


  • Clukesters are taking over The World.

    _Juice_Box_ posted: »

    That's not the point. It's the worry of the fact that Clukers exist, no disrespect.

  • I'm going to have to side with Juice_Box on this one, after I seem to agree with you on absolutely everything else, I don't see a reason to stop now :P

    But in all seriousness the point is that there are people who want this to happen, and it isn't acceptable to want an 11 year old girl to be romantically involved with anyone, especially someone who is 15 years her senior.

    _Juice_Box_ posted: »

    That's not the point. It's the worry of the fact that Clukers exist, no disrespect.

  • as long as i'm the one playing CLEM AIN'T DATING TILL SHES 30!!!

    I just don't understand the whole Cluke thing...I agree with you, it just doesn't make any sense, he's obviously a lot older than she is and

  • edited April 2014

    Are Cluke fans Justin Bieber fans too by any chance? That wouldn't surprise me, not one bit.

  • No. We obviously have a great taste in men seeing as we like Luke!

    ShaneWalsh posted: »

    Are Cluke fans Justin Bieber fans too by any chance? That wouldn't surprise me, not one bit.

  • Ok Cluke4life you can stop the trolling already.

    Cluke4Life posted: »

    No. We obviously have a great taste in men seeing as we like Luke!

  • Unfortunately for the Clukers the Luke in that scenario will be about 45 to 50 by then rofl

    as long as i'm the one playing CLEM AIN'T DATING TILL SHES 30!!!

  • I'm not trolling. I really do ship Cluke!

    ShaneWalsh posted: »

    Ok Cluke4life you can stop the trolling already.

  • Another reason why is doesn't make sense. I hope Clem survives this horrific nightmare and maybe someday she does settle down but with someone closer to her age.

    AusZombie posted: »

    Unfortunately for the Clukers the Luke in that scenario will be about 45 to 50 by then rofl

  • bubbledncrbubbledncr Telltale Alumni

    I just laugh whenever I hear Cluke. It sounds so funny.

  • You are a really bad joke told by Greg Miller.

    Cluke4Life posted: »

    Clukesters are taking over The World.

  • I just bluch whenever I see Clem and Luke together. They're so cute!

    bubbledncr posted: »

    I just laugh whenever I hear Cluke. It sounds so funny.

  • Just.... Just go away.... Shoo Shoo Troll Shoo....

    Cluke4Life posted: »

    I can see them becoming a couple in a few years! They're going to be the cutest couple since Kim K. and Kanye West!

  • You are not gonna do it right? right??? RIIGHT!???



    bubbledncr posted: »

    I just laugh whenever I hear Cluke. It sounds so funny.

  • i have this secret theory, this head canon
    I feel like Lexi = Greg Miller! Its his secret evil plan to make other people ship Cluke! D:<

  • bubbledncrbubbledncr Telltale Alumni

    There's no W in right. ;-)

    Some day, you will know. But that day is not today.

    ravensep posted: »

    You are not gonna do it right? right??? RIIGHT!??? WRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHTTTT!?

  • Spoilers for Apollo Justice in Ace Attorney series...don't click if you ever want to play Phoenix Wright because it is a comedic story based hilarious thriller.

    excuse me, I am going to go freak out by a ominous reply made by a telltale staff :) just like Kristoph Gavin.


    bubbledncr posted: »

    There's no W in right. ;-) Some day, you will know. But that day is not today.

  • bubbledncrbubbledncr Telltale Alumni

    Aha...never played that game. Woe is me.

    ravensep posted: »

    Spoilers for Apollo Justice in Ace Attorney series...don't click if you ever want to play Phoenix Wright because it is a comedic story based

  • Well that picture was devastating to my psyche..... but that's an interesting take on the situstion. Well put.

  • edited April 2014

    They are! But not in a lover way. That's not so cute.... at all.

    EDIT: Or relationship beyond friendship/brother-sister relationship.

    Cluke4Life posted: »

    I just bluch whenever I see Clem and Luke together. They're so cute!

  • The thing that annoys me the most is the name. "Cluke" sounds like a fucking vegatable

  • Alt text

    Can we please just stop giving ATTENTION to this terrible ship, even if it's criticizing it? The more we talk about it the more fuel people people will have to spam it for shock value.

  • bubbledncrbubbledncr Telltale Alumni

    Well yea, a 30-ish year old man putting his finances under the control of an 11-year-old probably is pretty stupid of him.

  • Based on what Nick told us, I think his finances would be screwed regardless.

    bubbledncr posted: »

    Well yea, a 30-ish year old man putting his finances under the control of an 11-year-old probably is pretty stupid of him.

  • bubbledncrbubbledncr Telltale Alumni


    DomeWing333 posted: »

    Based on what Nick told us, I think his finances would be screwed regardless.

  • edited April 2014

    haha, true. They know everyone judges them :b

    ShaneWalsh posted: »

    Lol they didn't have the balls to post a reply, so they just vote you down instead and stay hidden.

  • ElliasEllias Banned
    edited April 2014

    it is snip doing the dislikes, she's already told me she has multiple accounts "watching over" the forums in youtube. And she's literally the only one shipping both. It's way worse in youtube.

    we already know she she is.

    Clem_TWDG posted: »

    What's with the fucking dislikes? I can understand dislikes on a cluker but on an anti-cluker...?

  • edited April 2014

    How are those relatable? That thread gave a hypothetical situation that she was an adult and the possibility of her being pregnant with no notion of pedophilia. Comparing the two is completely silly.

    ShaneWalsh posted: »

    It really is sad for people to think of a fictional 11 year old girl like this, like that thread about Clementine getting pregnant.

  • So what about the people who can converse on the touchy subject with maturity and finesse? Should they shutter to the outskirts so the kids can speak I'll of the topic? It's going to be talked about, so why not also by the ones who can handle it? Just curious.

    I understand. It is a disturbing notion for normal people, and it's a tough subject to treat upon objectively and maturely. Which is even more reason why such a thread shouldn't be started in the first place.

  • Well, the thing with maturity is that... there's a lot of double-standards going on. It can be considered mature to ban any discussion of touchy topics altogether, though many would consider such censorship an act against liberal ideals. On the other hand, others would consider the mature thing to be criticizing those creepy Cluke fans and putting them in their place, which is an authoritarian act altogether if you ask me.

    I guess the ideal maturity would be for people to properly educate these Cluke fans on the pros and cons of such Cluke discussions, but that's not something many would participate in. Decisions, decisions... which dialogue option would you guys choose? :D

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    So what about the people who can converse on the touchy subject with maturity and finesse? Should they shutter to the outskirts so the kids

  • edited April 2014


    And here I thought Cluck was kind of a weird thing to be thinking about when I first heard it mentioned on the tumblr abyss long, long ago...

  • Go cluke yourself

    Reply this to every cluker and shit

    Cluke4Life posted: »

    I'm not trolling. I really do ship Cluke!

  • It seems to me you're making an argument that pedophilia is an act of malum prohibitum. Rape, murder, pedophilia acts, and other such things are morally wrong with or without backing from government or any 3rd parties. These acts are salum in se, wrong or evil in themselves.

    The thoughts of such things can have no repercussions, after all the mind is one of the last (if not the last) completely safe haven in existence. The moment you announce your approvement of such things you can, rightly, be labeled as a supporter of acts naturally wrong or evil. Any further and reactions can be as wide ranging as a slap on the wrist to death.

    Inherently wrong, and punishable. I hope this was objective and mature enough :)

    Well, the thing with maturity is that... there's a lot of double-standards going on. It can be considered mature to ban any discussion of to

  • OminousFlareOminousFlare Banned
    edited April 2014

    Well, actually, many mature discussions could involve healthy discussions of paraphilia (which doesn't necessarily have to do with pedophilia or biastophilia/rape fetish) without it becoming awkward - because that's what it is, a mature discussion. That's why many mature adults considered S&M participation a healthy way to satisfy those sexual fetishes. It's actually more immature to dismiss these ideas simply because you think of them as 'evil' or 'demonic', IMO, because in reality, these are actual scientifically-proven disorders that history has shown that patients were able to cope with through pornography, S&M acts, or rape roleplays with safe-words used.

    Like I said, if you want to go into the realm of maturity, there's a whole level of subjectivity to it and a lot of double-standards that a lot of people couldn't and wouldn't wish to understand.

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    It seems to me you're making an argument that pedophilia is an act of malum prohibitum. Rape, murder, pedophilia acts, and other such thing

  • edited April 2014

    Alt text

    1. Telltale DON'T KILL CLEM!!!

    2. No Cluke ever

    3. "I JUST GOT LUCKY" NO as community we agreed how Kenny survived need no plotholes

    Alt text

    bubbledncr posted: »


  • I don't understand the point you are trying to make here.

    Yes the role playing and bondage (etc) experiences can "satisfy those sexual fetishes," but that doesn't mean the thought process and reasoning behind the experiences is justifiable.

    Say I want to commit murder (I don't, but lets use it as an example). I role play murdering someone, which "satisfies" my urge. That experience is better than the alternative, but it doesn't mean I don't have a disorder that should be checked. The thoughts behind the action are undeniably wrong in themselves. Evil and demonic are terrible words to use to describe the mindset, but morally wrong is a spot on description.

    Well, actually, many mature discussions could involve healthy discussions of paraphilia (which doesn't necessarily have to do with pedophili

  • OminousFlareOminousFlare Banned
    edited April 2014

    The point is, sometimes maturity is about being open-minded. I feel that you are over-simplifying these subjects as completely morally wrong when there's a lot of grey area to these disorders. And yes, they are disorders, not a choice like homosexuality or transgender. It's as much a disorder as clinical depression or psychopathy. People raised up with fucked up childhoods become fucked up. I'd know, because I'm one of them myself. While it is also a choice not to let these fucked up stuff affect our moral decisions, that has nothing to do with whether we're emotionally disturbed deep inside or not, which is a very real thing that would affect our minds and our thoughts.

    Do I justify the actions of rapists and pedophiles? Of course not. But that is a totally different subject altogether. I think you're confusing paraphilia with sex crimes, because they can be quite the mutually exclusive subjects. I've had a paraphilia since I was a kid, and I've still not committed any count of sexual criminal act or anything close to it.

    My point is, it's a rather naive notion to dismiss these disorders as something that deems a person evil or morally wrong or whatever. If you want to play the blame game instead of solving problems like a mature adult, there's a long list of people who fucked up people like me waiting in line. The whole nature vs. nurture notion? It isn't just total bullshit. My point is, at least people like me try to cope with such disorders using healthy methods that don't hurt anyone and be civilize about it instead of acting like a raging animal that goes out and hurt people. I think that goes down quite a long way to establish whether if I'm trying to be morally righteous or not.

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    I don't understand the point you are trying to make here. Yes the role playing and bondage (etc) experiences can "satisfy those sexual fe

  • All too often the people who fuck up others were fucked up by others in turn. It's a terrible circle, my family is no exception. I still don't agree there is a lot of grey area. There is a difference between committing the act, and thinking of the act (and by extension playing the act) but I don't find the thought process behind either to change so drastically to a point that one is wrong and one is not wrong. One is vastly more wrong than the other, obviously, which is why one is looked down on and one is punishable by prison/execution (again referring to the paraphilias of pedophilia and rape only, not an over arcing paraphilia scope).

    I hope you don't think I'm bring closed minded. Far from it infact that your post has already given me due reason to rethink my position on the subject. Also having the disorder doesn't make you an immoral person. Many things affect our moral standing on a daily basis, some are e good and some are bad, each affect our overall moral standing but none single one defines it, same with the thought process of pedophilia and rape.

    Also about me oversimplifying it -

    If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.

    -Albert Einstein

    The point is, sometimes maturity is about being open-minded. I feel that you are over-simplifying these subjects as completely morally wrong

  • yes yes Cluke rhymes with Puke and that's exactly how I feel about cluke

This discussion has been closed.