Characters you hated at first but like now

I have a lot, actually..
When I first met Lily I hated her so much.(I watched a video walk through before playing the game, fyi.)
When I actually played myself, it was different. I didn't love her, but I liked her a lot more than I did before. My opinion didn't change on Larry though, lol.
Same thing with Ben, except I actually love him now.
I haven't played Season 2 yet, but I really didn't like Rebecca at all at first. I still don't really trust her, but I don't hate her as much. How 'bout you?


  • Nick and Rebecca

  • Nick. I really hated Nick in Episode 1 and wanted him to die, but now I really like him, what a pity he's determimant. I pretty much liked him thanks to his sense of humor in Ep 2 and that he regrets his mistakes. I really don't want him to die, even if I wanted his head on a spear earlier.

  • edited April 2014

    I didn't like Nick in the beggining, but then I understanded why was he acting stupid, rebecca too.

  • My choices would be Nick and Rebecca. :)

  • Carlos. He was really retarded by putting an 11 years old girl to die in a shed, but in episode 2, he seemed to be more friendly.

  • Duck. He really got on my nerves in the beginning, but when the "batman and robin" bit came up i fell in love with him. Playing the game again, i can't believe i didn't like him from the start.

  • GAH, SAME. I should've included that one. I forgot about that.

    Rindax posted: »

    Duck. He really got on my nerves in the beginning, but when the "batman and robin" bit came up i fell in love with him. Playing the game again, i can't believe i didn't like him from the start.

  • Nick though it was still in ep 1

    Sarah, I still dont love her but I'm no longer creeped out by her

  • Clementine, I have now found a way of playing as her where she isn't so outspoken and arrogant.

  • Kartal5Kartal5 Banned
    edited April 2014


    I realized how much i missed the guy after he was gone, plus his heart was in the right place although he wasn't a pleasent man, i felt like he was very slowly warming up to Lee, its just too bad we didnt get the opportunity to see that fully realized.

  • edited April 2014

    Season 1 Characters:

    I'll admit I didn't particular like Lilly and Larry at first until I played the story again from their perspectives, and I found myself thinking in some scenarios I would have done the same thing myself given the situation they were in. Sure they weren't perfect people to be with, but it's the zombie apocalypse and they happen to bring the worst out of people.

    Season 2:

    I wasn't a fan of Nick at first until he apologised for his poor treatment of Clementine in the first episode, and found myself liking him when I was trapped in the small shed with him in the beginning of Episode 2. Then the bridge scene happened and I was angry at him for a while, until he found out how badly he screwed up and wanted to make amends as opposed to just hiding them until at the last minute.

  • Clementine.

    Voice on the walkie talkie

    "Oh my god I have to take care of a kid?!?"

    What's your name? Clementine.


  • I still miss Duck. God he was annoying, but he was just a kid and I regret ever disliking him, ever. :'(

  • Sarah, Duck, and Lilly ya Lilly shot doug/carly but I don't blame her she was depressed and not in the right state of mine.

    I've liked nick from the beginning.

  • I hated Rebecca at first (I didn't blackmail her - I chose the "I won't tell" option) but I grew to understand and like her more. I didn't like how Nick almost shot Clementine but I felt for him soon enough. I didn't like Hershel in the game but then I loved Hershel from the show. :)

  • carlos, rebecca, and nick

  • edited April 2014

    Because Rebecca gave an acceptable apology in E2, I have removed her from my hit list.

  • No one in Season One really, Nick and Rebecca in Season Two. And Carlos, but to a lesser degree.

  • edited April 2014

    Lilly and Rebecca.

    I still don't like Nick, but I don't hate him anymore either.

  • The entire cabin crew, and Christa. Questioning Lee's parenting...

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