the new episode of playing dead posted here
please!go cheack out: [ tyler_durant ] fan fics. he makes fan fics that are amazing and people should sell see. you are missing out on a lot and if you do go and see them, you WONT regret it! please...
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i seriously think greg should stfu and let gavin talk...
To paraphrase Kenny: "I fuckin' hate you, Greg. DO YOU HEAR ME?!?!"
lol in the video greg says "ive watch my girl firend play it" i was like WHAT?!? you have a girld firend?!??!! oh wait, it must be a blowup doll.
haha thanks!
wooow greg was like "no one likes Lilly! your a monster" he said this to Gavin after Gavin said he liked Lilly.
seriously, someone bring a katana to Greg jaw NOW PLEASE!
New comments from LexiPorter on this video:
"I know it's wrong to wish death upon people no matter how bad they are, but I just can't help myself. Gavin Hammon, along with the shitty character he plays should kill himself for being such an ugly, nasty and vile excuse of a human being. He disgusts me. He and his character are evil and represent all that's wrong with the world we live in."
"I don't like this episode. You should have invited Scott fucking Porter again. He's the sexiest man alive. Gavin on the other hand is fat and ugly. #FuckMeScott"
"Kenny is like the male version of Emma from 'The Following'. They're both evil, ugly and manipulative. Kenny is ruining my all time favorite video game ('The Walking Dead') and Emma is ruining my all time favorite TV show ('The Following')."
Will Greg get chomped by a walker? If not then I don't want to watch it.
OK...i cant take it, there just so much incorrectness on one comment. MALFUNCTION

who is lexi porter
She was a forum user who really likes Luke's voice actor, wishes Cluke to happen and hates Kenny and his voice actor.
Who the hell is this Lexi Porter and why should we care?
I lost a little respect for Gavin. He doesn't seem to like TWD and laughs at peoples reactions to the game.
i thought it was this Greg Miller that started that?
its all in the voice!
No: that is a reasonable thing to feel.
That just means I need to keep him from stealing my women.
Nonsense, he's just down to earth and isn't to serious about himself!
I lost a little respect for Greg because...okay who am i trolling here? I never had respect for him!
Look at Gavin's reaction starting at 9:10 lol.
Nvm LOL i just realized that Lee's statue fell over. The ghost of Lee strikes again!
You need to pass the female test. First, you must reveal that you have no body hair or hairy limbs, and no appendages below the belly button.
damn right
gross defines lexis
Greg, please... Just... stop talking.
That Lexi biatch is a right old werid bastard.
didn't watch it was there anything good about it? I don't watch it I hate greg miller they need to replace him immediately
No other choice after reading that comment...
Which doesn't make sense gavin seems like an awesome down to earth guy
I always thought people were just dissing Greg Miller for the sake of just doing it, but now that i've seen a couple vid's i see the hate is justified, just hearing him speak makes me wanna punch the screen.
It can just be me, but when they were talking about Omid and Owen did it seem a littler rude on Greg's part "Way to half-ass it 120%" Like Dah fuq.
I don't want to dislike him, but I keep thinking this inside my head. "For once, can't you just stop interrupting!?"
That's why I liked AJ he was a great host who never interrupted his guest. he was awesome
Holy shit....Greg's a colossal douchebag. I got sick of that in less than four and a half minutes....
Yeah, I like him too and he asked some good and insightful questions.
Look at all that blood and insides...
You lasted longer than me, friend.
Jesus, I'm glad I didn't see this after lunch...
I've been sick of him since he came into existence on ign. he's an idiot who thinks he's funny but he really isn't
Haven't even watched the video, and I agree 100%