Finished a Storyboard

It took a while, but I finally finished it. I went really in depth into the characters creation (I'm trying to get an artist to draw my sketches better), how they react to the main characters decisions, and how those choices change them. The actions from the last game are carried over to this one and haunt people in the group. But I ran into that problem, "How do I get this idea out?!" Everyone here most likely understands frustrating situations similar to this, when you have an awesome idea but can't express yourself. If anyone has any suggestions for getting my message out to TellTale Games, I would be much obliged.



  • Spoiler

    Can you post it?

    Alt text

  • I can help you with the drawings but I'm no pro. This sounds interesting enough to give it a try.

  • You're a pro.

    JonGon posted: »

    I can help you with the drawings but I'm no pro. This sounds interesting enough to give it a try.

  • No, you're a pro.

    You're a pro.

  • Lol, luv your drawings. :3

    JonGon posted: »

    No, you're a pro.

  • I love your avatar, did you draw it?

    Lol, luv your drawings.

  • Clem avatars are best avatars. :)

    JonGon posted: »

    I love your avatar, did you draw it?

  • Cleminston ones are the best though.

    Clem avatars are best avatars.

  • No. :/ But I learn drawing from Deviantart. Maybe I will draw Clem and share it.

    JonGon posted: »

    Cleminston ones are the best though.

  • Yes! do it.

    No. But I learn drawing from Deviantart. Maybe I will draw Clem and share it.

  • edited April 2014

    Awww haaaiiill yeaaahhhhh.

    Ahem, I mean- you know, yeah. Please do.

    No. But I learn drawing from Deviantart. Maybe I will draw Clem and share it.

  • But CleminPotter ones are cute.

    JonGon posted: »

    Cleminston ones are the best though.

  • Don't leave us Clayton please!

  • You can?! Thank you, so much! Would you like me to send the descriptions and sketches via email?

    JonGon posted: »

    I can help you with the drawings but I'm no pro. This sounds interesting enough to give it a try.

  • I won't!

    JonGon posted: »

    Don't leave us Clayton please!

  • Yea you can send them to

    You can?! Thank you, so much! Would you like me to send the descriptions and sketches via email?

  • Give me a bit, I'll get them to you. Thank you, again.

    JonGon posted: »

    Yea you can send them to

  • Ok! I'll do a sketch. When I have time.

    But CleminPotter ones are cute.

  • Did a sketch with the information I have. Mind if I post it here so you can guide me a little better for your character?

    I won't!

  • I don't mind at all. You work fast!

    JonGon posted: »

    Did a sketch with the information I have. Mind if I post it here so you can guide me a little better for your character?

  • That's what she said?


    I don't mind at all. You work fast!

  • Here's the basic pose and outfit.

    Alt text

    I don't mind at all. You work fast!

  • Nice! He's also going to have a small 5:00 shadow for facial hair. He's around the age of 16-17. I found the drawing of his shirt, would you want it?

    JonGon posted: »

    Here's the basic pose and outfit.

  • You drew exactly what I was thinking. Great job, man! If my storyboard gets accepted, I'm deffenitly putting a reference of you in it!

    JonGon posted: »

    Here's the basic pose and outfit.

  • This looks great! Could you give some tips as to how you drew this? I'm an aspiring artist myself, but I still have much to learn.

    JonGon posted: »

    Here's the basic pose and outfit.

  • Yes please.

    Nice! He's also going to have a small 5:00 shadow for facial hair. He's around the age of 16-17. I found the drawing of his shirt, would you want it?

  • Also is his hair short, medium, or long? And his facial appearance also needs more description, for example, does he look scared, determined/ strong facial features or soft. Things like that can help or do you just want me to see what looks best.

    You drew exactly what I was thinking. Great job, man! If my storyboard gets accepted, I'm deffenitly putting a reference of you in it!

  • I got lucky... real lucky. Lol but I'm still learning a lot myself, basically get a good understanding of anatomy and forms(which I haven't done lol). Use a lot of references too for accuracy. Keep working on the basic shapes until it looks correct. People tend to make the mistake of adding details too early and forget about making a good foundation. Getting the shape, pose, and basic idea first is the hardest part of any artwork, details are the easiest because you have already figured out the drawing, all details do is make it look a little better.

    That_1_Guy posted: »

    This looks great! Could you give some tips as to how you drew this? I'm an aspiring artist myself, but I still have much to learn.

  • Thanks for the tips, some of this I catch myself doing wrong quite a lot.

    JonGon posted: »

    I got lucky... real lucky. Lol but I'm still learning a lot myself, basically get a good understanding of anatomy and forms(which I haven't

  • Yea me too lol, I always try to rush to the end but that's something I need to control.

    That_1_Guy posted: »

    Thanks for the tips, some of this I catch myself doing wrong quite a lot.

  • He has a military cut (3 inches on top, 2 inches on sides). He is a soft and kind looking guy but haunted by his past.

    JonGon posted: »

    Also is his hair short, medium, or long? And his facial appearance also needs more description, for example, does he look scared, determined/ strong facial features or soft. Things like that can help or do you just want me to see what looks best.

  • Off topic. How is the hat creation(s) going?

    JonGon posted: »

    I can help you with the drawings but I'm no pro. This sounds interesting enough to give it a try.

  • Ordered 12 more hats and they got here on the 4th. I also set up an email to handle the giveaways :)
    Been busy trying to fix my car too which is a pain in the ass.

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    Off topic. How is the hat creation(s) going?

  • I'm going to basic in a lil while. You better save me one :p

    JonGon posted: »

    Ordered 12 more hats and they got here on the 4th. I also set up an email to handle the giveaways Been busy trying to fix my car too which is a pain in the ass.

  • What branch?

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    I'm going to basic in a lil while. You better save me one

  • Army

    JonGon posted: »

    What branch?

  • edited April 2014

    Stay safe bro, much respect for enlisting. Make your country proud... but more importantly make yourself and your family proud.

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    And i'll definitely save you one! it's the least I can do.

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »


  • Thank you, and I will :)

    Amazing gif btw. Great movie.

    JonGon posted: »

    Stay safe bro, much respect for enlisting. Make your country proud... but more importantly make yourself and your family proud. And i'll definitely save you one! it's the least I can do.

  • One of my favorites lol.

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    Thank you, and I will Amazing gif btw. Great movie.

  • Update 2 more detail

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