Episode is live on Steam lads! Go grab it
Thoes who don't know its mean they changed the public build so it will update to a new version for all which means....NEW EPISODE!
Download will start don't worry...This means Steam is updating the build it will take some time atleast until 20:00 but thats mean the update won't get delayed,Trust me i have experience with SteamDB and the builds meaning. It should start in 10-20 minutes unless they revert the build or something.
Download will start don't worry...This means Steam is updating the build it will take some time atleast until 20:00 but thats mean the updat… moree won't get delayed,Trust me i have experience with SteamDB and the builds meaning. It should start in 10-20 minutes unless they revert the build or something.
Download will start don't worry...This means Steam is updating the build it will take some time atleast until 20:00 but thats mean the updat… moree won't get delayed,Trust me i have experience with SteamDB and the builds meaning. It should start in 10-20 minutes unless they revert the build or something.
Download will start don't worry...This means Steam is updating the build it will take some time atleast until 20:00 but thats mean the updat… moree won't get delayed,Trust me i have experience with SteamDB and the builds meaning. It should start in 10-20 minutes unless they revert the build or something.
Episode is live on Steam lads! Go grab it
Thoes who don't know its mean they changed the public build so it will update to a new version for all which means....NEW EPISODE!
Indeed. You'll have to excuse me for blocking those memories out of my mind.
But I can't forget that memorable release date thread that reached almost 100 pages, no matter how hard I try. At least those days are behind us:D
I think it will be the same time as usual - 10-12PM PST
Just a few hours, just a few hours:DD
Now it's really "sooner than you think":D
hoping ep 3 is great as people are saying hopefully it will release on time tomorrow for EU ps3 users
RELEASE.IT.ALREADY. I will have a heart attack before the episode thats for sure. (Refreshing instantly.)
dont spoil pretty please...
When the game will be up to steam i want to play it
My wife tells me she knows exactly how i feel, hopeful anticipation followed by severe disappointment.
Damn man im waiting for that release but ahh we need to wait a couple more hours

We can do this, we can wait. We did this before man. Telltale just... please...
Icantwainticantwaiticantwait....AHEM! I should be patient, but it's just impossible
This whole serial release process is seriously a slow form of torture for me.
Fun fact: I bought it on steam because Telltale store version always got released at a later time. Well screw me... :P
Great episode. Too bad we will have to wait 2 months for the next episode...
There is no winning.
He IS joking. I hope.
That is the 1st episode you fool
if not then ...
He is joking.He is refering to Ep1 And 2 most likely.She isn't dead in the comics and the game is a prequel so explain that.
Yep, also turns out TJ is the real killer, sorry for spoilers guys, couldn't resist.
When there is no reason comments get deleted? They are spoiling, where are you mods? Little help?
Episode is live on Steam lads! Go grab it
Thoes who don't know its mean they changed the public build so it will update to a new version for all which means....NEW EPISODE!
no download?
Download will start don't worry...This means Steam is updating the build it will take some time atleast until 20:00 but thats mean the update won't get delayed,Trust me i have experience with SteamDB and the builds meaning. It should start in 10-20 minutes unless they revert the build or something.
I hope you are right about this, so hyped.
Yep it's downloading now!
it is happening, you are a genius
Let's get it started!))
Downloading right now)
Yes, downloading right now as well on Steam.
Im not seeing it, you better not lie!
restart steam
Restart Steam and you'll get it!;)
I believe IOS is scheduled to come out this week, so hopefully tomorrow or Thursday.