


  • edited April 2014

    Illegal? I know real life child pornography is illegal but these are fictional characters we are talking about. It may be disgusting but it's not real.

    AusZombie posted: »

    No I didn't, I find the thought of Clem related pornography sickening, revolting, repulsive, filthy, horrible, disgusting, nauseating, ghast

  • edited April 2014

    I had this exact same conversation with Muhab and I will tell you what I told him.

    It doesn't matter if she is fiction or not, it is not acceptable to ship an underage girl. In this case it isn't what she is it is what she represents, she represents a child so you have to treat her like one. That means no porn, no sexualisation, and no talking about which pedophile is going to sweep her off her feet. You may call us weird but we aren't the ones who are advocating pedophilia and child pornography.

    Cluke4Life posted: »

    I think it's adorable too. I bet Clem wouldn't mind spending the rest of her life with Luke! And just so you know, she's not real. Like i

  • It just says, "Go fuck yourse--" and cuts off.

    Giraffehat posted: »

    This is what I say to all Cluke shippers:

  • Nah, it's just Dave Fennoy's way of speaking.

    It just says, "Go fuck yourse--" and cuts off.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    Its illegal in some countries and should be illegal everywhere, its disgusting.

    Illegal? I know real life child pornography is illegal but these are fictional characters we are talking about. It may be disgusting but it's not real.

  • Thanks, but I think I'll decide whether it's acceptable or not. I know I'm not doing anything wrong by shipping a bunch of pixels and that's all I care about.

    AusZombie posted: »

    I had this exact same conversation with Muhab and I will tell you what I told him. It doesn't matter if she is fiction or not, it is not

  • It doesn't matter it's still illegal, people have gone to jail over lolicon even though they aren't real people it is still considered child pornography.

    Illegal? I know real life child pornography is illegal but these are fictional characters we are talking about. It may be disgusting but it's not real.

  • You have a serious problem, and if anything I feel bad for you that you don't even understand what's wrong with it.

    Cluke4Life posted: »

    Thanks, but I think I'll decide whether it's acceptable or not. I know I'm not doing anything wrong by shipping a bunch of pixels and that's all I care about.

  • Did a little research and came up with this. So you are correct.

    "(c) Nonrequired Element of Offense.— It is not a required element of any offense under this section that the minor depicted actually exist. -Title 18 U.S.C. 1466A"

    "In order to be prosecuted for the crime of possessing said images, the images have to meet the following criteria:

    First, that the Defendant knowingly possessed a visual depiction;

    Second, that the visual depiction depicts a minor engaging in sexually explicit conduct;

    Third, that the visual depiction is obscene;

    Fourth, that the defendant knew of the sexually oriented nature of the visual depiction;

    Fifth, that the visual depiction involved in the offense had been mailed, shipped or transported in interstate or foreign commerce by any means, including by computer, or was produced using materials that had been mailed, or that had been shipped or transported in interstate or foreign commerce by any means, including by computer.

    The third criteria is the trickiest, as obscenity in the United States is defined by the (notoriously slippery and subjective) Miller test:

    Whether “the average person, applying contemporary community standards”, would find that the work, taken as a whole, appeals to the prurient interest,

    Whether the work depicts/describes, in a patently offensive way, sexual conduct specifically defined by applicable state law,

    Whether the work, taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, political or scientific value."

    AusZombie posted: »

    It doesn't matter it's still illegal, people have gone to jail over lolicon even though they aren't real people it is still considered child pornography.

  • Rebecca's already going to have her baby, and Clementine most likely hasn't even started her menstrual cycle so having children for her at the moment is probably impossible.

    They have to reproduce somehow. Desperate times call for desperate measures.

  • Awh, you don't have to feel bad for me. I'm a tough cookie.

    _Juice_Box_ posted: »

    You have a serious problem, and if anything I feel bad for you that you don't even understand what's wrong with it.

  • Maybe Luke ran because he's the daddy of Rebecca's child. With her history, you never know.

    _Juice_Box_ posted: »

    Rebecca's already going to have her baby, and Clementine most likely hasn't even started her menstrual cycle so having children for her at the moment is probably impossible.

  • You're most likely a 14 year old girl that gets hot at the thought of Scott Porter. Grow up.

    Cluke4Life posted: »

    Awh, you don't have to feel bad for me. I'm a tough cookie.

  • I think Carver is the father but if she slept with Carver... how could she resist Luke? I'm no Cluke shipper but I gotta admit... Luke is pretty awesome looking.

    Maybe Luke ran because he's the daddy of Rebecca's child. With her history, you never know.

  • Thank you, but this is me were talking about, was there ever any doubt about my correctness XD i'm kidding.

    Did a little research and came up with this. So you are correct. "(c) Nonrequired Element of Offense.— It is not a required element of a

  • American people have fucked up morals if they actually believe that 17 is too young.

    Cluke4Life posted: »

    I think it's adorable too. I bet Clem wouldn't mind spending the rest of her life with Luke! And just so you know, she's not real. Like i

  • If you're talking about sex laws... there's actually nothing against it as long as it's not someone who's above the age of 18 that's with that 17 year old.

    American people have fucked up morals if they actually believe that 17 is too young.

  • Alt text

    Cluke4Life posted: »

    Thanks, but I think I'll decide whether it's acceptable or not. I know I'm not doing anything wrong by shipping a bunch of pixels and that's all I care about.

  • CannibalCarlCannibalCarl Banned
    edited April 2014

    In Europe, even a 50 year old could have sex with a 16 year old girl without having to face charges, as long as the parents aren't prohibiting you from having a relationship.

    _Juice_Box_ posted: »

    If you're talking about sex laws... there's actually nothing against it as long as it's not someone who's above the age of 18 that's with that 17 year old.

  • The laws are made to protect children and to stop teen pregnancy.

    In Europe, even a 50 year old could have sex with a 16 year old girl without having to face charges, as long as the parents aren't prohibiting you from having a relationship.

  • Tell that to Courtney Stodden. She was 16 when she married a 51 year old. She's such a bad ass.

    _Juice_Box_ posted: »

    If you're talking about sex laws... there's actually nothing against it as long as it's not someone who's above the age of 18 that's with that 17 year old.

  • edited April 2014

    Would I be a hypocrite if I said I agreed with you? I believe that once you are 16 you should be able to have consensual sex with anyone else over the age of 16. With the caveat that there is some sort of protection/birth control involved.

    American people have fucked up morals if they actually believe that 17 is too young.

  • Education helps much more than such laws. Even better if you start by teaching the children how sex actually works, before you start explaining them the 300+ different kinds of sexualities some of your crazy folks came up with.

    _Juice_Box_ posted: »

    The laws are made to protect children and to stop teen pregnancy.

  • No more cluke pls :(

  • Man, it seems I've been away from this forum for too long, but I never thought anyone could think of Luke and Clementine in such a manner.

    The only possible relationship I can see between them is Brother and Sister. That or Clementine could have a small crush (don't think anything's wrong with that, it's not like she's dating him)
    But the idea of Cluke is rather ludicrous.

  • A hypocrite would be someone who, for example, says that eating flesh is immoral while eating burgers at mcdonalds when no one is looking. So obviously you are not, unless you say somewhere else that the legal age for sex should be 18+.

    AusZombie posted: »

    Would I be a hypocrite if I said I agreed with you? I believe that once you are 16 you should be able to have consensual sex with anyone else over the age of 16. With the caveat that there is some sort of protection/birth control involved.

  • Very true, I have heard in a lot of places in American there are a lot of ill informed people pushing for abstinence instead of sexual education. I also heard that in those places teen pregnancy is through the roof in comparison to other places rofl.

    Education helps much more than such laws. Even better if you start by teaching the children how sex actually works, before you start explaining them the 300+ different kinds of sexualities some of your crazy folks came up with.

  • Hehe no i've just been arguing with cluke4ever about child pornography and pedophilia. Being so against any form of child pornography and then saying that I believe the age of consent should be 16 just sounds weird to me, even though I said rofl.

    A hypocrite would be someone who, for example, says that eating flesh is immoral while eating burgers at mcdonalds when no one is looking. So obviously you are not, unless you say somewhere else that the legal age for sex should be 18+.

  • It's like this fortune cookie that says "Better luck next time."

  • Being against child pornography is completely reasonable, since it is not only against the child's will but will also remind it that there are pictures and videos on the internet of them (sometimes including even names) which are used by perverts for their own satisfaction.
    A 16 year old teenager, on the other hand, should already understand what sex is and how it works.

    AusZombie posted: »

    Hehe no i've just been arguing with cluke4ever about child pornography and pedophilia. Being so against any form of child pornography and then saying that I believe the age of consent should be 16 just sounds weird to me, even though I said rofl.

  • I just feel like I have been arguing with a wall for the last 2 hours rofl.

    It's like this fortune cookie that says "Better luck next time."

  • She's not a bad ass, she's an idiot for marrying that young.

    Cluke4Life posted: »

    Tell that to Courtney Stodden. She was 16 when she married a 51 year old. She's such a bad ass.

  • Wow. This thread started with people talking about "Cluke" and "Clukers" and now they are talking about sex laws, child pornography and rule 34... Welcome to the forums.

  • Yeah, the most affectionate thing Clementine has ever said regarding Luke was to Kenny if you sit with him at the dinner table. When Kenny asks about him, she can answer "I like him. He's a good guy." It's obvious how Clem feels about him, and there's nothing that points to romantic interest. Even if she did have some kind of crush on him, it would just be like a celebrity crush that a little girl has on a full grown actor. Nothing would come of it.

    Man, it seems I've been away from this forum for too long, but I never thought anyone could think of Luke and Clementine in such a manner.

  • Talking about Cluke leads to those discussions, sadly.

    Wow. This thread started with people talking about "Cluke" and "Clukers" and now they are talking about sex laws, child pornography and rule 34... Welcome to the forums.

  • I think it's stupid because this is no time for romance and there's no hint of it between them. I think trivial stuff like "She's under 18! That's against THE LAW!" is also stupid to worry about in such a world.

  • Agreed but they don't just make up laws for no reason, they have a purpose and that purpose is to protect children.

    0oishi posted: »

    I think it's stupid because this is no time for romance and there's no hint of it between them. I think trivial stuff like "She's under 18! That's against THE LAW!" is also stupid to worry about in such a world.

  • Talking about Cluke

    That's where we went wrong.

    _Juice_Box_ posted: »

    Talking about Cluke leads to those discussions, sadly.

  • OminousFlareOminousFlare Banned
    edited April 2014

    I got a better discussion for ya -

    Cluke vs. Clee (as in ClemxLee)

  • Don't you even fucking go there.
    Alt text

    I got a better discussion for ya - Cluke vs. Clee (as in ClemxLee)

This discussion has been closed.