What Happened To Juice Box?
Does anybody know what happened to poor old Juicy? Did Nick leave him back in the cabin, along with his watch?
Did Carver kidnap it when he came to visit Clementine?
Did he run off looking for Luke when he went missing?
Was he killed during the 5 day hike?
Did Clementine eat him!?
Juicy got a mention in episode 2 if you choose to talk to Alvin, he mentions that he misses the Juice Boxes.
Did Alvin kill him because he didnt like Carver?
Is Juicys fate just like George?
TellTale! We need closure on Juicy! dont make Juicy another Lilly/Christa!
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Dude, its just a juicebox.
Juicy is love. Juicy is life.
Clem sucked all of Juicy's blood out. Juicy was then thrown out like trash. You see, it wasn't Kenny who was the ITYWD Guy, it was.... JUICY! Juicy is returning and seeking revenge on Clem. Will Clem be able to deal with Carver AND Juicy? STAY TUNED!
Juice Box comments regularly on the forums... don't worry he is alive!
Juicy is with Peach can playing poker at the ski lodge
I don't know, man... Carver was bad enough, but JUICY as well? This doesn't look good at all.
Telltale we have to know what happened to juicy, it just isn't fair.
I'm not sure, but there's speculation that he might be in Episode 3
I heard he's going to be the playable character of Season 3
He's dead Dave.
Everybody's dead Dave.
Don't ever say that again! Juicy is love. Juicy is life - Wise words of Harpadarpa
Just a juice box? Juicy sacrificed itself for Clem when no one else helped her in the shed, Juicy kept her calm and gave her the strength to go on. It will be missed...juicy, more than just a juice box, a true hero.
i c wut u did thar
I sure do miss peaches as well
its just a juice box ! i think the juice box has no juice anymore
Juicy is probably with his flavored family in the woods, Alvin said he wished he had more juice boxes so i assume juicy decided to escape with them while everyone went looking for Pete
Juicy's genetic was altered because when the ZA started he spent many days in a broken fridge, the constant heat made him a mutant and now he can refill himself using organic particles, H2O and Sunlight in the atmosphere, thats what makes him awesome, he can use moonlight too but the juice is a little bitter and with sunlight is sweet.
Juicebox better be the next Banang.
He will, he will.
runs off giggling
(?) Juicy will remember that. Lol
Uh oh ●_●
Aces and eights.
Clementine sucks it dry, if she doesn't take it then it's probably still sitting in the fridge or Alvin drank it....
Holy crap lotta down votes for my comment. I guess the juicebox really does have power.
Im saying it now. Sorry and give me downers.
Fuck that fucking juice box! It wasn't funny in the firstplace and after millionth times it still not funny! GOD!
With all the revolution about possible character cameos from the games in TV series. I hope they won't forget mister juicy. It's top priority just like Kenny.