Why didn't Clem act scared when she saw _____??

edited April 2014 in The Walking Dead

Kenny murdered Larry in a brutal way in front of her eyes. I could see it being okay if Lee helped Kenny, but I don't understand why she was so happy. I know I'm going to get a downpour of downvotes, but I just wanted to make that point.

Edit: I meant happy when she saw Kenny in season 2. Whoops. xD



  • edited April 2014

    Why didn't Clem act scared when she saw _____??

    Clem was horrified if she sees Larry die in front of her eyes, that is if you try to save Larry.

  • Larry was dead anyway and even Clementine recognized that at the end of season 1 ("It's like the situation with Larry, isn't it?").
    And Kenny wasn't the only one who ever killed someone, Lee also killed both brothers (in my playthrough), the stranger, Duck and many bandits and Clementine still liked him because he did it to protect her.

  • You're right. Clem looked a little scared i n the trailer and that's why I thought Kenny was a mysterious person. He did kill Larry, tried to kill Ben, didn't want to help her (I don't think Clem knows about it). So I found it a little strange that Clem was just happy.

  • Just for the record though, Clem was horrified when Lee killed Danny. She also gave off a somewhat judgemental stare after the Andy death, when the group was walking back to the motel.

    Larry was dead anyway and even Clementine recognized that at the end of season 1 ("It's like the situation with Larry, isn't it?"). And Ken

  • If you're a good father figure, instead of just being a protector, she will be horrified and start crying.

  • edited April 2014

    Lilly killed Carley/Doug in front of her, Lee (determinant) murdered the stranger (it was self defense but still.) and the Saint john brothers in front of her and she also has to smash zombie heads all the time.

    She should be used to it by now.

  • edited April 2014

    He did kill Larry, tried to kill Ben, didn't want to help her

    Ben indirectly caused the deaths of Kenny's family, and how would you feel if something like that happened? So I'm guessing Clem understood. And Kenny not helping is determinant. And that doesn't change the fact that Kenny definitely does care about Clementine, don't you think seeing someone you know who cares about you who you thought was dead all these years makes you happy about it?

    GF1115 posted: »

    You're right. Clem looked a little scared i n the trailer and that's why I thought Kenny was a mysterious person. He did kill Larry, tried t

  • Don't forget the babysitter.

    Lilly killed Carley/Doug in front of her, Lee (determinant) murdered the stranger (it was self defense but still.) and the Saint john brothers in front of her and she also has to smash zombie heads all the time. She should be used to it by now.

  • Don't forget Brie.

    Don't forget the babysitter.

  • So? She's 11 now and its like 2 years into the Apocalypse. She knows Larry was dead. She sees people die everyday. Lee determinently can kill the St. John Brothers, Lily shoots Carley/Doug, it's the Apocalypse, Clementine isn't a scared girl anymore, so what if Kenny did what needed to be done? Kenny did it because even if Larry woke up they didn't have any medical supplies to have Larry, without doctors or people to help Larry after he woke up he'd have died anyways, and Kenny couldn't just wait because his family was out there and he needed to get to them. Clem might not have understood at the time being 8(possibly 9, it matters about the time difference of Ep 2 and Ep 3) and all, but now Clementine's 11? She understands. Also, it's a familar face. I'd have hugged Lily even though I hate her.

  • As well as Pete, Walter, Mattew, Doug/Carley in the drugstore, Sam...

    Gengar posted: »

    Don't forget Brie.

  • So it's bad if you try to save Larry? XD

    Gengar posted: »

    Why didn't Clem act scared when she saw _____?? Clem was horrified if she sees Larry die in front of her eyes, that is if you try to save Larry.

  • edited April 2014

    She's still horrified either way but she just blames it on you if you help kill him.

    So it's bad if you try to save Larry? XD

  • Clem doesn't like it whenever people die, no matter who they are. Even still, if you try to save Larry fast enough then you get to see him breathe right before Kenny kills him.

    Larry was dead anyway and even Clementine recognized that at the end of season 1 ("It's like the situation with Larry, isn't it?"). And Ken

  • Little Clem has grown up going through some tough shit, huh? ("That's a swear...")

    As well as Pete, Walter, Mattew, Doug/Carley in the drugstore, Sam...

  • Braindead patients do breathe aswell, but it doesn't change the fact that they are dead. Larry couldn't survive inside the meat locker without proper treatment and he could have turned into a walker within seconds.

    _Juice_Box_ posted: »

    Clem doesn't like it whenever people die, no matter who they are. Even still, if you try to save Larry fast enough then you get to see him breathe right before Kenny kills him.

  • :(

    _Juice_Box_ posted: »

    She's still horrified either way but she just blames it on you if you help kill him.

  • "You've killed lots of things now."

    Alt text

    She always liked Kenny. And if you're going to go by that logic she should have been scared of Lee the whole way through the series.

  • Though whenever you're brain dead, your brain stem is still active, if it wasn't active there would be no way that someone could breathe on their own.

    Braindead patients do breathe aswell, but it doesn't change the fact that they are dead. Larry couldn't survive inside the meat locker without proper treatment and he could have turned into a walker within seconds.

  • Are you sure it was in front of her eyes and she was happy?
    I played that chapter again just now and Lee helped Kenny. What I saw is that when Lee and Kenny were going to kill Larry, she just said something like "I don't want to see that" and turned back weeping. And when Kenny killed Larry, she started crying and asked "Is that all over?". She was scared. How would you think she was happy? Can't figure out.

  • Zombies have active brain-stems.

    _Juice_Box_ posted: »

    Though whenever you're brain dead, your brain stem is still active, if it wasn't active there would be no way that someone could breathe on their own.

  • But just tell her that it was necessary to be done and she gets over it.

    She need to see all that shit and notice that world is shit.

    (Kill, or be killed, and then kill)

  • Well, seeing as she turns away and starts whimpering, I'd say she didn't exactly enjoy it. Also, if you decide to help Kenny, she asks: "Why Lee?! Lily said he wasn't dead!"

  • Well my Clem was hardly happy to see him.

  • edited April 2014

    What's your point? They don't breathe in the same way as people.

    Zombies have active brain-stems.

  • Is there an option for "F u Kenny Lilly was justified in killing Carley and her dad would've recovered I'll salt lick you first chance I get!"

    UndeadEuan posted: »

    Well my Clem was hardly happy to see him.

  • Even if people are trying to survive, i still didnt help kill larry. I couldnt.

    But just tell her that it was necessary to be done and she gets over it. She need to see all that shit and notice that world is shit. (Kill, or be killed, and then kill)

  • Haha, that was a funny slip...

    In any case, despite Larry's death being a traumatic moment, they still spent tons of time together, got to know each other etc... When you're in a dire situation with somebody, you get close fast.

  • My point is that braindead people are exactly like zombies except for the breathing part. They are basically dead.

    _Juice_Box_ posted: »

    What's your point? They don't breathe in the same way as people.

  • Brain dead people aren't dead because once someone dies, there is almost no way to bring them back. Zombies have no relation to people except for the fact that they used to be people. Zombies are dead or undead.

    My point is that braindead people are exactly like zombies except for the breathing part. They are basically dead.

  • I wouldn't consider the meat locker a "murder", but then again there are about a hundred different ways to interpret that situation.

    Even if Lee and Kenny were never very close, Kenny is the only person left alive from the motel (ie Lee's) group. She spent the last two years thinking he was dead, and then she suddenly found out he was alive. Hell, I would have been happy even it it were LARRY that showed up, just for old times' sake. and yes, I know Larry is dead, that was just an example.

  • Clementine lost some of her innocence and probably understands Kenny was only trying to protect the group, she grew up fast. She doesn't get emotional as easily.

  • edited April 2014

    " You're right. Clem looked a little scared i n the trailer and that's why I thought Kenny was a mysterious person. "

    First of all, she didn't look scared. She thought Kenny died and because of that she was very suprised to see him.

    " He did kill Larry. "

    They were trapped in a small meatlocker with no weapons to defend themselfes and Kenny's family was captured by crazy cannibals that planed to do god knows what terrible things to them. Larry had an heart attack and was probaply dead and going to turn into a Walker very soon. They didn't have much time to discuss about their decisions, because of all this circumstances. Kenny feels guilty about " killing " Larry, but he knows he had to do it. Not to mention the obvious fact, that even if your Lee didn't decide to help Kenny " kill " Larry, he is a murderer aswell.

    " tried to kill Ben "

    Ben indirectly caused the deaths of Kenny's family and many other people, that fucking shitbird deserved to die and wanted to die. And after all the terrible things Ben has done, Kenny still forgives him and tryed to protect him, risking his own life for that fucking shitbird and finding redemption.

    " didn't want to help her "

    That just depends on your playthough. If you decided not to side with Kenny and not help him to protect his family, he of course doesn't help you protecting yours. Kenny is the most loyal Bro and caretaker you could possible ask for, if you decided to side with him.

    " So I found it a little strange that Clem was just happy. "

    Don't you think seeing someone you know, who cares about you and who you thought was dead for all these years, makes you feel happy about it?

    GF1115 posted: »

    You're right. Clem looked a little scared i n the trailer and that's why I thought Kenny was a mysterious person. He did kill Larry, tried t

  • No matter what wrongs Ben had done, killing another person is simply wrong, especially for a kid like Ben. I really didn't like Ben either, but I recognized that he was just an immature guy with anxiety issues. I mean, he was just your typical whiny teenager, no more a 'shitbird' than Larry or Kenny. Don't call him that, man.

    " You're right. Clem looked a little scared i n the trailer and that's why I thought Kenny was a mysterious person. " First of all, she d

  • Can you bring brain dead people back?

    _Juice_Box_ posted: »

    Brain dead people aren't dead because once someone dies, there is almost no way to bring them back. Zombies have no relation to people except for the fact that they used to be people. Zombies are dead or undead.

  • edited April 2014

    No matter what wrongs Ben had done, killing another person is simply wrong, especially for a kid like Ben. I really didn't like Ben either, but I recognized that he was just an immature guy with anxiety issues. I mean, he was just your typical whiny teenager, no more a 'shitbird' than Larry or Kenny. Don't call him that, man. "

    First of all, Kenny never really tryed to kill Ben. If he would have wanted to kill him, he could have done that and as i already mentioned before, Kenny still forgives him and tryed to protect him after all the terrible things Ben has done, risking his own life for that fucking shitbird (yes, that's how i call him) and finding redemption.

    I decided " to let Ben go " in my playthough. Not only because he is indirectly responsible for many good peoples death's (and probaply Lilly's), but most importantly because he didn't protect Clem when she was surrounded by a horde of Walkers and nearly got her killed. Lee and the group were chased by a horde of Walkers in Crawford and Ben told me " let him go " , because he lost his will to life and didn't want to be responsible for even more peoples deaths.

    " I mean, he was just your typical whiny teenager, no more a 'shitbird' than Larry or Kenny. Don't call him that, man. "

    Larry was an asshole that's for sure, but he was a good father and only tryed to protect his daughter. And please, don't even try to compare Kenny with one of those 2!

    No matter what wrongs Ben had done, killing another person is simply wrong, especially for a kid like Ben. I really didn't like Ben either,

  • OminousFlareOminousFlare Banned
    edited April 2014

    I wouldn't be surprised if she starts swearing by episode 4 or 5.

    That_1_Guy posted: »

    Little Clem has grown up going through some tough shit, huh? ("That's a swear...")

  • Not the Walkers. I'm unsure whether this is the TV explanation or cannon but the virus restarts the stem of the brain but only retains functions of eating and breathing. Like an animal.

    _Juice_Box_ posted: »

    Brain dead people aren't dead because once someone dies, there is almost no way to bring them back. Zombies have no relation to people except for the fact that they used to be people. Zombies are dead or undead.

  • by that you mean you were?

    UndeadEuan posted: »

    Well my Clem was hardly happy to see him.

  • Im with the "F Lilly and Kenny, they're both people that chose to throw their humanity away. If they ever come into contact with each other again I hope both their psycho asses end up offing each other"

    Is there an option for "F u Kenny Lilly was justified in killing Carley and her dad would've recovered I'll salt lick you first chance I get!"

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