You guys must really be masochists to buy Telltale games on consoles. I guess the lag, the longer waiting time and the freez screen doesn't bother some people.
Nah im just cheap...PC's are expensive you know.....especially gaming pc's and as a student......put bluntly.......i can't afford one. Besides it's not sooo bad on console.
You guys must really be masochists to buy Telltale games on consoles. I guess the lag, the longer waiting time and the freez screen doesn't bother some people.
Nah im just cheap...PC's are expensive you know.....especially gaming pc's and as a student......put bluntly.......i can't afford one. Besides it's not sooo bad on console.
You guys must really be masochists to buy Telltale games on consoles. I guess the lag, the longer waiting time and the freez screen doesn't bother some people.
How long until its available on Xbox? I live in the UK and there is a red bar sign that still won't let me download it even though it is the day of it's release!!
How long until its available on Xbox? I live in the UK and there is a red bar sign that still won't let me download it even though it is the day of it's release!!
It's up on the 360 dashboard if you look in the game's extras. Season Pass buyers on the other hand are stuck on the in-game Download Content menu. Shafted once again...
It's up on the 360 dashboard if you look in the game's extras. Season Pass buyers on the other hand are stuck on the in-game Download Content menu. Shafted once again...
it all depends sometimes it takes longer then other times and it also dpends on what country u live because the Uk could get it first then france or vice-versa
it all depends sometimes it takes longer then other times and it also dpends on what country u live because the Uk could get it first then france or vice-versa
Sorry budy no idea cause i never play it on wednesdays since i dont have the time normaly so i dont look out for the release times and stuff like that because i can only play it on thursdays(except this once )
I wish they'd just say, it could be out in a minute, or later and I don't know so I'm just keeping my PS3 on, waste of electricity but I have to. Anyone reading this who has it in North America or Steam? What time was it released for you?
Sorry budy no idea cause i never play it on wednesdays since i dont have the time normaly so i dont look out for the release times and stuff like that because i can only play it on thursdays(except this once )
I'm still getting nothing and I restarted like 4 times already
I got it without even restarting ugh I just wish my download speed was faster....
its on psn now !!!! yes
Yeah I still got nothing, what the hell steam.
I hope the XBOX issues have been resolved with the Season Pass Fingers crossed
So those of us st I'll waiting are
Ios users
Xbox users
Psn Europe users.
You guys must really be masochists to buy Telltale games on consoles. I guess the lag, the longer waiting time and the freez screen doesn't bother some people.
Only an extremely brief scene (about a second) in the recap of Ep2.
Nah im just cheap...PC's are expensive you know.....especially gaming pc's and as a student......put bluntly.......i can't afford one. Besides it's not sooo bad on console.
Wouldn't say you need a powerhouse to run telltale games though.
fuck yeah
True, but i have other games which would need something with decent specs, plus consoles have some pretty good exclusives.
I had the season pass downloaded. I was very surprised myself
the lag and freez isnt a deal breaker and i dont feel comfortable playing it on pc for some reason.Also in the wolf among us there is almost no lag
anyone know if its available already in ps3 EU
How long until its available on Xbox? I live in the UK and there is a red bar sign that still won't let me download it even though it is the day of it's release!!
We don't have a confirmed time, but try again in a couple of hours.
Ok thanks!
Dude it's out now, im downloading
Can us xbox brethren stand together in this time of need and promise to tell each other when it has landed. Tannnks.
Its out.
According to its not? Are you trolling me?
Yeah I just see it.
So they release at 10.30am in UK.
No he's not trolling, it's out NOW!!!!!!
which day is the release day for ios user?
It's up on the 360 dashboard if you look in the game's extras. Season Pass buyers on the other hand are stuck on the in-game Download Content menu. Shafted once again...
I have a season pass and it let me download, I'm currently 87% through.
Looks like the US 360 Store was updated, because I am now downloading Ep 3 from the Download Content Menu.
According to this tweet it should be out on the 10th
PlayStation 3 (Europe) ???
What Time?
Thanks for pointing that out - can't believe I missed it! I've updated the OP with the info.
What time was Smoke and Mirrors out? I was afraid as fuck to visit the forums because I could get spoiled like I did for Kenny.
it all depends sometimes it takes longer then other times and it also dpends on what country u live because the Uk could get it first then france or vice-versa
Well when was it out for UK? In a few minutes or in an hour or two?
Sorry budy no idea cause i never play it on wednesdays since i dont have the time normaly so i dont look out for the release times and stuff like that because i can only play it on thursdays(except this once
Worried i will get spoiled also.. it's gone past 12 in the uk and still not here
I wish they'd just say, it could be out in a minute, or later and I don't know so I'm just keeping my PS3 on, waste of electricity but I have to. Anyone reading this who has it in North America or Steam? What time was it released for you?
just keep yourself in this thread and you wont get spoiled
Has anyone from Scandinavia region got the episode on their PS3? :O I've been waiting the whole day... >.<