The Ultimate Battle!

edited April 2014 in The Walking Dead

A fanatasy war starts.

On our side:
Lee Everett, Rick Grimes, Bigby Wolf, backed by other followers or "survivors" including the 400 days survivors.
Carver, The Governer, Negan, Bloody Mary and The Tweedle brothers.
backed by fable followers
Who wins?

each character can be "backed" by their own personal army, or helpers/followers.
Like Snow in Bigby's case or Clementine in Lee's case.

Decide! vote! vote!


  • If it was to the death, the good guys will win fairly quickly. If Bigby went full wolf he would annhilate all of them. The one we see in episode 3...Ain't even his final form bro.

  • Clementine curb stomps.

  • Good guys. C'mon man, Bigby

  • Keep in mind bloody mary seems very smart, planned out and "tauntish" .. whatever the word is for it. Regardless. She'd probably already know this, plan ahead and give her allies some silver bullets along with herself while bigby is distracted. He didnt exactly WIN last episode.

    If it was to the death, the good guys will win fairly quickly. If Bigby went full wolf he would annhilate all of them. The one we see in episode 3...Ain't even his final form bro.

  • "You should probably try being nicer to me.."

    Clementine curb stomps.

  • "You should probably try being nicer to me.."

    Clementine curb stomps.

  • edited April 2014

    Nobody, for Lee Everett and Bigby being in close proximity would tear the very fabric of the universe, causing its weak foundation to collapse into itself and destroy existence as we know it.

  • Now if Ben came into the question be no winners just death sure he slip and let off nuclear bomb somehow killing everyone lol

  • Rebecca heard you the first time, Clem. :P

    stevean2 posted: »

    "You should probably try being nicer to me.."

  • Lee would pick the lock to their evil fortress! Then Bigby would go full wolf! Then bloody mary would shoot him with a silver bullet! Then Rick would CAP THAT BITCH. Then everyone else. Lee would roundhouse kick Carver in the face. The 400 days survivors would come in and help claim the rest of the fortress.

  • This is pretty much just Bigby vs Bloody Mary. And even then it's really just Bigby vs. his own natural instinct to kill and eat everyone and everything.

  • Pfft. xD

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Now if Ben came into the question be no winners just death sure he slip and let off nuclear bomb somehow killing everyone lol

  • OminousFlareOminousFlare Banned
    edited April 2014

    Where's the mention of Kenny whooping Bigby's ass with his god-moustache?

  • Kenny will use his salt lick ability and destroy the enemy, Vince will yell "Fuck Wall Street", Rick will run off looking for "Stuff...Thangs", Lee will go into berserk mode and grab a cleaver, Bigby will transform...the antagonists don't stand a chance.

  • Bloody Mary had plot armor. In the comics pretty much everyone is terrified of Bigby. People are so antagonistic towards him in game because it's the only way to create conflict. If we counted Bigby from the Fable comics, he'd be able to take the rest no problem.

    stevean2 posted: »

    Keep in mind bloody mary seems very smart, planned out and "tauntish" .. whatever the word is for it. Regardless. She'd probably already kno

  • Each character are allowed an unlimited amount of allies and supporters. as stated :P

    Where's the mention of Kenny whooping Bigby's ass with his god-moustache?

  • Are they terrified of him because of his actions, or because of his origins?

    Yes_Man posted: »

    Bloody Mary had plot armor. In the comics pretty much everyone is terrified of Bigby. People are so antagonistic towards him in game because

  • Nate and Bloody Mary fall in love at first sight after making psycho-murder eyes at one another. <3 <3 <3

    Battle gets called off in celebration.

    Group decides to plan "Red Wedding" themed cross-promotional event for upcoming TTG GoT release.

    Entire cast of Borderlands game is murdered.

  • He is the child of the Northern Wind and is reputed to have eaten entire towns and armies. His size in the comic is anywhere from the size of an elephant to the size of a small building. Since Fables draw their immortality from their fame, and Bigby is one of the most well known among mundies, he is near invincible. So yes, there is good reason for people fearing him.

    stevean2 posted: »

    Are they terrified of him because of his actions, or because of his origins?

  • Still better than the NatexMolly shit.

    Lemoncakes posted: »

    Nate and Bloody Mary fall in love at first sight after making psycho-murder eyes at one another. Battle gets called off in celebration

  • An Everett always pays his debts...

    Lemoncakes posted: »

    Nate and Bloody Mary fall in love at first sight after making psycho-murder eyes at one another. Battle gets called off in celebration

  • It's actually: "You should probably think about being nicer to me."
    Just letting ya know :P.

    stevean2 posted: »

    "You should probably try being nicer to me.."

  • Nate and Mary, sitting on a tree, B-U-R-N-I-N-G I-T T-O T-H-E G-R-O-U-N-D

    Lemoncakes posted: »

    Nate and Bloody Mary fall in love at first sight after making psycho-murder eyes at one another. Battle gets called off in celebration

  • While everyone is fighting Duck comes down from the heavens and conjures grilled cheese sandwiches out of nowhere then everyone gets along.

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