"The Crooked Man" [Update on Suspect]
EDIT: This is NOT the Crooked Man. On this original post. Scroll down to my reply to @woodywoodsman because that is our new suspect
Before you read this post, I highly suggest that you read this amazing post by @HeartLocker which has many strong supports as to who the killer is. Read it at your own risk because if it's right there are huge spoilers to the killer case. Link to the page right here
When Beauty mentions "The Crooked Man", I think she may be referring to the Red Head Guy
Yeah this guy. Well to my information, he is The Boy Who Cried Wolf. (Look at all the titles of the episodes and achievements for it to make a bit more sense). And also his tie in the picture has CROOKS. Do you know who uses a crook? A Shepard. Do you know who the Boy Who Cried Wolf was? A SHEPARD. Well my point is, connect "The Crooked Man" and the Boy Who Cried Wolf together and it actually makes sense. This just adds on to the fact that he IS in fact the Killer. But the question I'm asking now is why were Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum snooping around the crime scene if they knew their boss was the killer?
Again this is just a theory. Right? Wrong? You tell me.
Edit: I think I may have disproved this theory and with the help of @woodywoodsman . Go check out my reply because I think we may have found our Crooked Man
Good job, doing Gods work, NotJustin
Nononono, you've got it all wrong!
Just kidding, it's a good theory. It makes sense, is elaborate and it might very well be.
However ... according to TJ the person getting rid of the Troll's body was complaining about somebody laughing at him (not TJ), although nobody was laughing. This suggests some mentally unstable person. Therefore I would like to present my theory:
Yes, yes it's stupid :P But I think the crooked man is just a red herring.
Your theories do make sense. The thing against the crooked man and Bigby could be true, but why would the killer be leaving the heads at basically Bigby's doorstep. And the people he has killed so far were people Bigby cared about. That means that the killer wants revenge on Bigby. And the next 3 episodes are names A Crooked Mile, In Sheep's Clothing, and Cry Wolf. I'm no detective but I think that all refers to The Boy Who Cried Wolf.
And I guess the crooked man could just end up being a distraction, but I think he may be important in some way. I don't know exactly what for, but if you interrogate Dee, he makes sure to not to mention anything about his employer. Either he just really doesn't want to be known or he has something to do with this case.
And as for the dwarf thing, why would the dwarf be yelling quit laughing out loud if the other personality didn't say anything out loud.
This is just what I think but your theories seem pretty valid as well.
The Crooked Man is someone new some hakers got his model, search for it...
And for the dwarves, they WERE bad, Snow White murdered them back at The Homelands when she was still married to Charming.
Yes, the episode titles are all hints about The Boy Who Cried Wolf. And your theory is in fact more sensible. But I'm not sure they would spoil their own story in such a way. It would be great, if the killer was someone that none of us thought of, but it would make perfect sense.
I would like the crooked man to have some evil agenda, but not being the killer. I would like to see him in this season as the bad guy, who is setting up his even worse plan and is using the killer to distract everybody or to get rid of Bigby etc. who could become a danger for his plans.
@Leon. I don't know the comics. Is it possible that one of the dwarfs survived or has been reborn?
The crooked man and the boy who cried wolf are probably NOT the same person as the Crooked man is from another Nursery Rhyme all together. However, the "boy who cried wolf" Character that you have shown above does seems to always be around therefore, he probably does have some sort of involvement since every character they have shown thus far even in passing has somehow been involved in one way or another.
Maybe The boy who cried wolf and The croocked man are related.I think The boy who cried wolf is The croocked's man's informer or spy.That's why The boy who cried wolf is always there.He may not be the killer but he works for the killer/the killer's boss.The croocked man is the boss.He profits of the poor or money-needing fables yo achieve his goal/s.I think The boy who cried wolf wotks for The croocked man to achieve his revenge on Bigby.
This is just as theory but what if the reason why Tweedledee doesn't answer our questions is because he physically can't? I mean we already know those sorts of spells exist since questioning Faith or any girl at the strip club leads to them saying that they can't answer or avoiding the question altogether with the: "these lips are sealed" line. What if Tweedledee is in the same boat and has a spell on him which makes him physically incapable of talking about his employer, be that The Crooked Man or whoever else. Also there is a nursery rhyme for The Crooked Man so its likely he's his own Fable and not The Boy Who Cried Wolf, but I definitely think that The Boy Who Cried Wold is a strong candidate for the murderer. At the moment the only Fables that pop into my mind when I think about who the killer might be are: The Boy Who Cried Wolf, The Headless Horsemen (bit too obvious I know), and Rumpelstiltskin.
Just to throw this out there, there's a character in the Babes in Toyland story called Barnaby Crookedman, also just called The Crooked Man, or a crooked man.
Source: http://disney.wikia.com/wiki/Barnaby_(Babes_in_Toyland)
the dwarves were killed by Snow when she was still married to prince charming, long before the adversary showed up and wars broke out.
the Crooked Man seems to be someone with a lot of money - or at least in a better financial position than most. Also, he would have to be paying the Tweedles to pursue Beauty. It just doesn't seem right that the Crooked Man is a taxi driver by occupation, unless if he's doing this for a specific reason (informing maybe?). But, the tie does have crooks on, which must have been put there for a reason. And, given the amount of attention he got in Episode 1 and the lack thereof in Episode 2, I think he must play some further part in the story, whether as a suspect or something else.
Well, in the Fables comics, the character of Cinderella owns a shoe shop (the glass slippers) to secretly cover the fact that she's a secret spy, which is the shop in the background you see when Bigby starts walking to the murder scene at the end of episode 1 so I dunno ;D
Some hackers got their hands on the model for the crooked man and it's entirely new.
I feel like the crooked man is like a crime boss
She killed the ones who had mistreated her, though - right? What if they had a surviving relative who decided to take revenge on the woman who slaughtered his kin?
Having their own Nursery Rhyme/Fable doesn't necessarily mean it involves separate individuals. Bigby is a prime example of this; as he was involved in at least two separate Fables unrelated to one another (a wolf in both cases - but who would assume those wolves were one in the same?)
What if Pinnochio is the one "pulling the strings"? talk about plot twist.
Then of course if Bigby isn't the "target", if someone is infact leaving the heads for Ichabod it could be a variation of the Headless Horseman trying to run him out of office. Afterall, Ichabod mentions his position is just temporary.
Honestly, I'd like it to be a "good" guy, some hero/heroine from some forgotten tale who believes that by murdering the fables in the real world, he sends them back to the homeworld or something of that nature.
BUT out of all the theories ive read, not one has mentioned that it could be a regular human who just figured out what Fables really were. Lets not forget during the investigation that the cut was hasty, even though it was clean (because of the use of a Magical weapon) and its someone with extensive knowledge of the original stories, so much as to plant specific symbolic pieces on the victims just to lead them to their original stories.
A mad librarian perhaps? I've recently purchased volumes 1 - 3 of the FABLES comics and am going to start reading them, primarily to find out the history of why/how they ended up in the real world. I mean, for example, what if someone saw them come to our plane of existence? Hidden in the shadows, discovered the Well before the citizens of Fabletown were able to erect all the buildings and such around. Or if the well was there before the Fables arrived, who built it? I'm sure a Wizard or Witch in the Fable universe crafted the "escape portal" but someone on our end had to build it. Lets hope it doesnt go the route of The Dark Tower where King wrote himself in there, and we suddenly see an Author of one of the stories, or Bill Wingham himself as the killer. haha
YES. I think may have found our Crooked Man

From this I get is
(I won't put pictures here, but I'll include a link that is to a forum with a link to another forum which has a video of it. lol) Right Here
Well maybe Telltale may change it or something or maybe it isn't even right. But I have a very high chance that this may be our Crooked Man...
I don't think the Crooked Man is the Red-haired guy, but I do think the Crooked Man drives a crooked horse.
I saw his 3D Model.
It's not Cryer.
So this is how the Crooked Man looks like... any idea about his name or identity? Those mustaches remind me of King Cole but his face is too skinny to be him and his hair is brown
I'm thinking maybe The Shepherd is a worker for the Crooked man. Possible due to his hatred for Bigby.
The crooked man is called the crooked man, it isn't anyone hiding their real identity, hopefully we find out more about him in the next episode.
The Crooked Man is based on a poem/nursery rhyme:
There was a crooked man, and he walked a crooked mile,
He found a crooked sixpence against a crooked stile;
He bought a crooked cat which caught a crooked mouse,
And they all lived together in a little crooked house.
The character in the movie listed above was based upon this nursery rhyme, which according to wiki dates back to 1842, long preceding Babes in Toyland.
He is also very unlikely to be the red haired guy. While I'm sure the red haired guy will have some future relevance to the story, to make the mysterious character who keeps showing up in Episode 1 the chief villain would be a mark of such slovenly storytelling on Telltale's part that it would be hard to take them seriously anymore.
EDIT: Why is the formatting on this forum so completely awful?
He looks like Woody...
in 2 damn months
Its Barnaby I'm pretty sure. Check my reply to @woodywoodsman
no its not the crooked man is from the poem of the same name
The crooked man :

Ugly as hell
Sorry (and don't be so rude...), it's edited.
Probably the Markdown syntax. You have to press enter twice for a new line, which is weird.
Looks like a mob guy
Im sorry aswell i was just, pissed of man
Sorry to be a party pooper or anything, but isn't this content not supposed to be on here? Sorry, just don't want anyone getting in trouble.
Yeah I know, I sent a link to a forum with a link to another forum with a link to the video. Didn't you read the reply?
All of you are so fixated on the Crooked Man. He employs other killers such as Bloody Mary at his disposal, did anyone ever think that while he may be at the head of the pyramid as far as this crime empire is going, he's actually protecting someone else? At this point after playing episode 3 I have a feeling that the Crooked Man is like a Mafia style don, and that he may have a Son or Daughter who could be the killer (very Sin City if you think about it) and he's going to extreme efforts to draw attention away from that. Or like I said, it could very well be a Mundane, or even better yet, what if the Crooked Man had a child with a Mundane and so its some sort of... abomination in the fable world, and so he's trying to hide that?
The boy who cried wolf is still on my suspect list, atleast as far as that he works for the Crooked Man. However, the Crooked Man and Bloody Mary are both nursery rhymes with more sinister Urban Legends behind their origins, so I'm wondering if there's not more to come in that department. I don't know much about all that superstitious nonsense except for a few cheesy horror films, like the one about the car flashing its lights and chasing you down or something, and a few others. I don't know how well characters would translate out of some of those, but I guess I can be surprised.
I crossed one suspect/problem off my list though, he won't be making an appearance in episode 4. And i know its definitely not Crane, or Woody. Crane is a wuss upfront with fits of anger but all he can do is squawk. And Woody is just too plain stupid to be the killer. It has to be someone with Magic at their disposal though, so I've even considered that Merlin could be involved. He is part of a fairytale after all.
its funny if TT didn't mess up on the second episode and took 4 months to finish it we would all already have episode 4 by now and know a lot more of the crooked man. just saying.