Clem's Future Question
Some people are saying that Clem will lose her insanity or more of that things. I don't know what is gonna happen to Clem. But, I think that this of insanity is comming to probable. Telltale likes to twist things and suprise people. So I'm starting to think that Clem may had a ending that no one espect, like, she being bitten in episode 4 and discovering in episode 5 that she's immune (just a example).
Edit: The immune thing is just a example, not what I think that is gonna happen or what I want to happen.
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I don't think she's going to be immune. Is that even possible in the TWDverse? I mean, the bite just kills you so you can turn upon death.
It was just a example xD
No, it's not possible.
Edit: Didn't realize it was just an example, I just reread your op.
I hope they don't use that insanity theory, then my storyboard would be too similar, and I would be screwed. There can't be two insane characters, it wouldn't work out well. Maybe they get to Wellington and there is a large military base set up, I don't know, I try to stay optimistic about her future.
A zombie apocalypse is not possible, so listen to what you're saying here......
Yeah, I hope insanity theorys are not going to happen for real.
Depending on what you think of zombies. Rabies could evolve to an extent to demolish humanity, along with Mad Cow Disease. The zombie apocalypse could very well happen, just the zombies may not be what you expect.
I guess all we can do, is hope.
I can't see the immune ending happening...ever. Robert Kirkman would probably kick down Telltale's doors and go on a rampage.
Me too. We have seen so much of this things of immunity that it would suck.
Well realistically that's just bull shit, besides it does not end in half of the human population rising from the dead. Sure cancer and other sicknesses like rabies are a thing, but not that big to cause the whole human population to be infected.
I wish people would specify more when they talk about Clem "going insane." There are lots of ways to go insane and lots of degrees of insanity. I can't imagine Clem going completely off-the-wall batshit crazy. I can maybe see her having mild hallucinations or going catatonic or just talking to herself a lot, but that's it. It's very rare that someone just completely shatters, even if they've been through severe amounts of trauma.
She's not gonna go psycho insane like Nate is , she's just gonna get very depressed and possibly haunted by the voices of the past.
There will be no remains of Clem's bubbly and hopeful personality from Season 1 by the time Season 2 ends.
She'll be somewhat bitter and cynical like Christa at the start of EP1.
Her childlike hope and innocence will have finally died.
Those are things she actually says in-game, too.
Makes it even sadder
Hope she doesn't end in a bad way.
I could see some of them above happening. Clementine doesn't seem the type to violently snap.. It seems more likelythat she would mentally shut down.
Yeah, I think this season will end with Clem an emotionally broken shell of a human being.
These things never end well.
What if she doesn't go insane but wants revenge?
Carver kills the most of the group and the rest is taken over by the walkers who break into Carvers community but Clementine escapes, Carver also makes it out (Ep3). She finds Luke and finds out he accidently shot Christa who he thought was a walker in (Ep4) and can choose to kill him or go to Wellignton with him (but he'll die) and in episode 5 Clem makes it to Wellignton but find out that everyone there is insane and just decides to kill everyone there with her pent up anger. The ending would end with a cliffhanger of her going to search for Carver so she can get her revenge. (She'd still be good but would definitely lose her innocence)
Wel, she already lost her innocence. But, everyone dead ? Maybe Clem wil want to revenge of Carver and maybe she'll do it in episode 5, but I don't think that everyone will die.
Immunity is not possible in TWD universe.
Zombies will never exist of course. Once you are dead, you are dead.
But just search "Could we be the Last Of Us". Won't be disappointed.
waste of time watching that
Hmm.. It's Vsauce3. You know, video games and stuff.. You know, fun stuff.
Bref, it's your life, your decisions
Clem being immune would be ridiculous. She would be the same as Ellie from The Last of Us.
Those facts are f-a-k-e.
That's exactly what I was thinking.
Even if you're immune, that doesn't stop you from dying due to the zombie biting you.
Kirkman did say that is is extremely unlikely to survive a bite, but he did not say that is is impossible. So Clementine may have a chance to be immune, but she probably isn't.
Muscles are moved by electrical impulses. Electrical impulses can be created by the stem-brain, if it is possible for some virus to maintain it after a death.
It was just a example of a ending without she going insane, i don't think she is going to be immune. :S
I'll believe it when I see corpses walking around.
? Yes it does. The only way you can die from zombies if you are immune is if they completely eat you or maybe donkey throw you off a cliff.
You can't be immune to the bite. You might not come back, but the bite is a completely separate sickness. You would need to be immune to all diseases, which is completely unrealistic.
Nothing in this game is really realistic. Maybe that's what makes the game that good.
No, but it's ridiculous writing for Clem to be immune to every single disease in existence.
What I meant was: "If multiple zombies bite you, you'd die. Because of blood loss.
I've never seen the article he was talking about, but the zombies in the last of us are completely possible, only not probable.
If it happens, it would not be that ridiculous. Still, I think that it could have better endings than immunity.