Does anyone actually LIKE Becca?

Clem_TWDGClem_TWDG Banned
edited April 2014 in The Walking Dead

So i've participated in a few discussions about Clem and Becca fighting. I don't like cat fights but i'd support it if Becca were to try to hurt Clem. Speaking of which are there actually any people that like Becca? I never liked her personally just because she has a similar idea to that of Lizzie's as well as her thinking it's ok to just kill her friend in an instant... Thoughts?



  • I dislike Becca for just about the same reasons. Not only is she rude and annoying, she's also really reminding me of Larry, just younger. I don't know why.

  • Yeah,I agree.I hope clem kicks her ass in the following episodes

    _Juice_Box_ posted: »

    I dislike Becca for just about the same reasons. Not only is she rude and annoying, she's also really reminding me of Larry, just younger. I don't know why.

  • She's okay I guess

  • I don't LIKE her bu I don't dislike her either like many people do, At the end of the day she's still a kid living in the ZA so you can't judge her for being the way she is.

  • Clem lives in the ZA and she's not a psychopath

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    I don't LIKE her bu I don't dislike her either like many people do, At the end of the day she's still a kid living in the ZA so you can't judge her for being the way she is.

  • SaltLick305SaltLick305 Banned
    edited April 2014

    Eh, Becca is not a psychopath, Sorry. She is just a girl that has been affeccted by growing in such environment. If when we see her again she is killing people in cold blood like Carver does then you're right. She is probably the most annoying character on this game sure but that doesn't make her a serial killer or anything like that.

    Clem lives in the ZA and she's not a psychopath

  • Yeah,I guess you're right

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Eh, Becca is not a psychopath, Sorry. She is just a girl that has been affeccted by growing in such environment. If when we see her again sh

  • edited April 2014

    Calling Becca a psychopath is a bit of a stretch to be honest. Sure, she may be annoying to some people(including myself) but I think it's too early to judge her.

    To answer the OP's question: Well, I don't like her, but I don't hate her either. If anything she reminds me of Carl in the beginning.

    Edit: Replied to you a bit late, there's no need to answer:).

    Clem lives in the ZA and she's not a psychopath

  • edited April 2014

    Becca isn't the annoying mean character we saw, and it annoys me when people hate her and want her to die.

    She is a teenager who wants to appear far stronger than she is.

    Take a look at her face if you choose to kill the intruder and you'll see what I mean.

    Also the way she refuses to shoot Stephanie after offering.

    She's just scared and surrounded by adults, which gives her pressure to try and prove herself to them, to show she is capable of the things they are.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    Like others have said i don't hate Becca but i don't like her either, I also didn't find her too annoying apart from when she did stupid things like leaving the safety of the gas station or scaring Shel who could have shot her if she had a gun. I am looking forward to seeing how she has changes since 400 days.

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited April 2014

    I like her, because she's a complex and flawed character. I feel like she's putting on a tough act and generally acting like a bratty teen. becca feels betrayed and vindictive toward Steph, partially because she isn't mature enough to empathize with her or understand her reasons for going against the group.

    One of the most telling moments from Shel's episode is when Becca says something along the lines of "fine, I'll do it then." When I called Becca on her bluff and told her to go ahead, she seem horrified by the prospect of actually going through with the execution.

    tl;dr: Becca isn't a dangerous sociopath, just a scared, slightly bratty teen who tries to act like a badass as a coping mechanism. I don't think she will be friends with Clementine, but she will begrudgingly respect her over time.

  • This. So much this.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    I like her, because she's a complex and flawed character. I feel like she's putting on a tough act and generally acting like a bratty teen.

  • I really like Becca. Almost too much.

  • Woops, didn't realize you already summed it up so well, when I wrote my comment. :D

    Flog61 posted: »

    Becca isn't the annoying mean character we saw, and it annoys me when people hate her and want her to die. She is a teenager who wants to

  • She's inconsistently written.

    The writers probably went, "Oh shit everyone's picking sassy Clem options and threatening the pregnant lady with blackmail pull it back pull it back" and gave her overly deferential and conciliatory dialogue in pick-ups for ep2.

    Didn't work. I'm still going to try to get her to fall belly first on a bear trap before Kenny suplexes a crate of canned peaches on her head.

  • People think that the aggressive personality is actually her real personality, when she's actually just putting up a front to probably impress Roman and stop Shel from worrying about her.

  • I had no reason to hate her and I followed her good advice in the case of traitor Stephanie.

  • Haha, it doesn't matter bro, I think you put it better than me anyhow :p

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Woops, didn't realize you already summed it up so well, when I wrote my comment.

  • I....what?

    I really like Becca. Almost too much.

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited April 2014

    Wrong Becca. But I agree...except for the part with the peaches...and horrific mutilation.

    Lemoncakes posted: »

    She's inconsistently written. The writers probably went, "Oh shit everyone's picking sassy Clem options and threatening the pregnant lady

  • Firstly, you seem to be writing about Rebecca, not Becca.

    Secondly, she is not inconsistently written. The way you treat a stranger is very different to someone who you are beginning to see as a friend and have absorbed into the group.

    Lots of people didn't trust Omid and especially Christa when they first met them, but 3 days later and they were telling them to take care of Clementine.

    It would only be inconsistent if she reacted completely differently at times during the same situations and dynamics.

    Lemoncakes posted: »

    She's inconsistently written. The writers probably went, "Oh shit everyone's picking sassy Clem options and threatening the pregnant lady

  • Alt text

    I really like Becca. Almost too much.

  • I just left the camp. I was hoping that by doing that, Becca would be able to grow up in an environment that just completely is unknown to situations like that. I honestly think when Stephanie did was justifiable. I would have done the same thing, leaving a group I didn't want to be apart of.

    I had no reason to hate her and I followed her good advice in the case of traitor Stephanie.

  • I like her because i think she is an Evil version of Clem and that is cool.

  • Leaving is one thing, but trying to steal food and weapons from a group which has elderly people and child is another. It's a death sentence to those who are left behind and it's especially harsh if members of the group are your friends, like Shel and Becca obviously were Stephanie's friends.

    _Juice_Box_ posted: »

    I just left the camp. I was hoping that by doing that, Becca would be able to grow up in an environment that just completely is unknown to s

  • Rebeccas/Beccas/Becs are consistently horrible people in TWD and I unironically lust for their deaths. The counter-example of Omid and Christa compared to someone who literally wanted to torture and execute Clementine is hilarious.

    On the subject of other Rebecca, she's terrible too and should've been repurposed as a watch-dog or plantfood for Boyd's garden.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Firstly, you seem to be writing about Rebecca, not Becca. Secondly, she is not inconsistently written. The way you treat a stranger is ve

  • I like Becca. She is the perfect picture of how most world turn out, especially children. Cold, merciless, detrimental to all but the self, withdrawn, almost blood thirsty, and above all - careless for others.

  • I like her. She's actually a realistic character. Not every kid/teen is nice and cute.

  • Well i don't dislike her either. Flog61 pretty much nailed it. She just played hard for most of the (short) Time we saw her. Don't forget the childish (and dumb) Jump Scare, which easily could have get her killed. Not much of a Psychopath there.

  • Good point. I still would have taken supplies too but not so much to the point where i'd be leaving my friends to die.

    Leaving is one thing, but trying to steal food and weapons from a group which has elderly people and child is another. It's a death sentence

  • edited April 2014

    Alt text

  • I bet that's what they did to Stephanie!

    Lemoncakes posted: »

    Rebeccas/Beccas/Becs are consistently horrible people in TWD and I unironically lust for their deaths. The counter-example of Omid and Chris

  • So...child soldiers, basically?

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    I like Becca. She is the perfect picture of how most world turn out, especially children. Cold, merciless, detrimental to all but the self, withdrawn, almost blood thirsty, and above all - careless for others.

  • She's an example of someone who's been hardened by the world. You can also be that way as Clementine, a very cold mean person.

    I personally like her character. Don't get me wrong, I think she has plenty of flaws but that's why I like her character. Flaws make a character interesting. :D

  • edited April 2014

    While Clem and Becca have their flaws, neither is really a bad person.

    However I like flawed characters and I've been thinking that it would be nice to play antihero after the story of Clem is done. What I mean by antihero is a protagonist similar to Brian Blake from The Governor book series. He doesn't start as a bad character, but he soon goes to very dark places. It could work as a Season 3 or as a Season 2 DLC. In the latter case it could be story of Carver before he meets Clem.

    EDIT: Or maybe an episode/season where you would play as Nate. That would be really cool.

    She's an example of someone who's been hardened by the world. You can also be that way as Clementine, a very cold mean person. I persona

  • In a sense yes. Only difference is child soldiers are bred by their overseers to kill and fight, whereas people like Becca were bred from their circumstances.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    So...child soldiers, basically?

  • I like her. Maybe because I liked the dynamic between her and Shel... I guess maybe I don't like her as much as I like the her being in the story, I think she adds interesting development on the theme and a good interplay of characters. Basically, combine normal teenage pubescent angst (she's early teens) with zombie apocalypse and see what happens...

  • edited April 2014

    If you are patient with her she is ok. But maybe the pressure of bringing a baby into a world of walking is making her bitchy.

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