Playing on a IOS (IPad) myself and hate the stutter so went with PC season pass also. I'll probably buy for my X-Box 360 also as I'm finding these games really entertaining and love the many ways I can replay TWD & TWAU. I actually am enjoying the fact that the games are episodic and there is downtime to either play the game again or go to another game between episodes.
Keep up with the quality of your product TT and I'll be happily giving you my wives money ( love being married to a rich woman ) and will continue playing your games for years to come!
"PlayStation 3 (Europe) - Wednesday, April 9th" ???
Only day after? What the hell is going on, im super happy for this TT, you get some points on that day from me.
I thought there were a lot of PS4 commercials smacking me upside the head, so I can constantly know that it exists but I guess those constant commercials don't apply to everyone?
Finally! Something to keep my hands tied while waiting for the next episode of the walking dead. I thought I was going to die while waiting for it but now i'll have this
Finally! Something to keep my hands tied while waiting for the next episode of the walking dead. I thought I was going to die while waiting for it but now i'll have this
Dude is acceptable for both genders
In fact it's more sexist to use a silly word like 'dudette' when dude can be used the same.
Like calling female actors 'actresses'.
Because the severed heads of innocent people (with whom we are acquainted with) is very appealing next to Zombies. Hold on, my logic switch just broke.
The Walking Dead is like a Stephen King story. You know everyone will probably be dead by the end, but you just have to keep on reading hoping that you're wrong. The Wolf Among Us is like an Ellery Queen novel with less death and destruction and with a pretty good guess that our detective will win in the end.
Finally the dates! I am so happy finally TWAU is coming. I am hoping for a better episode then 2nd one. 2nd one wasn't bad but first episode was more dynamic and it had more action, but trailer shows us that there are actions between Bigby and Jack, Dee and Dum. So it seems like it will be a good episode.
I totally agree. I'd imagine that his role would be limited to a cameo or a couple of minor scenes. It's more just the fact that everyone loves Flycatcher (He's even Bill Willingham's favorite character), so having him show up in even a minor capacity is exciting.
The whole flycatcher and haven story is around where i stopped reading the comic. It'd be sort of anti-clamatic (and maybe even pointless) s… moreeeing him in TWAU during the period where telltale is staging their story. If its just a cameo or something, thats cool, but if he is involved in the story i think that would be kinda stupid. He doesn't become relevant to the fables world for another 40 years if i got the timeline right.
As a fellow Fables fan I completely understand your need for correction. It is a pain when people get that wrong.
I did however state his full on werewolf form. Meaning the kind of werewolf mode he used in that WWII plot arc.
I'd love to see his full on mythical wolf mode show up in the game, even if it's limited to a fan winking cameo at the end of the game.
As an aside, did you notice how the photo of Bigby they find at the end of episode 2 showed him wearing his comic book trench coat? I love the little winks they do to the comic readers in this series.
Every keeps saying that Bigby will go full wolf form, but if you've read the comics you know that his full wolf form is not like the one sho… morewn in the trailer.
Think of the one shown in the trailer as part way to full wolf form.
Sorry, I just had to clear that up. If bugs me a bit when I see this posted around.
The wait for episode 3 has been pretty much painless compared to the devastating wait for episode 2. We've been kept afloat by twitter posts a lot more than last time.
hi i just want to say if they dont switch it on us or change it i figured out their release months but not their dates on them well accept for the one they gave us already anyway they already told us the release date for the wolf among us episode 3 so that one is covered but if they dont pull a switch or a change than episode 4 is in june and episode 5 is august i just dont have the dates figured out and in case you were wondering how i figured this out i looked at their release pattern between the wolf among us and the walking dead season 2
it says ios coming next week so you will play next week sometime. they just haven't released an exact date
well if a late release could be caused by the same problem repeating itself then yeah.
but if it's another unforeseen problem then no
It's okay, they can't hurt you.
people are cruel aren't they ?
i guess some people don't like false hope.
or they don't like people disagreeing with their 'guess'
wow these downvoters got issues...
At least in the same Week. Lets say the Vita Guys are the ones which have it the Worst Way no?
how is that even possible ??!
Playing on a IOS (IPad) myself and hate the stutter so went with PC season pass also. I'll probably buy for my X-Box 360 also as I'm finding these games really entertaining and love the many ways I can replay TWD & TWAU. I actually am enjoying the fact that the games are episodic and there is downtime to either play the game again or go to another game between episodes.
Keep up with the quality of your product TT and I'll be happily giving you my wives money ( love being married to a rich woman ) and will continue playing your games for years to come!
Just Me,
"PlayStation 3 (Europe) - Wednesday, April 9th" ???
Only day after? What the hell is going on, im super happy for this TT, you get some points on that day from me.
It better be half decent, I was not that impressed with the last ep given the ridiculous delay...
I said April 8th and look at that!
Just kidding, not gonna be like that!
Can't fucking wait for this Tuesday!!!
But..... You just were like that.....
judging eye- You smuck
I thought there were a lot of PS4 commercials smacking me upside the head, so I can constantly know that it exists but I guess those constant commercials don't apply to everyone?
Finally! Something to keep my hands tied while waiting for the next episode of the walking dead. I thought I was going to die while waiting for it but now i'll have this
I find The Wolf Among Us as a welcoming relief from the dark and depressing feelings The Walking Dead give us.
That's actually quite true. So far they haven't pulled TOO much at my heart strings... don't get any ideas telltale.
Because Wolf Among Us has such a bright, colourful and fun world and storyline.
the iOS release date will most likely either be late next wednesday night or next thursday. iOS releases are usually Thursdays though
It was Wednesday for all that remains. Thursday for smoke and mirrors and Thursday for a house divided.
The proper term I believe is actually "dudine".
Don't worry. I read Uncle John's Bathroom Reader.
Because the severed heads of innocent people (with whom we are acquainted with) is very appealing next to Zombies. Hold on, my logic switch just broke.
Is that Chris Chirstie? Damn he's lost weight with all those moves.
Just Me,
The Walking Dead is like a Stephen King story. You know everyone will probably be dead by the end, but you just have to keep on reading hoping that you're wrong. The Wolf Among Us is like an Ellery Queen novel with less death and destruction and with a pretty good guess that our detective will win in the end.
Just my 2cents,
I got it wednesday for a house divided
I am glad that telltale is starting to make promises happen. Episode every month.
Yep. It'll be nice if The Walking Dead season 2 ep3 comes out in May as everyone is hoping for. Keeping these old wizen fingers and toes crossed.
Just Me,
Finally the dates! I am so happy finally TWAU is coming. I am hoping for a better episode then 2nd one. 2nd one wasn't bad but first episode was more dynamic and it had more action, but trailer shows us that there are actions between Bigby and Jack, Dee and Dum. So it seems like it will be a good episode.
Nice! i wasn't expecting a release date anytime soon ( 4-5 months XD )
well, sooner than we expected xD
srsly dat was a bad joke xD
Yes! Official release dates and it's out next week, that's awesome.
I totally agree. I'd imagine that his role would be limited to a cameo or a couple of minor scenes. It's more just the fact that everyone loves Flycatcher (He's even Bill Willingham's favorite character), so having him show up in even a minor capacity is exciting.
As a fellow Fables fan I completely understand your need for correction. It is a pain when people get that wrong.
I did however state his full on werewolf form. Meaning the kind of werewolf mode he used in that WWII plot arc.
I'd love to see his full on mythical wolf mode show up in the game, even if it's limited to a fan winking cameo at the end of the game.
As an aside, did you notice how the photo of Bigby they find at the end of episode 2 showed him wearing his comic book trench coat? I love the little winks they do to the comic readers in this series.
The wait for episode 3 has been pretty much painless compared to the devastating wait for episode 2. We've been kept afloat by twitter posts a lot more than last time.
I liked it
hi i just want to say if they dont switch it on us or change it i figured out their release months but not their dates on them well accept for the one they gave us already anyway they already told us the release date for the wolf among us episode 3 so that one is covered but if they dont pull a switch or a change than episode 4 is in june and episode 5 is august i just dont have the dates figured out and in case you were wondering how i figured this out i looked at their release pattern between the wolf among us and the walking dead season 2