


  • ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................Cluke...

    I got a better discussion for ya - Cluke vs. Clee (as in ClemxLee)

  • Why did you have to bring back those horrible memories..


    Let's just hope Telltale does what Hasbro did to My Little Pony Porn. Hentai ruins almost everything I enjoy. I haven't touched a Sonic game in years. It brings back painful memories.

  • Someone started this whole "Cluke" thing. That's where it went wrong.

    Talking about Cluke That's where we went wrong.

  • I'm sorry for what's happened to you...there is a therapy session that I can recommend you for, maybe it'll help.

    _Juice_Box_ posted: »

    No one in their right mind goes out and looks for rule 34. I only came across it because I was searching the walking dead game clementine an

  • 45? Hell no! He's in his mid twenties, while Beth is in her latter teens. But on the other hand, is Clementine, who is eleven (your mind doesn't fully understand these type of things at pre-teen years) and a man in his mid twenties. These are two completely different things, Beth has grown to understand the kinds of things, and she is above the legal age of sexual interaction, while Clementine on the other hand probably doesn't understand this, and is under the legal age. Plus, if Luke does do anything, it'll be considered pedophilia. Hell, Daryl is probably younger then Luke!

    zombieet posted: »

    Lots of people ship "Bethyl" from the walking tv show and daryl is about 45 in the show and beth about 17-19. Lots of people ship them and cluke shouldnt be different i tink its adorable.

  • It doesn't matter if it's not real, you're supporting underage sexual interaction, which is illegal in every single-fucking country with a stable government. Clementine is not real, but what your supporting is disgusting, imagine in real life, seeing an eleven year old child being seduced by a man in his mid-twenties, now compare it to what you're supporting. There's not much of a difference.

    Cluke4Life posted: »

    I think it's adorable too. I bet Clem wouldn't mind spending the rest of her life with Luke! And just so you know, she's not real. Like i

  • (?) Clayton_Boylan thinks you're a badass. It's good to know there's still hope for humanity.

    AusZombie posted: »

    I had this exact same conversation with Muhab and I will tell you what I told him. It doesn't matter if she is fiction or not, it is not

  • Well, that was inevitable. Not much we could do about it. If anything, our biggest mistake is letting it grow so much. If only we could've contained it... put a stop to it before it became such a big thing. But there's no use in arguing with these delusional people now, we just have to let season two play itself out and their ship will sink on its own.

    Someone started this whole "Cluke" thing. That's where it went wrong.

  • Fucked up morals? Wanting to protect a young girl from old men that'll seduce them is having fucked up morals? You astound me. Age laws are put their for a reason, so old, creepy men and women won't abuse teenagers. I'm sorry, but who the fuck are you? You're the one with crazy ass morals, think about it, you're supporting underage sex with older men and women, the fuck's wrong with you and your morals?

    American people have fucked up morals if they actually believe that 17 is too young.

  • More like dumb ass. She doesn't even understand what it means to truly love someone, she just met an actor with a good amount of money and got with him.

    Cluke4Life posted: »

    Tell that to Courtney Stodden. She was 16 when she married a 51 year old. She's such a bad ass.

  • If I don't like something I intentionally avoid it, the only time I have to deal with TWD R34 crap is when trolls post it on the forum.

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    Why did you have to bring back those horrible memories.. T_T

  • Yes, that's true. But that's not what our conflict was on. We were talking about how older people can abuse younger people, when their brain is not fully developed, the last comment you just posted was on Sex Education, which is a necessary course and should be mandatory.

    Education helps much more than such laws. Even better if you start by teaching the children how sex actually works, before you start explaining them the 300+ different kinds of sexualities some of your crazy folks came up with.

  • I agree with this man.

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    No more cluke pls

  • Never speak again.

    I got a better discussion for ya - Cluke vs. Clee (as in ClemxLee)

  • lol Sorry. It's just that, amidst all these Cluke nonsense, I thought I'd throw out another bone for them Clukers to chew on just to see how they'd bite it.

    Never speak again.

  • Bad idea. Cluke is a weird and unlikely ship, but at least it's even conceivable. But Clee... I can't. Nobody can. Nobody should. Never. Never, under any circumstances, ever.

    lol Sorry. It's just that, amidst all these Cluke nonsense, I thought I'd throw out another bone for them Clukers to chew on just to see how they'd bite it.

  • Yeah, I hear ya. I was actually picturing more of a partner kind of thing, where Luke/Clem and Lee/Clem have this tag-team dynamic duo Batman-Robin kind of thing going on... but then again, I guess with Lee, it's more like a father/daughter thing than a 'partner' thing.

    Bad idea. Cluke is a weird and unlikely ship, but at least it's even conceivable. But Clee... I can't. Nobody can. Nobody should. Never. Never, under any circumstances, ever.

  • edited April 2014

    I know i'm a hypocrite saying this but I disagree, I enjoy these threads they always give an excuse to argue with people and I enjoy a good argument. I'm a hypocrite because I argue very strongly against cluke but I enjoy the threads about cluke :P

    I agree with this man.

  • edited April 2014


    Alt text

    I got a better discussion for ya - Cluke vs. Clee (as in ClemxLee)

  • Lee, what do we do about this guy?
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    AusZombie posted: »



    Alt text

    Lee, what do we do about this guy?

  • You enjoy arguments? Get into politics. I, too, strongly disagree with Cluke and the message that it sends to the public.

    AusZombie posted: »

    I know i'm a hypocrite saying this but I disagree, I enjoy these threads they always give an excuse to argue with people and I enjoy a good argument. I'm a hypocrite because I argue very strongly against cluke but I enjoy the threads about cluke :P

  • These laws are made to protect children, and without them, there would be a hell of a lot more stupid shit happening in the world.

    0oishi posted: »

    I think it's stupid because this is no time for romance and there's no hint of it between them. I think trivial stuff like "She's under 18! That's against THE LAW!" is also stupid to worry about in such a world.

  • Hell yeah!

    AusZombie posted: »


  • edited April 2014

    Well, I abandon this thread, before it's too late...

    Alt text

    I got a better discussion for ya - Cluke vs. Clee (as in ClemxLee)

  • Oh, thank you :) i'm glad I could help.

    (?) Clayton_Boylan thinks you're a badass. It's good to know there's still hope for humanity.

  • I'd do the same. But I'm picky so he would have to be hot as well. There's a lot of DILFS in Hollywood, that's for sure.

    More like dumb ass. She doesn't even understand what it means to truly love someone, she just met an actor with a good amount of money and got with him.

  • Clee is fucking disgusting. Lee was like a father to her! That's like incest. Luke, on the other hand is perfect for her.

    I got a better discussion for ya - Cluke vs. Clee (as in ClemxLee)

  • What's with you guys? There is nothing wrong with Incest either, sex is sex, she's still human and age doesn't matter. (It shouldn't at least).

    Cluke4Life posted: »

    Clee is fucking disgusting. Lee was like a father to her! That's like incest. Luke, on the other hand is perfect for her.

  • I've never been so inclined to agree, but also disagree with a single post before...
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    Cluke4Life posted: »

    Clee is fucking disgusting. Lee was like a father to her! That's like incest. Luke, on the other hand is perfect for her.

  • Cluke is FUBAR in my opinion. FUBAR than the St. Johns and Carver.

  • Wasn't it Shaundi who started this bullshit? "Clem has a crush on Luke"?

  • I used to agree with that statement before tonight. Before tonight, I hadn't heard of... Clee... I just... who could imagine such an abomination...? Cluke is one thing, but this other ship simply crosses the line. Many times over. Cluke crosses the line once or twice. Clee? At least 1,239,546 times. I can at least take comfort in the unpopularity of it... but its mere existence is enough to make me wonder what's wrong with humanity.

    Cluke is FUBAR in my opinion. FUBAR than the St. Johns and Carver.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    Yes, she was the first person to bring it up on the forum.

    Wasn't it Shaundi who started this bullshit? "Clem has a crush on Luke"?

  • Not that I ship Cluke or Clementine with anyone at all really, but I don't think love should be barricaded by age, (except underage circumstances that are obviously there to protect a developing child from bad, potentially abusive and manipulative relationships. ).

    I mean the opening post compared that Luke could've been 16 when Clem was a fetus and would you let someone date a fetus. But if Clem was 20, and Luke was 36, would that be so bad in comparison? I mean especially if the two survived for several years in a Zombie apocalypse.

  • Not even a real pervert would misunderstand the relationship between Clementine and Lee.

    I used to agree with that statement before tonight. Before tonight, I hadn't heard of... Clee... I just... who could imagine such an abomina

  • I agree. Once she's 16 or older, they should start dating.

    Myusha posted: »

    Not that I ship Cluke or Clementine with anyone at all really, but I don't think love should be barricaded by age, (except underage circumst

  • Come on Lee, you're arousing the kids.

    I got a better discussion for ya - Cluke vs. Clee (as in ClemxLee)

  • And what if Luke dies in episodes 3, 4 or 5? And dating in the fucking apocalypse? In your dreams.

    Cluke4Life posted: »

    I agree. Once she's 16 or older, they should start dating.

  • I think Daryl is at least in his 30s. I don't think he and Beth should be together but that's a whole other story...

    45? Hell no! He's in his mid twenties, while Beth is in her latter teens. But on the other hand, is Clementine, who is eleven (your mind doe

This discussion has been closed.