Best Walking Dead Season 2 Theories Thread (SOOPER CEREAL THEORIES ONLY)
This is THE thread for all of your best theories! Ranging from Lilly coming back with a full-grown beard identical to Kenny's to the return of Maybelle, you can post any super serious theory you have for the rest of season 2 right here! Just remember that you HAVE to be serious, I don't want this to turn into a hate thread...
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A lot of people talk about possible Luke - Nick relationship.
So what? I'm not offended by homosexuality. In the '60s, I made love to many, many women, often outdoors, in the mud and the rain, and it's possible a man slipped in. There would be no way of knowing.
I'm pretty sure none of that's real.
I think Clementine will resurrect Lee, with a ritual.
pretty sure thx for clearing that up
Sounds believable, but how will she get back to Savannah? They have walked for miles and Savannah is overrun...
That's what she said, now excuse me, i'm going to a bunch of different high school football games tonight, lot of people need fake ID's there, great night for business!
I'm still wondering about that episode 4 screencap in the episode selection screen. I wonder what's it mean?
I posted theories about this episode featuring Clem going through a voodoo warrior, spiritual enlightenment kind of thing, which sounds pretty silly, I know, but I got it from the red paint she was rubbing on her cheeks, which I later figured out to be potentially blood, not war-paint. But THEN, look at her hair. What's with the switch in hairdo? That's gotta mean something. And then I found this:
In this different angle, it's much more clearer that she's kept her hairdo, so it's probably nothing, but look at the way she painted her face in this Playstation version of the game, which definitely feels more 'voodooish' than the PC version.
Again, this could be just wild speculations, but I thought it'd be interesting to explore what's going on with this.
Nope, the correct answer was "YOU'RE NOT REAL, MAN!"
....I'm beginning to suspect that you're not actually Creed Bratton.
What if Nick kills himself?
He looks depressed over Pete and it certainly looks like he does not care for his own safety as much anymore..
Umm I dunno about this. If he wanted to die, don't ya think he would've done it earlier?
My clem would have stopped him