions that it has to do with Carver being Rebecca's father and that Carver didn't really seem to care all that much when he assumed Luke ran off this seems highly unlikely" while rolling my eyes and making a big frowny face.

  • edited April 2014

    I don't think Carver would be Luke's dad since it's not twisty enough and has a touch of predictability.

  • Your response needs more likes. Take mine.

    Rock114 posted: »

    I'd search my feelings for the answer, even though I know it's true.

  • Creepy photo is creepy.

  • edited April 2014

    Gar. Double post. :/

  • edited April 2014

    Carver: Luke, I am your father!

    Luke: Noooo! That's not true! That's Impossible!

    Carver: And... all the people you know are powerless to save you except for one11-ish year old girl!

    Luke; Noooo! That's.... Improbable!

    Carver: And... She is going to decide your fate with the help of her friend who was mobbed by a massive horde of zombies and disappeared hundreds of miles away only to suddenly reunite with her the night I caught up to you!

    Luke: Noooo! That's.... highly unlikely.

    Carver: And... the decisions she makes are actually dictated by the whims of random people, who in fact control her every move with the use of two small control sticks and a four button talking system!

    Luke: ....Ok, if you're not going to take this seriously, I'm out. -Luke leaves-


    Clementine: Where's Luke?

    Kenny: I dunno, he was grouching about something so I told him to take a hike.

  • i would be surprised

  • edited April 2014

    That depends on how the blood-relation plays into the plot. If there's no point to it other than to try and blow the player's mind when we find out then my reaction will be pretty 'meh'. Like you've said, it's been theorized before a couple of times so there's already some expectation by the fanbase for this 'twist' and thus I wouldn't be that surprised. Now if it turns out there's something psychologically wrong with Carver that could in turn effect Luke, by being hereditary, that could have interesting implications for the story. Or something else along those lines. I just don't want them to do it and then for it to have no point beyond the initial reveal.

  • I think it would be interesting.
    In fact, it wouldn't at all surprise me if TT doesn't do something like that.

  • yeah, they do look like "Father and Son" 0-0

  • edited April 2014

    How would i react if i found out they were father and son?

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  • ItsGabeeItsGabee Banned
    edited April 2014

    That drawing could be rated r34. :)

    If Luke was Carver's son, I'd expect Rule34 art of them.. :D

    Im a dinosaur.

  • edited April 2014

    My reacting would be this:

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  • edited April 2014

    I can imagine Luke's reaction...
    Carver: Luke, i'm your father.
    Luke: Wha... Noooooooooooo!

  • umm I was gonna say that it would be weird and shocking but that picture... it will haunt me forever

  • I mean, yeah, there's a little bit of evidence to back it up (like when Sarah thinks Carver is Luke from far away), but it feels too cliche.

  • edited April 2014

    "Luke, I am your father."

    Alt text

    Sorry... I know, the Star Wars joke's lifespan has expired and isn't funny anymore.

    But in all seriousness, I'm not sure how I'd react. I guess it would depend on how the situation was handled by the developers, and the way they'd explain why it was never brought up by the group before. Unless they didn't know or something.

    I admit, they do look similar. Although that's not enough to make this particular plot twist believable enough for me to swallow it with the information we currently have from the story line. Even the optional conversations don't give us any additional tidbits to work on.

  • ItsGabeeItsGabee Banned
    edited April 2014

    I've seen enough Yaoi images of Luke.

    " It wasn't pretty. " - Rebecca

    now I'm gonna get spammed with Carver/Luke rule34 stuff.

  • That picture would freak out Christopher Walken.

  • Star Wars jokes have expired?

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    S-Rose posted: »

    "Luke, I am your father." Sorry... I know, the Star Wars joke's lifespan has expired and isn't funny anymore. But in all seriousne

  • What a hansom Jaw line Carver has in that picture...

  • I'd be disappointed. Seems like a cliche plot twist, and so far nothing in-game has alluded to Luke being Carver's son. Luke even said himself that he's lost his folks, that would be a strange thing to say when he actually hasn't. Carver doesn't seem to care much about Luke either, I would've expected him to place more emphasis on Luke if he was really his son, instead of just referring to him as a "farm boy".

    It's a silly theory with little to back it up if you'd ask me, and I'm hoping it isn't true.

  • Seriously. That picture is super rapey.

    Uh I came here to comment on the topic but that picture just really creeped me out....

  • This thread should be locked down. That picture isn't quite Rule 34 material, but it's dangerously close.

  • I don't know if they should go that far, maybe just remove the picture.

    This thread should be locked down. That picture isn't quite Rule 34 material, but it's dangerously close.

  • I got that feeling too...

    This thread should be locked down. That picture isn't quite Rule 34 material, but it's dangerously close.

  • Unless they had a REALLY good explanation for it, I would totally facepalm. There has been zero evidence that directly supports this theory and it would really be out of the blue.

    I know some people think that this could be a big secret that Luke is keeping from the rest of the group, but wouldn't Nick and Pete had known, since they all knew each other before the apocalypse? Unless Luke and Carver were estranged before then, but that's even more out there.

    And I feel like if it was a big secret that the entire group was keeping from Clementine, we would have gotten some kind of hint about it. TTG is good at that sort of thing. Most of the characters have mentioned their conflict with Carver revolves around Rebecca and possibly Carlos. And Carver's comment about Luke seemed more like "Why did you follow that idiot when I'm all the family you need," rather than "Why did you follow my son with whom I have a complicated relationship."

    I personally do not think that Luke and Carver have any blood relation. I also don't think they have any pre-apocalypse history. Whatever their conflict is, it arose in the time that Luke was staying at Carver's camp.

  • Just stop. Yes, the picture is creepy and an odd choice considering the subject at hand but it's hardly "dangerously close" to being pornographic.

    This thread should be locked down. That picture isn't quite Rule 34 material, but it's dangerously close.

  • edited April 2014

    Most of the characters have mentioned their conflict with Carver revolves around Rebecca and possibly Carlos.

    Actually we've only seen that Rebecca seems to be the main reason Carver is after them so hard. We still don't know what the actual conflict was because everyone is being tight-lipped on the subject. We only just learned about Carlos' personal conflict this episode.

    However, I agree there haven't been any real hints towards this theory.

    skeletori posted: »

    Unless they had a REALLY good explanation for it, I would totally facepalm. There has been zero evidence that directly supports this theory

  • Just stop. Yes, the picture is creepy and an odd choice considering the subject at hand but it's hardly "dangerously close" to being pornographic.

    Dude, why are you kicking MY ass? I didn't post the damn thing. And yes, it is dangerously close to being pornographic.

    Night_Owl posted: »

    Just stop. Yes, the picture is creepy and an odd choice considering the subject at hand but it's hardly "dangerously close" to being pornographic.

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