Am I the only one?
Am I the only one who doesn't want Luke to come back? I was hoping that Kenny killed him or he ran away like a coward never to be seen again but then I see this:
Am I the only one who is sorely disappointed by this?
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30th discussion made on this topic
Im talking about if anyone else is disappointed by this news, Im not making the thread about the news itself.
This is me staring at you

could of just made a comment in one of the 30 threads already made :P
Sorry. I just wanted to know who in the community is also disappointed about this. I thought the best way to do this is to make a thread about it.
My opinion on luke ^
Luke coming back I'm indifferent to luke but if anything happens to Kenny be devastated the relationship with Luke to forced for my liking not want him to die but never connected with his character
If Kenny killed Luke, I swear that I will kill him, everything was good when I see that Kennyreturns, I hug him... but then he ruined everything saying that he says about Ben... To me his sacrifice in 1x05 was very good, he redeem himself for everytime that he left lee behind, I always was with him in every decision but when he try to kill Larry I wasn' agree with him, after that he became an a**hole...
So awesome. Only played that part 5 times.
Spoiler's Scott! In all seriousness I kind of wanted Luke to never come back. It would have been a great twist..But oh well I don't mind seeing Luke again.
Interesting. I have the opposite feelings for Kenny and Luke. Luke is a great new character who deserves some room to grow and change. Kenny's reappearance is idiotic (sorry, but it is) and it takes away from the new characters even though he has done nothing but show his mug this season. I hope he is written off soon, but in a completely original, eventful, interesting, meaningful, and above all not ambiguous way.
Got a feeling you'll be seeing a lot of this in this thread. Just saying.
Just a feeling. It's usually how it goes with Internet discussions, and with the people I see posting meme pics round here, I wouldn't be surprised.
Feel it coming Viva but gave you a thumb. But you hope he gets lucky again right? lol
Maybe? I like Luke and I would be pretty upset if he didnt come back.
We feel it coming because we know it's how the story needs to play out
People are looking to him in too bright a light, that's a death sentence in itself, but also, as I said, it dims the characters around him. He has had his spotlight and it needs to skim the stage and find a new person to shine on. So no, I hope to God he doesn't get "lucky" again! Now if Lee were to return with the excuse "I got lucky," we might be having a different conversation xD
Lol, I would love to see it more.
lol great point never though of that characters from previous seasons taking the spotlight from brand new ones actually agree especially with way his story ended best possible way to die a hero.
But in another way delighted to see him back never connected with new characters personally and was great scene but that whole I GOT LUCKY moment just ruined the whole moment of his return.
Plus get all Stache jokes which I love lol
What, no i want to see more of luke. I want to know if he is a good guy or not
Kenny did suicide in 105. In Ben's story, it's not a sacrifice. He could have easily gone behind the fence with Lee, but no. In Christa's story, it was very awesome. He sacrificed himself for Clem, Lee, Christa, and Omid. As much as I love Kenny, he should have stayed dead.
Exactly! His death in season 1 was fantastic, even perfect I would say (at least the death for Ben). I was also excited to see Kenny in that moment, it was great to see a familiar face (no matter who it was). It wasn't until I started to connect the dots of the repercussions of his return that I started to dislike the decision to bring him back.
And I agree.. he said "I got lucky," and I was like
...............ok, go on.
He could be recording lines for Luke's death scene. We won't know anything until the episode comes out.
Yeah, I wasn't too happy seeing Kenny back... 10-20 minutes after the heartwarming reunion, that is. Initially, the premise of an old pal coming back can be very satisfying for an emotional tale like this. However, thinking about it, putting aside all the feels, Kenny coming back does cheapen his sacrifice to some extent, and that "shitbird" remark about Ben can be considered to be awkward under the wrong context, though I know that's just Kenny being himself, all tactless and stuff.
If I've got a choice to see another old pal coming back to Season 2 that's not Kenny, I'd probably have chosen someone... nicer. It would certainly make the reunion that much more satisfying anyway.
But not Lee. No. Hell no. Lee coming back cheapens his death, no thanks.
Haha I was just joking about reintroducing Lee. I wouldn't want that either, no matter how much I want that.
Who would you have chosen to be the ITYWDG?
It's hard to say. A lot of 'nice' characters died off in Season 1, and those who didn't did not share as close a relationship as Kenny to make the reunion satisfying enough. I mean, could you imagine if it's Glenn or Molly? It'd come off more as a "meh" than a "Wow! Omg, you're not dead!" feeling.
I'd say Omid, if his death hadn't been that clearly stated. Aside from Lee, Omid's the closest thing Clem's got for a father in recent days.
No matter what my feelings on a character are, I wouldn't want them to just vanish and never be heard from again without any explanation of any sort. Especially not if it's an important one.
I'm not disappointed. I love Kenny and all, but if Luke just disappeared into thin air, that would leave me feeling sour in regards to the plot line. I want to hear his side of the story, such as on what happened between the two of them outside the lodge. Did he really just take a "hike"? No one else could vouch for his character if he died or vanished since there weren't any witnesses.
How about, NO.
Luke is cool, I would be very disappointed if we didn't see him again. I hope he is still alive
You better watch out, you better stay down, you better freakout and I am telling you why. Some crazy fangirls are preparing their torches tonight~
you better understand, weather you are the author or another fan, you better consider their wrath I am telling you why. The fan boys and girls will hunt you if you don't oblige~~
...Specially if they decide to kill Luke..and ill hunt you too MushtacheKing and you shall feel my wrath of FEATHER TICKLING TORTUREEEE~~~MWAHAHAHAHAH
Exactly. I noticed that Kenny was strategically placed in EVERY SINGLE SHOT for the next 10 minutes after he was introduced. When I started to think spacially, he was jumping around between shots, which, once I noticed that, it irked me to no end.
I hope the opposite, friend.
Actually I kind of did not want him to come back either.
You hate him too?
Get outta here! xP
The only sensible post in this entire thread. Well done.
Nope! Luke should die! I swear if they touch a hair on Kenny then THAT'S IT!
I kinda like Luke, sure his "introduction" wasn't the best with how he drops you on the floor and all but he more than makes up for it after that, and you can feel his guilt throughout the game (like when Clem says "I've done that before, you know, in a shed ?" look at his face).
I just fear that the game will force me to choose between him and Kenny, and that'd break me as I love the both of them, just hope they'll manage to get along somehow.