[?] *** won't remember this.
Anybody else notice this? In the scene at the bar? Where Gren is drunk as shit, and passes out?
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Anybody else notice this? In the scene at the bar? Where Gren is drunk as shit, and passes out?
Yeah I saw that and laughed. It's because he was drunk and high.
I loved interacting with Drunk Gren, and that moment was one of the best in the episode.
Loved that moment. Also, was I the only one that laughed when Bluebeard said he'd pick the lock to Crane's apartment? It's only funny if you've played TWD, but I got a decent chuckle out of that line.
didn't realize that at the time. funny
Probably the funniest moment in the game so far.
Duck thinks you are incredibly awesome.
I think this one takes the cake, though.
lol Yeah, it's like a little Telltale in-joke. God, that's hilarious, along with what Bralef said about Duck thinking you're awesome in TWD.
That was funny
"Look, the deal is... if you resist going to sleep... like I am right now... it gives you a very, very, very nice high."
Gren also had some pretty funny facial expressions.
Yeah that joke made me lol, it was a great callback to TWD S1E2
Another 'Telltale in-joke' seems to be people falling off balconies. Ben in twd s1 episode 5(if you save him in crawford) and Bigby in twau episode 1 when you're chasing Tweedle Dee.
I found that message hilarious lol. It was even more funny to me because he passes out right when it pops up. xD
I thought it was great
I also laughed when you talk with Jack in Crane's apartment - Bigby comments on the glamour tube and Jack says 'Do you always talk to yourself like that?' 
lol i guess bluebeards urban too :P
Bigby: Hey Bluebeard, you know how to pick locks huh?
Bluebeard: Why would you ask me that?
Bigby: You know you're... Urban?
Bluebeard glares at Bigby while Snow shakes her head in disgust.
Snow: Really Bigby?
That made me laugh so hard haha I wasnt expecting it at all, high Gren made me feel bad for ripping his arm off he seems like a decent guy, despite the fact he was trying to fuck me up / kill me in the 1st ep lol
Probably the funniest moment in the episode. I laughed out loud and took a slug too.
Yeah, I noticed that too, it is the same voice actor as Lee, so that made it even more hilarious.
Or [?] (Looks like duck is going to help you anyway.) If you refuse to let em' help.
Hopefully there'll be a moment in episode 4 or 5 in which we have the option to toy with Gren's mind or not, enough to make him deliriously confused about what happened at the bar. XP
Oh God, I hope so. I can just imagine
Gren: What the hell happened last night, Bigby?
And these are our options:
A. You got into a fight with Woody
B. You and Holly fucked
C. You took off your clothes and danced in the bar naked.
D. ...
I bet most people would choose options B and C XD
I would so choose B, holy crap. I really wanna see how he'd react to that now.
Genius! And if I may add another dialogue option?
"You and Woody had to share a bed together, after Jack secretly put a couple of roofie pills in your drinks." Bwahaha!
I find it funny. Everyone finds it funny, but I wonder if it's going to come back and bite us.
I wonder if Gren is going to die next? Woody was so concerned with him not mixing drugs and alcohol...
I'm not familiar with the comics btw...
Well that would suck. I would be like "Aw man, and here I was just starting to like him and hoped we can become best buddies"
Telltale should totally do this!
He probably wouldn't be upset I think he has a thing for Holly......in more ways than one
Bah, Lawrence went through worse. I'm sure he'll be fine.
I think it was Telltale parodying themselves. Nice job they did of it too XD
I couldn't stop laughing when I saw this XDDDDD
And he said that he shouldn't mix it with alcohol.