The Wolf Among Us Easter Egg
If you go to Holly's bar, and Gren passes out, it'll say in the upper left corner "(?) Gren WON'T remember this.". Looks like TTG has been taking attention to the forums!
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If you go to Holly's bar, and Gren passes out, it'll say in the upper left corner "(?) Gren WON'T remember this.". Looks like TTG has been taking attention to the forums!
I'm surprised who doesn't notice this scene but I had to like it for your profile pic.
Wasn't much of an Easter Egg because our attention was drawn to it. But there was an Easter Egg in episode 3. If you look at the billboard atop the taxi Bigby took, you'll see Oceanic Airlines......should be a familiar reference
Bluebeard said that he might try picking the lock in the Tweedles office which i think if a reference to Kenny asking Lee if he can pick a lock in TWD, Dave Fennoy voiced Bluebeard and Lee so it is probably a joke.
Hey guys, think of more easter eggs back at Episode 3!
I guess, specially cuz the VA is Lee's one.
Have my upvote then ;-)
Damn urbans.
Well there were lots of little nods and references to things in the comics - Weyland's letter about the growing unrest on the Farm, the Witching Cloak and the Vorpal Sword in the book, a letter from Boy Blue... I dunno about Easter Eggs relating to other Telltale products.
I feel like a lot of "Rachel's" features and interactions with Bigby were influenced or somewhat inspired by Clementine from The Walking Dead. The pigtails, the way she cocks her eyebrows when she's being curious or sassy, and her calling Bigby out when he says "Goddamn it" in front of her. All very Clem-like.
I actually noticed that but never taught was a easter egg now realize it is just so funny awesome lol
In episode 1 Web N Muffet market can be seen
Maybe...I wouldn't be surprised if TTG picked some things from their other games. Other gaming companies usually use the same interface, UI or AI from their other games. For exemple, in the first trailer of The Last Of Us, the UI was the same was Uncharted, but for some reason they changed it.
well bluebeard does look urban lol
Best episode 3 easter egg ever.
I cracked up when I saw that.
I am realy suprised that nobody has mentioned the sam and max reference, I know this thread is dead but I just want to add that when you go to the princes flat you can hear that Midtown Cowboys is playing on the tv, you can clearly hear mr featherly say 'I know your hiding a cow'. I loved this reference and it made a dark scene weirdly funny
I can't remember which series of sam and max that sequence is in because its been a while but its repeatedly referenced througout a the rebooted franchise
The first season, episode 2.
Cheers! I wish they could make the franchise available on ps4 I wanna replay.