Lucky. I only have FO3 on Xbox so I just have to pretend my paragon of virtue and goodness is mentally unstable and then kill townsfolk, commit burglaries and steal lunch money from children until he's sufficiently neutral. It's okay though, because then he or she makes a charitable donation to the local church and all is forgiven...just like real life.
I think it'd be better to just be optimistic about it. If Luke were a real person (which obviously he's not) it wouldn't be right to accuse him of pedophilia just because he's a bit strange. I like Luke but I do get a weird feeling about him, not sure why. It might just because we don't really know too much about him. Anywho, it's just better to wait and see, and apparently, Luke will be in the next episode some how because Scott Porter went into the booth the other day.
Yeah, I've always felt a little suspicious about Luke. And think about it, he tried to get Clementine to go alone with him onto a bridge. I don't know, maybe he's just a nice guy, or maybe he's a pedophile. I guess we'll find out.
I don't see anything wrong with being a Pedophile, I mean it's not like he's going around molesting children right? Plus, it's just a title that would be given to him, and titles don't mean shit in the apocalypse.
I don't see a problem with age differences usually. It's not for the reason that they are 16 years apart, it's that it'd make Luke a major p… moreedophile. I would care less if Clementine was 16, of course I would still be worried for her but I just can't understand someone wanting an 11 year old to be dating anyone...
Lucky. I only have FO3 on Xbox so I just have to pretend my paragon of virtue and goodness is mentally unstable and then kill townsfolk, co… moremmit burglaries and steal lunch money from children until he's sufficiently neutral. It's okay though, because then he or she makes a charitable donation to the local church and all is forgiven...just like real life.
Pedophilia laws are made to protect children from those sorts of acts of love. Children don't know what love is and they shouldn't be taking part in it. That's why it's not ok.
I don't see anything wrong with being a Pedophile, I mean it's not like he's going around molesting children right? Plus, it's just a title that would be given to him, and titles don't mean shit in the apocalypse.
Traitor, pedophile, murderer, rapist, thief. If someone were to state that someone was one of these things, it would definitely affect you, not only mentally, but think about how the group would react to someone being a pedophile. Personally, I would want to kick the person's ass. There is a lot of things wrong with being a pedophile, but let's start with a simple answer, you're abusing the child. The child's mind is not developed enough to fully understand, or if it has, to fight back. And truly, your mind is not fully developed until the age of 25, but around the mid and latter teen years, your mind understands these sort of things. And many pedophiles do go around, molesting children.
I don't see anything wrong with being a Pedophile, I mean it's not like he's going around molesting children right? Plus, it's just a title that would be given to him, and titles don't mean shit in the apocalypse.
(?) Clayton_Boylan has got mad respect for your opinion. We can't go around accusing people of pedophilia, or the situation will escalate, we've just got to wait and see.
I think it'd be better to just be optimistic about it. If Luke were a real person (which obviously he's not) it wouldn't be right to accuse … morehim of pedophilia just because he's a bit strange. I like Luke but I do get a weird feeling about him, not sure why. It might just because we don't really know too much about him. Anywho, it's just better to wait and see, and apparently, Luke will be in the next episode some how because Scott Porter went into the booth the other day.
Well he can be considered a Pedophile or a Hebephile, but I think Pedo should start at 10 and lower and not be at 11 or lower.
The term is statutory rape, a child under a certain age can not give consent. In a lot of countries that age is 16 a lot it is 18 and apparently in Japan it is 14, I was a little surprised to hear that one!
Traitor, pedophile, murderer, rapist, thief. If someone were to state that someone was one of these things, it would definitely affect you, … morenot only mentally, but think about how the group would react to someone being a pedophile. Personally, I would want to kick the person's ass. There is a lot of things wrong with being a pedophile, but let's start with a simple answer, you're abusing the child. The child's mind is not developed enough to fully understand, or if it has, to fight back. And truly, your mind is not fully developed until the age of 25, but around the mid and latter teen years, your mind understands these sort of things. And many pedophiles do go around, molesting children.
You make a good point but ignoring the problem will just make these people supporting think that it's an accepted thing. I have the right to my opinion and I don't think people bring it up enough.
Can we please just stop giving ATTENTION to this terrible ship, even if it's criticizing it? The more we talk about it the more fuel people people will have to spam it for shock value.
Pedophilia laws are made to protect children from those sorts of acts of love. Children don't know what love is and they shouldn't be taking part in it. That's why it's not ok.
It was also strange of Luke to try to keep the fact that Nick shot Matthew completely under wraps, and if he is that eager to hide something that quick I'm sure that not only Luke, but the Cabin Group as a whole are hiding something.
Honestly at most I think Luke is a coward, not something as disgusting as a pedophile. (Coward because he dropped Clem on the ground the second he saw her arm was bloody, tried to keep secrets from people who gave him hospitality, taking off when the group needed help from Carver, ect)
It was also strange of Luke to try to keep the fact that Nick shot Matthew completely under wraps, and if he is that eager to hide something… more that quick I'm sure that not only Luke, but the Cabin Group as a whole are hiding something.
Honestly at most I think Luke is a coward, not something as disgusting as a pedophile. (Coward because he dropped Clem on the ground the second he saw her arm was bloody, tried to keep secrets from people who gave him hospitality, taking off when the group needed help from Carver, ect)
It's a bit too early to judge his bravery. We don't know what happened at the lodge yet. Also, while dropping Clem was rather stupid, it's understandable as a startle reaction. I do think that something about him, but I don't think it involves aforementioned cowardice or pedophilia.
It was also strange of Luke to try to keep the fact that Nick shot Matthew completely under wraps, and if he is that eager to hide something… more that quick I'm sure that not only Luke, but the Cabin Group as a whole are hiding something.
Honestly at most I think Luke is a coward, not something as disgusting as a pedophile. (Coward because he dropped Clem on the ground the second he saw her arm was bloody, tried to keep secrets from people who gave him hospitality, taking off when the group needed help from Carver, ect)
Let's just hope Telltale does what Hasbro did to My Little Pony Porn.
Hentai ruins almost everything I enjoy. I haven't touched a Sonic game in years. It brings back painful memories.
The term is statutory rape, a child under a certain age can not give consent. In a lot of countries that age is 16 a lot it is 18 and apparently in Japan it is 14, I was a little surprised to hear that one!
It was also strange of Luke to try to keep the fact that Nick shot Matthew completely under wraps, and if he is that eager to hide something… more that quick I'm sure that not only Luke, but the Cabin Group as a whole are hiding something.
Honestly at most I think Luke is a coward, not something as disgusting as a pedophile. (Coward because he dropped Clem on the ground the second he saw her arm was bloody, tried to keep secrets from people who gave him hospitality, taking off when the group needed help from Carver, ect)
Lots of people ship "Bethyl" from the walking tv show and daryl is about 45 in the show and beth about 17-19. Lots of people ship them and cluke shouldnt be different i tink its adorable.
No I didn't, I find the thought of Clem related pornography sickening, revolting, repulsive, filthy, horrible, disgusting, nauseating, ghastly, stomach-churning, off-putting, obnoxious, foul, nasty, distasteful, yucky, icky, gross, grotty, disgustful, offensive, abhorrent, horrid, horrible, deplorable, despicable, vile and it is also illegal. (Just saying)
I think it's adorable too. I bet Clem wouldn't mind spending the rest of her life with Luke!
And just so you know, she's not real. Like it or not, Clementine is a bunch of pixels and people should stop treating her like she's their daughter or something. It's getting weird seeing people stress over something so trivial as shipping two fictional characters.
Lots of people ship "Bethyl" from the walking tv show and daryl is about 45 in the show and beth about 17-19. Lots of people ship them and cluke shouldnt be different i tink its adorable.
I think it's adorable too. I bet Clem wouldn't mind spending the rest of her life with Luke!
And just so you know, she's not real. Like i… moret or not, Clementine is a bunch of pixels and people should stop treating her like she's their daughter or something. It's getting weird seeing people stress over something so trivial as shipping two fictional characters.
No one in their right mind goes out and looks for rule 34. I only came across it because I was searching the walking dead game clementine and then rule 34 popped up and me being an idiot at the time I didn't know what it was so I clicked it and then the nightmares started... I will never click anything I don't know about on google images ever again O____O
Lots of people ship "Bethyl" from the walking tv show and daryl is about 45 in the show and beth about 17-19. Lots of people ship them and cluke shouldnt be different i tink its adorable.
Lucky. I only have FO3 on Xbox so I just have to pretend my paragon of virtue and goodness is mentally unstable and then kill townsfolk, commit burglaries and steal lunch money from children until he's sufficiently neutral. It's okay though, because then he or she makes a charitable donation to the local church and all is forgiven...just like real life.
I think it'd be better to just be optimistic about it. If Luke were a real person (which obviously he's not) it wouldn't be right to accuse him of pedophilia just because he's a bit strange. I like Luke but I do get a weird feeling about him, not sure why. It might just because we don't really know too much about him. Anywho, it's just better to wait and see, and apparently, Luke will be in the next episode some how because Scott Porter went into the booth the other day.
I don't see anything wrong with being a Pedophile, I mean it's not like he's going around molesting children right? Plus, it's just a title that would be given to him, and titles don't mean shit in the apocalypse.
This is why I've always preferred New Vegas.
There is hope for humanity, yet!
Pedophilia laws are made to protect children from those sorts of acts of love. Children don't know what love is and they shouldn't be taking part in it. That's why it's not ok.
Traitor, pedophile, murderer, rapist, thief. If someone were to state that someone was one of these things, it would definitely affect you, not only mentally, but think about how the group would react to someone being a pedophile. Personally, I would want to kick the person's ass. There is a lot of things wrong with being a pedophile, but let's start with a simple answer, you're abusing the child. The child's mind is not developed enough to fully understand, or if it has, to fight back. And truly, your mind is not fully developed until the age of 25, but around the mid and latter teen years, your mind understands these sort of things. And many pedophiles do go around, molesting children.
(?) Clayton_Boylan has got mad respect for your opinion. We can't go around accusing people of pedophilia, or the situation will escalate, we've just got to wait and see.
Well, if he tries anything, he'll be considered a pedophile.
I'm not worried, on account of i'm sure that TTG haven't lost their minds
The term is statutory rape, a child under a certain age can not give consent. In a lot of countries that age is 16 a lot it is 18 and apparently in Japan it is 14, I was a little surprised to hear that one!
You make a good point but ignoring the problem will just make these people supporting think that it's an accepted thing. I have the right to my opinion and I don't think people bring it up enough.
I saw somebody else say that exact same thing in a different thread, i'll repeat what the reply to that was.
It is.
Always remember rule #34.
I almost forgot that existed... dammit.
It was also strange of Luke to try to keep the fact that Nick shot Matthew completely under wraps, and if he is that eager to hide something that quick I'm sure that not only Luke, but the Cabin Group as a whole are hiding something.
Honestly at most I think Luke is a coward, not something as disgusting as a pedophile. (Coward because he dropped Clem on the ground the second he saw her arm was bloody, tried to keep secrets from people who gave him hospitality, taking off when the group needed help from Carver, ect)
Great. Now we're gonna have Clukers running around getting busy with their perverse hentai pics.
Nobody wants to remember that.
Lol "Clukers".
I think he's scared for his life and he really didn't know Clem that much at the time so I dunno.
If that happens...
It's a bit too early to judge his bravery. We don't know what happened at the lodge yet. Also, while dropping Clem was rather stupid, it's understandable as a startle reaction. I do think that something about him, but I don't think it involves aforementioned cowardice or pedophilia.
I only found one Cluke pic on that website.
You went and checked? Your dedication to Cluke is awe inspiring!
Let's just hope Telltale does what Hasbro did to My Little Pony Porn.
Hentai ruins almost everything I enjoy. I haven't touched a Sonic game in years. It brings back painful memories.
Lolz, you did it as well. Just admit it. It's not that great though, you can tell it's Luke by the orange shirt.
This is what I say to all Cluke shippers:
I'm in Okinawa right now, yeah you're right, the age here is 14. It kinda pissed me off a little. But normally it's 16 or 18.
That's fucking disgusting.
Pretty good theory!
Hell yeah!
Lots of people ship "Bethyl" from the walking tv show and daryl is about 45 in the show and beth about 17-19. Lots of people ship them and cluke shouldnt be different i tink its adorable.
No I didn't, I find the thought of Clem related pornography sickening, revolting, repulsive, filthy, horrible, disgusting, nauseating, ghastly, stomach-churning, off-putting, obnoxious, foul, nasty, distasteful, yucky, icky, gross, grotty, disgustful, offensive, abhorrent, horrid, horrible, deplorable, despicable, vile and it is also illegal. (Just saying)
I think it's adorable too. I bet Clem wouldn't mind spending the rest of her life with Luke!
And just so you know, she's not real. Like it or not, Clementine is a bunch of pixels and people should stop treating her like she's their daughter or something. It's getting weird seeing people stress over something so trivial as shipping two fictional characters.
No one in their right mind goes out and looks for rule 34. I only came across it because I was searching the walking dead game clementine and then rule 34 popped up and me being an idiot at the time I didn't know what it was so I clicked it and then the nightmares started... I will never click anything I don't know about on google images ever again O____O
They have to reproduce somehow. Desperate times call for desperate measures.