Character Fates

Which characters would you like to see return? Who would you kill if you had the choice?

//Side Note: The characters you choose can be dead or alive, I just wanted to take a little poll where you choose the answer choices.

(I couldn't come up with a better name for this discussion.)


  • I'd say Lee but that's already a thing. How about something entirely new, like... Ed and Diana (haven't about these two in awhile, eh?).

  • If Ed and Diana showed up I would have an attack of the feels because Clem would be so happy, at least I'd hope so.

    Conduit42 posted: »

    I'd say Lee but that's already a thing. How about something entirely new, like... Ed and Diana (haven't about these two in awhile, eh?).

  • Vernon, His status is unknown right now so its possible maybe he is a doctor at Carver's camp

  • I did not think of that. Vernon coming back would actually be pretty cool to see

    ImSnowWhite posted: »

    Vernon, His status is unknown right now so its possible maybe he is a doctor at Carver's camp

  • If I could bring one person back right now, it'd be Pete, without question. He was one of the cooler members of the Cabin Crew from the very beginning, and I think he got the axe too early. I wanted to see more interaction between him and Nick before he kicked the bucket.

  • Yeah I want it from a story perspective otherwise I would say Lee or Carley but Vernon coming back would be cool and seeing how Clem and Kenny react to him

    I did not think of that. Vernon coming back would actually be pretty cool to see

  • Pete was one of my favorites and I think it would be interesting to see some more interaction between him and Nick being as the only interaction between them is when they're arguing.

    Rock114 posted: »

    If I could bring one person back right now, it'd be Pete, without question. He was one of the cooler members of the Cabin Crew from the very

  • edited April 2014

    Once Vernon or someone else mentions that he's a doctor then Rebecca is probably going to instantly take his side and say "Oh, Clem, people can change." and from that point it could be the player's choice, that would be fun.

    ImSnowWhite posted: »

    Yeah I want it from a story perspective otherwise I would say Lee or Carley but Vernon coming back would be cool and seeing how Clem and Kenny react to him

  • That would be fun lol, I actually don't think Vernon is truly a bad guy but I guess you could say he is a backstabbing bitch but he didn't kill anybody

    Once Vernon or someone else mentions that he's a doctor then Rebecca is probably going to instantly take his side and say "Oh, Clem, people can change." and from that point it could be the player's choice, that would be fun.

  • I can understand why he would steal the boat because in the apocalypse you have to do what needs to be done to survive.

    ImSnowWhite posted: »

    That would be fun lol, I actually don't think Vernon is truly a bad guy but I guess you could say he is a backstabbing bitch but he didn't kill anybody

  • Yea Pete was awesome, he had that down to earth attitude and everything he said was interesting.

    Rock114 posted: »

    If I could bring one person back right now, it'd be Pete, without question. He was one of the cooler members of the Cabin Crew from the very

  • Pete was like a grandfather who always had stories to tell when you had an ear to listen.

    JonGon posted: »

    Yea Pete was awesome, he had that down to earth attitude and everything he said was interesting.

  • Yeah you could see he felt bad about it

    I can understand why he would steal the boat because in the apocalypse you have to do what needs to be done to survive.

  • He was cool. He was going to die, I felt that much was obvious pretty much as soon as I realized how awesome he was, but I think he died about an Episode too early. Though I will say that his final scene in the cigarette truck was extremely well done.

    Pete was like a grandfather who always had stories to tell when you had an ear to listen.

  • Spoiler

    IN Shel's Story from 400 Days there are some of Vernon's group, and they mention they lost Vernon, so I'm assuming he's dead.

    ImSnowWhite posted: »

    Yeah you could see he felt bad about it

  • Spoiler

    Lost can mean just lost, not dead. In the Kenny section of the results for No Time Left, it says "Kenny was lost to the herd".

  • Pete was damn awsome, but his death was needed to improve the character development of the other characters.

    Nick getting depressed and angry and Carlos/Luke trying to take the roles as a leader!

    Rock114 posted: »

    He was cool. He was going to die, I felt that much was obvious pretty much as soon as I realized how awesome he was, but I think he died abo

  • My hobro Chuck should have lived a little bit longer, i liked this character alot!

  • Chuck barely made it 2 episodes and it was kind of sad. His death was really sad but the fact that he was extremely short lived was even sadder.

    My hobro Chuck should have lived a little bit longer, i liked this character alot!

  • I don't really like how the character development has gone so far in Season 2 because one episode Rebecca wants to murder you and the next she's trying to be your best friend. Especially the conversation with Bonnie "I don't know how to thank you" Walter instantly responds with "Just help someone else down the line" and then she's just like "Thank you so much."

    Pete was damn awsome, but his death was needed to improve the character development of the other characters. Nick getting depressed and angry and Carlos/Luke trying to take the roles as a leader!

  • I wish nobody will show up or "return", at least not now right after Kenny, its just too convinied otherwise, okay?

  • Someone from Season 1 ? Chuck, his hobo wisdom is something that had a big impact.
    Someone from Season 2 ? Pete, or Walter; the kindest always die first...
    Someone new ? Alfred, Clementine's best friend in her school; she has a tough life.. And life is better with friends.

  • I have no idea why but I feel it would be cool to see Clem's friends from pre-apocalypse

    Someone from Season 1 ? Chuck, his hobo wisdom is something that had a big impact. Someone from Season 2 ? Pete, or Walter; the kindest alw

  • Those two are currently dead and roaming Savannah...

    If Ed and Diana showed up I would have an attack of the feels because Clem would be so happy, at least I'd hope so.

  • We are aware but I was just asking for characters in general, dead or alive.

    Those two are currently dead and roaming Savannah...

  • Molly. Speaking of, is that her climbing pick in the preview for Episode 3? In the toolshed with Bonnie.

  • no

    Toxic Emu posted: »

    Molly. Speaking of, is that her climbing pick in the preview for Episode 3? In the toolshed with Bonnie.

  • edited April 2014

    Nah, it wasn't Hilda but it would be nice to find out what happened to Molly

    Toxic Emu posted: »

    Molly. Speaking of, is that her climbing pick in the preview for Episode 3? In the toolshed with Bonnie.

  • Lee, Carley and Omid. Sadly as much as I want to cling on to hope that Omid survived the gun shot, doesn't look like we'll be seeing them again.
    Would love to see Molly again though. I wanted her in my group. I would have her join Kenny, Lee, Clem, Christa and Omid on the boat.

  • It wasn't Hilda. Molly's one is a different colour. Might be an homage to her though since Bonnie was there and Erin Yvette voices both characters.

    Toxic Emu posted: »

    Molly. Speaking of, is that her climbing pick in the preview for Episode 3? In the toolshed with Bonnie.

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