in season 2 episode 2 in end of episode where did luke go?

edited April 2014 in The Walking Dead

in season 2 episode 2 in
end of episode where did luke go? i got angry he don't help rescue our group

thanks for the answers i learned some today :)


  • He was whining about something so he took a hike.

  • Only telltale knows what happened with Luke i'm afraid, unfortunately we will have to wait till next month to find out.

  • Some people think Kenny killed him pls noe Kenny pls noe 0.o

  • but he had a gun?

    He was whining about something so he took a hike.

  • Come on mate, that isn't fair, english obviously isn't his first language.

  • not well samuel sorry heres my royal with cheese

  • Was slightly harsh I know, but I really, really wanted an excuse to use that meme :3 Fogivez me.

    AusZombie posted: »

    Come on mate, that isn't fair, english obviously isn't his first language.

  • edited April 2014

    When the transformer blew up and he and Kenny went to fix it, there were walkers already there. Luke tries to buy Kenny time, but the situation was growing worse and worse. He tries to persuade Kenny to leave but Kenny being Kenny denies aggressively, telling him to "Take a hike". Luke is now annoyed with Kenny's actions and continues to fend off incoming walkers. Then, Kenny ups and leaves Luke behind and Luke himself sees no other option but to escape and come back when he's lost the walkers following him.

  • Of course Kenny didn't kill Luke, that's nuts!

    Maybe Luke told him about what happened to Mathew on the bridge and Kenny got angry and knocked him out, but he definitelly didn't kill him!

    Bubadoo posted: »

    Some people think Kenny killed him pls noe Kenny pls noe 0.o

  • That actually makes some sense.

    I think he will come back though. Isn't he supposed to be the deuteragonist for the Second Season??

    Conduit42 posted: »

    When the transformer blew up and he and Kenny went to fix it, there were walkers already there. Luke tries to buy Kenny time, but the situat

  • edited April 2014

    I surely hope that crazy ass hobo Kenny didn't kill him.

  • Lol

    He was whining about something so he took a hike.

  • I misread this part the first time, "He tries to persuade Kenny to leave," I read it as "He tries to parachute Kenny to leave." I was so confused at first lol.

    Conduit42 posted: »

    When the transformer blew up and he and Kenny went to fix it, there were walkers already there. Luke tries to buy Kenny time, but the situat

  • Kenny threatened him....Lmfaooo. I'm also mad he abandon us. He better have a damn good excuse to gain me back

  • I could believe that but he told Clem to keep it quiet about it but was that just about Walter

    Of course Kenny didn't kill Luke, that's nuts! Maybe Luke told him about what happened to Mathew on the bridge and Kenny got angry and knocked him out, but he definitelly didn't kill him!

  • That sounds good. I believe that could have happened. I don't want to think he'd just leave us without a reason and not come back to help.

    Conduit42 posted: »

    When the transformer blew up and he and Kenny went to fix it, there were walkers already there. Luke tries to buy Kenny time, but the situat

  • He had a machete at least.

    jakobennis posted: »

    but he had a gun?

  • Yeah, he's definitely too important to kill offscreen.

    ChocoHallic posted: »

    That actually makes some sense. I think he will come back though. Isn't he supposed to be the deuteragonist for the Second Season??

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