Your favorite music from the soundtrack.
Title says it all. Mine has to be in the water or the music that plays when clem meets luke and pete.
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Title says it all. Mine has to be in the water or the music that plays when clem meets luke and pete.
This. Enough said...
Armed With Death ftw!
THIS - 'nuff said. :P
In the water an nuff said
Lot of great tracks, but there's always been a really special feeling to this track I can't quite get my finger on. It sounds...hopeful, lonely, sad, happy...all at once somehow.
It even has a child like, innocent tone to it, I find. Maybe that's why a theme so prevalent in season 1 has barely appeared at all in s2. Clem has kind of...moved on from the feeling the track captures.
In the water nuff said
For vocal songs, "In the Water". "In the Pines" is great too.
For the score, probably "Run". Honestly, I could do a top twenty and still have to make some hard picks because the score is so good, but I think "Run" encompasses everything I love about it: the sense of danger, the slight sense of hopefulness mixed with intensity that lessens that hope, and damn it it's just fun as hell to listen to.
Edit: Sorry, SS, didn't mean to reply to you. I was going to comment on that "Clementine" track, but decided not to. :P
Not crazy about any of the vocal themes.
in the water and in the pines
I like Clem's theme. I think The Wolf Among Us soundtrack is better though.
Armed With Death,Take Us Back,In The Water,In The Pines.
Oh yeah, in the pines is really good.
ALIVE INSIDE no doubt about it
A recent one I liked was this:
I got the chills when I was watching the S2E2 trailer with that song playing.
I made a Music Appreciation thread, but it is way way back. I'm to lazy to look back that far :-/
This one's my personal favorite, followed by Armed with Death ofc
I like this one, it was from the trailer before season 2 came out.
Absolutely, this is an amazing song.
Surprised this one hasn't come up yet. Whereas the Clementine theme has a mix of all kinds of emotions, this one kind of feels like its pure-heartbreaking alter-ego or something.
Bit starting at 1:22...ungghh.
In The Pines is my number one favorite, but aside form that, Take Us Back, It's Over/Bitter Revenge, No Time Left, Armed with Death/The Gauntlet, Save Yourself(and Uncertain Fate), and of course, Goodbye/Clem's Theme.
There are a few others that stood out from the soundtrack, but those were my favorites in no particular order(except that In The Pines is #1).
Edit, I forgot Carver. That one is great.
Oh, here we go. My favorite type of thread has appeared yet again.
I'd say that it's different... But not necessarily "better". It's a completely different style of music, so I don't think it's fair to compare it.
This from S2E2:
It was the only CD they had lol
I absolutely loved the "In The Pines" cover.
Another thing to add to the growing list of stuff I remember liking...
For Season 1, I've always enjoyed the track from the car looting scene.

So far this season, though, I'd say this is my favorite.

This is season 2's main theme. Great track
This song is a masterpiece!
This one here's great, also. It almost makes me cry, brings back the feels.
Yes. Yes, yes, yes, yes!
Can't wait for the album so I can listen to this on repeat until I hate it with a passion. Then come back to it 2 months later and wonder why I ever stopped listening to it.
in deep Mortal Kombat narrator voice
It basically made the most powerful scene in the game for me (Ok, besides the ending of E5).
I think I would enjoy it more if I could bring myself to listen to it for more than 22 seconds
"I couldn't even help my own boy..."
S1: Alive Inside takes the cake.
S2: Carver by Anadel is really good, fits his character perfectly. Gritty and rough. Also, the episode select OST for EP4 sends shivers down my spine. That creepy droning.. yikes, lots of Silent Hill vibes.
So that's what the CD was... I forgot to play it in episode 2 because I was afraid to disturb the peaceful silence.
This one! I have a thing for action themes.
Running away from Winston was really intense.