UK comics

I got TWD compendiums from amazon, and volumes 17 to 20(Which takes me up to issue 120), but that is as far as the issues go that amazon sells. I was hoping to get the individual episodes on amazon but they only sell them for Kindle. Iv'e had a look around online and the only sites that seem to sell the latest TWD issues are american sites. Does anyone know where i can get issues 121 - the latest release in the uk (preferably online)


  • edited April 2014

    Never mind just found "reed comics" thanks to a friend of mine. :).

  • comixology is american :) (isn't it?)

  • Rick kills Negan in Issue 125.

  • don't read cannnibalcarl's comment it has comic spoilers.

    Never mind just found "reed comics" thanks to a friend of mine. .

  • Why would you post on this thread just to ruin it for me? (which was clearly your plan as you put a season 1 400 days spoiler tag on your post)

    Alas you're little plan has failed anyway as i ruined that part of the story for myself earlier today when i took a sneak peak at this thread
    I couldn't resist seeing what all the excitement was about in issue 125. It's not too much of a spoiler though, i still don't know what happened on the lead up to it.

  • Thanks for trying to warn me :)

    don't read cannnibalcarl's comment it has comic spoilers.

  • Why does it matter if it's American or from the UK? Do you really need all the extra u's in words like 'behavior'?

    (no offense, just busting your balls)

  • You found out about my little plan. But it wasn't really my intention to distract you by this spoiler description, since there aren't any for comics.

    Why would you post on this thread just to ruin it for me? (which was clearly your plan as you put a season 1 400 days spoiler tag on your po

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