Who will be your TWD main cast?
If there will be a movie version of the TWD game, who will you choose as the main characters?
My choice: Amanda Stlenberg (Clementine), Denzel Washington (Lee), Collin Farrel (Kenny), Halle Berry (Christa), Omid (Steve "I Love Lamps" Carrell), Felix Kjellberg (Ben).
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Eddie Murphy as every character obviously.
Morgan Freeman. That is all.
Nicolas Cage as all characters.
This This Right Here
I'm not really fond of the idea of a movie for TWD to be honest.
One thing I know for sure is the fact that Steve Buscemi needs to be The Stranger if a movie will be made.
Agree. My first choice for Christa was Whitney Houston because they look and act similar.
wouldn't happen. we'd have to go back in time
Erm.... Are you sure about that?
Yeah, it would have been nice if she was still alive
He might be implying that Christa is dead, seeing as how she "looks and acts similar" to a dead person.
whitney houston is gone though
I would say raven symone as christa
100% agree with Amanda Stlenberg and Denzel Washington. I think Chiwetel Ejiofor could make a good Lee, too. Which is a pretty common suggestion, apparently.
Another random thought to cross my mind is Jonathan Banks as Chuck.
PewDiePie as Ben? Dafuq
Pewds as Ben? lol
PewDiePie sucks :P he looks like luke though
I miss you as Carver...
Some say Luke was inspired by Pewdiepie.
now that's racist
Don't worry, Batsy. The recent events showed me a change in avatar is in order.
There's still time to change it back:). I wonder what your next choice for an avatar will be...?
I don't know about my main cast yet. What i do know for sure is, that i want the movie to be directed by M. Night Shyamalan. That guy is very talented and has a great sense of how to touch people's emotions!
PewDiePie as Ben, seems also very legit to me!
Damn it, @GOUSTTTT !
Fine, I guess I'll change it back:). But after ep 3 of TWAU drops, a change will happen. I'm hoping for a shirtless BigbyO_O. Still, it was established he's got those pants from Bruce Banner so there's a possibility it won't happen:D
It's all about the stickiness!
Nah, it's fine. Carver doesn't get enough love around this place, much like Larry I think...
Well, even if my name is a ruse and it's intended to be taken like a joke, you'd be surprised how many people asked me if I'm really dirty or slimy.... Not here, though. It's quite funny sometimes, after a while it gets irritating that's for sure.
The Walking Dead game - the movie!
Starring Michael Madsen as Carver and Scott Porter as Luke! (And special guest star, PewDiePie as Ben!)
I hope you don't mind, but I'm rooting for Michael Madsen to wipe the floor with both of them:D.
Oh no, he didn't! It would be funnier if Ben said that.
Plot twist! Suddenly out of nowhere Nick approaches and kills them all! (accidentally)
If Ben is indeed played by Pewdiepie, Carver must take the necessary precautions to make sure he wins, that being:
Making sure he doesn't speak, that will probably be for the best regarding the people in the theater as well.