The Wolf Among Us Episode 1 I prefer over Season Two's first episode. But not as much as most people. Lots of people hated All That Remains, I still loved the episode. It's a close tie for me on which one is my favourite.
Season Two's second episode I prefer over Episode 2 of TWAU. Simply because A House Divided was one of my favourite episodes Telltale has ever made. Episode 2 of The Wolf Among Us was good too though and yes it was, people should stop complaining about it using "Recycled environments" and the like. Plus there's no such thing as recycled environments in an episodic series. It's not like you're getting DLC with every episode, you're only getting 1/5 more of the full game.
And it's obvious we can't compare the third episodes since TWD Episode 3 isn't out yet. But TWAU Episode 3 was great.
I like both equally (thus far) but I'm not gonna lie, I anticipate and get excited for more of The Walking Dead than The Wolf Among Us. Simply because Season Two is a sequel and because of that, it feels like it has much more risk. I'm also emotionally invested into Clementine's character now, more than ever before actually.
Oh well just ignore the dislikes. It was a great post. I think both are great so far, but action wise TWAU has more action, and more characters who we know about. We still only know little about Clem's new group. Episode 3 should be good for TWD
Personally, I believe TWAU EP1 is far better than both of TWD S2's episodes. Subsequent episodes haven't been as good since they struggle to reach the hour-and-a-half mark. We'll see there's still time, but TWD S1 still easily crushes both TWAU and TWD S2 (even if we just compare TWD S1's first 3 episodes) mostly because these new Telltale episodes are like half the length of TWD S1's episodes
Yea TWD S1 is better than both so far. TTG's is gonna have to step their game up if they want TWAU and TWD S2 to be nominated for GOTY. Episodes have gotten shorter Lol. they are 90 minutes now instead of the whole 2hrs. I like their stories though
I agree that TWD S1 is the best of them all, but in this second season Telltale aren't impressing me. It's not just the length, but I don't really like the storyline either and it's not very exciting in my opinion.
Yea TWD S1 is better than both so far. TTG's is gonna have to step their game up if they want TWAU and TWD S2 to be nominated for GOTY. Episodes have gotten shorter Lol. they are 90 minutes now instead of the whole 2hrs. I like their stories though
I posted on a similar thread before but i will answer again.
I am not really into fantasy type games and prefer a more horror type of game so i preferred TWD. TWAU is a good game but i am not as emotionally attached to the characters like i am for TWD, I was more upset and angry when Walter died then Snow's apparent death even tho i spent longer with her. I am way more excited about the next episode of TWD than i am for TWAU as i find the story more interesting.
Twd any and every day. TWAU is good, I'll play it and waste my time with it and enjoy the game, but not in the same capacity as twd. TWD has an emotional appeal TWAU just can't grasp. After all that's pretty much the only reason I play video games anymore, a deep emotion connection to characters and their ordeals.
cant really say since TWAU wins ep 1 and TWd wins ep 2 and in ep 3 its gonna be tough to beat TWAU i loved it so much its my favourite ever TTG episode !!!!
I enjoy both, but I look forward to new episodes of TWD more than TWAU. Both stories are engaging, and I enjoy both comics as well (reading Fables adds so much more depth to the WAU world and characters though), but I feel much more emotionally invested in TWD.
Still, answering this question feels like comparing apples and oranges. Or rather, a special type of orange, the clementine.
I wouldn't compare the two basically because the atmosphere is totally different.
TWAU: You are trying to catch a killer.
TWD: You are trying to survive the apocalypse.
If someone pointed a gun at my head and told me to choose one, I'd obviously go with TWD because there is more episodes than there is TWAU episodes. But I really can't compare the two because of the different atmosphere.
TWAU s1 is better than TWD s2 imo, but I still prefer TWD s1 over TWAU s1. However TWAU s1 isn't finished yet, so that can definitely change. God so many initialization.
The Wolf among Us just has a higher quality feel to it with the art design, music, graphics etc. (minus ep2's beginning bugs). Bigby's story is also more interesting; it has so much potential. On the other hand, The Walking Dead is just a zombie apocalypse story. The thing has been done to death.
Don't get me wrong, The Walking Dead was by far my favorite game of 2012 because of its unique story telling, awesome characters, and so on. I just feel like The Wolf Among Us is something different, and has everything TT learned from TWD s1. Not only that but TWD feels like it is losing steam. I want the game to go on for long time, but s2 seems... like it could be better. My opinion could change after ep3 but s2 definitely had a rough start.
sigh time to prepare for the raging fanboys who can't take an opinion because they have a maturity level of 69
But pick TWAU over s2 such innovative and fresh idea with murder mystery and super fable fights with badass bigby NUFF said while s2 very good but so linear no hub areas or puzzles plus very linear still think very good but just adore TWAU
Yea TWD S1 is better than both so far. TTG's is gonna have to step their game up if they want TWAU and TWD S2 to be nominated for GOTY. Episodes have gotten shorter Lol. they are 90 minutes now instead of the whole 2hrs. I like their stories though
Really I don't know. They're both good, but TWD S2 had a great S1 and we love many characters,we know someone could appear again... The storyline is great and you won't know who's going to die next.
TWAU is a thriller set in a really awesome ambientation and I think that will end within this season, meaning that there won't be a season 2. I'm more attached in TWD game, but TWAU is great.
TWDS2. I can't get into TWAU for a couple reasons.
Characters are too invincible for anything to pose a threat to you. Being able to take 100 shotgun blasts to the chest and not die just sapped all the tension and fear a moment like this should be causing. And that silver bullet thing? Yeah it put him down and it was kind of a threat, but it didn't even bother me in the slightest because of my next point..
We already know from the comic canon that for most of the main characters, things work out. Why would I worry about the life of Bigby or Snow, the only two fables I really care about, if I know they're going to get out just fine in the comics?
The fact that this is a prequel just removes all the tension and suspense that a game like this SHOULD be having. But for a game like TWD? I don't know the future of these characters. I fear for each and every one of them because who knows who Telltale will kill off next; they are not invincible demigods like the fables are, and they don't show up in a comic so that you know they make it out alright. I don't even feel that Clem is safe sometimes, despite being the protagonist thus having to reach the end. I just don't get this feeling in TWAU, and TWD is a better game because of it.
If you want to cry... The Walking Dead.
If you want to be a sheriff and slap toads... The Wolf Among Us.
If you wanna' be a badass... both.
Simple, sort of.
Faith was better than All That Remains, A House Divided destroys the other two episodes of TWAU. Well, A House Divided pretty much tops them all. Still, I would rather wait to judge until all 5 episodes from each series are out.
Definitely The Walking Dead, no question. The Wolf Among Us is a great story, but it kind of boils down to a cool murder mystery with some great characters and maybe some underlying themes of the gap between the rich and the poor.
For me, The Walking Dead is a much more personal and emotional story. I'm more invested in the characters, and I think that there's a lot more depth to the story, whereas The Wolf Among Us has little depth to the story, and instead focuses on making the mystery complex because... Well, it's a mystery.
I like screwing around with the choices in TWAU, seeing everything different that can happen, etc. I don't do that with TWD because I like the story that I've created, and most of the time, I don't want to see the other side. I don't want to go back and have a separate save where Alvin and Nick die, because I liked those characters, and for me, why would I go out of my way to see the other side when I won't like it? Even to change something that I didn't like... I still won't do it because I honestly feel it works better when I just leave it with my first choices.
That's not the case with TWAU, I can easily go back and change choices, good or bad(I've got saves for both), because it's simply a cool story, and not the emotional roller coaster that is The Walking Dead.
There is this point too. Personally, I felt like a lot of tension left the game the moment I found out that Woody could survive an axe to the head. Fables are near impossible to kill, so why should I worry to much about them? Of course, there's the whole thing with Lawrence, but he's such a minor character that I doubt anyone is losing sleep over it.
Definitely The Walking Dead, no question. The Wolf Among Us is a great story, but it kind of boils down to a cool murder mystery with some g… morereat characters and maybe some underlying themes of the gap between the rich and the poor.
For me, The Walking Dead is a much more personal and emotional story. I'm more invested in the characters, and I think that there's a lot more depth to the story, whereas The Wolf Among Us has little depth to the story, and instead focuses on making the mystery complex because... Well, it's a mystery.
I like screwing around with the choices in TWAU, seeing everything different that can happen, etc. I don't do that with TWD because I like the story that I've created, and most of the time, I don't want to see the other side. I don't want to go back and have a separate save where Alvin and Nick die, because I liked those characters, and for me, why would I go out of my way to see the other side when I won't like … [view original content]
The Wolf Among Us Episode 1 I prefer over Season Two's first episode. But not as much as most people. Lots of people hated All That Remains, I still loved the episode. It's a close tie for me on which one is my favourite.
Season Two's second episode I prefer over Episode 2 of TWAU. Simply because A House Divided was one of my favourite episodes Telltale has ever made. Episode 2 of The Wolf Among Us was good too though and yes it was, people should stop complaining about it using "Recycled environments" and the like. Plus there's no such thing as recycled environments in an episodic series. It's not like you're getting DLC with every episode, you're only getting 1/5 more of the full game.
And it's obvious we can't compare the third episodes since TWD Episode 3 isn't out yet. But TWAU Episode 3 was great.
I like both equally (thus far) but I'm not gonna lie, I anticipate and get excited for more of The Walking Dead than The Wolf Among Us. Simply because Season Two is a sequel and because of that, it feels like it has much more risk. I'm also emotionally invested into Clementine's character now, more than ever before actually.
Wow someone gave you a dislike for your opinion. What the heck lol. You were being honest
They probably just dislike my opinion, or they're probably just trolls.Thought they would be in dormant right now though.
Oh well just ignore the dislikes. It was a great post. I think both are great so far, but action wise TWAU has more action, and more characters who we know about. We still only know little about Clem's new group. Episode 3 should be good for TWD
Lol I find the trolls funny XD. 1 like 1 dislike XD. This must be how they get paid lol trolling the TTG community
The Wolf Among Us > The Walking Dead
Personally, I believe TWAU EP1 is far better than both of TWD S2's episodes. Subsequent episodes haven't been as good since they struggle to reach the hour-and-a-half mark. We'll see there's still time, but TWD S1 still easily crushes both TWAU and TWD S2 (even if we just compare TWD S1's first 3 episodes) mostly because these new Telltale episodes are like half the length of TWD S1's episodes
Yea TWD S1 is better than both so far. TTG's is gonna have to step their game up if they want TWAU and TWD S2 to be nominated for GOTY. Episodes have gotten shorter Lol. they are 90 minutes now instead of the whole 2hrs. I like their stories though
I agree that TWD S1 is the best of them all, but in this second season Telltale aren't impressing me. It's not just the length, but I don't really like the storyline either and it's not very exciting in my opinion.
I posted on a similar thread before but i will answer again.
I am not really into fantasy type games and prefer a more horror type of game so i preferred TWD. TWAU is a good game but i am not as emotionally attached to the characters like i am for TWD, I was more upset and angry when Walter died then Snow's apparent death even tho i spent longer with her. I am way more excited about the next episode of TWD than i am for TWAU as i find the story more interesting.
Both games are very good for me and my pink ass
Twd any and every day. TWAU is good, I'll play it and waste my time with it and enjoy the game, but not in the same capacity as twd. TWD has an emotional appeal TWAU just can't grasp. After all that's pretty much the only reason I play video games anymore, a deep emotion connection to characters and their ordeals.
cant really say since TWAU wins ep 1 and TWd wins ep 2 and in ep 3 its gonna be tough to beat TWAU i loved it so much its my favourite ever TTG episode !!!!
I enjoy both, but I look forward to new episodes of TWD more than TWAU. Both stories are engaging, and I enjoy both comics as well (reading Fables adds so much more depth to the WAU world and characters though), but I feel much more emotionally invested in TWD.
Still, answering this question feels like comparing apples and oranges. Or rather, a special type of orange, the clementine.
The Wolf Among us beats TWD S2 because of Bigby's abs.
Charm's coming out of his ass
i have to admid... his abs are FFIIINNNEE! but twd is just too good
Dont say anything right now .because these two games are not completed
If you want to cry... The Walking Dead.
If you want to be a sheriff and slap toads... The Wolf Among Us.
If you wanna' be a badass... both.
Simple, sort of.
The Wolf Among Us is better, more interesting game. I've explained it before.
Here's link:
TWAU is better right now but I can change my mind after 5th episode.
I wouldn't compare the two basically because the atmosphere is totally different.
TWAU: You are trying to catch a killer.
TWD: You are trying to survive the apocalypse.
If someone pointed a gun at my head and told me to choose one, I'd obviously go with TWD because there is more episodes than there is TWAU episodes. But I really can't compare the two because of the different atmosphere.
MMMMM Ima get hate for this but idc
TWAU s1 is better than TWD s2 imo, but I still prefer TWD s1 over TWAU s1. However TWAU s1 isn't finished yet, so that can definitely change. God so many initialization.
The Wolf among Us just has a higher quality feel to it with the art design, music, graphics etc. (minus ep2's beginning bugs). Bigby's story is also more interesting; it has so much potential. On the other hand, The Walking Dead is just a zombie apocalypse story. The thing has been done to death.
Don't get me wrong, The Walking Dead was by far my favorite game of 2012 because of its unique story telling, awesome characters, and so on. I just feel like The Wolf Among Us is something different, and has everything TT learned from TWD s1. Not only that but TWD feels like it is losing steam. I want the game to go on for long time, but s2 seems... like it could be better. My opinion could change after ep3 but s2 definitely had a rough start.
sigh time to prepare for the raging fanboys who can't take an opinion because they have a maturity level of 69
Everyone has their own opinion, so don't get mad if it's different than yours.
Lol I'am respecting everyone's opinions buddy
. I didn't say anything mean to them. That's why I made this post to see what others think XD
Comparing the episodes... TWAU 1 is better than TWD 1, And TWD 2 is better than TWAU 2
compare the epi 3 is going to be interesting, cause TWAU was awesome and i think TWD is going to be too!!
TWD s1 is the best
But pick TWAU over s2 such innovative and fresh idea with murder mystery and super fable fights with badass bigby NUFF said while s2 very good but so linear no hub areas or puzzles plus very linear still think very good but just adore TWAU
Telltale confirmed that the goal length of the episodes now is 90 minutes
Really I don't know. They're both good, but TWD S2 had a great S1 and we love many characters,we know someone could appear again... The storyline is great and you won't know who's going to die next.
TWAU is a thriller set in a really awesome ambientation and I think that will end within this season, meaning that there won't be a season 2. I'm more attached in TWD game, but TWAU is great.
Waiting GoT game
TWDS2. I can't get into TWAU for a couple reasons.
Characters are too invincible for anything to pose a threat to you. Being able to take 100 shotgun blasts to the chest and not die just sapped all the tension and fear a moment like this should be causing. And that silver bullet thing? Yeah it put him down and it was kind of a threat, but it didn't even bother me in the slightest because of my next point..
We already know from the comic canon that for most of the main characters, things work out. Why would I worry about the life of Bigby or Snow, the only two fables I really care about, if I know they're going to get out just fine in the comics?
The fact that this is a prequel just removes all the tension and suspense that a game like this SHOULD be having. But for a game like TWD? I don't know the future of these characters. I fear for each and every one of them because who knows who Telltale will kill off next; they are not invincible demigods like the fables are, and they don't show up in a comic so that you know they make it out alright. I don't even feel that Clem is safe sometimes, despite being the protagonist thus having to reach the end. I just don't get this feeling in TWAU, and TWD is a better game because of it.
Do you have a source link for this?
Faith was better than All That Remains, A House Divided destroys the other two episodes of TWAU. Well, A House Divided pretty much tops them all. Still, I would rather wait to judge until all 5 episodes from each series are out.
Care to explain why or...
Or maybe not.
Who knows?
Definitely The Walking Dead, no question. The Wolf Among Us is a great story, but it kind of boils down to a cool murder mystery with some great characters and maybe some underlying themes of the gap between the rich and the poor.
For me, The Walking Dead is a much more personal and emotional story. I'm more invested in the characters, and I think that there's a lot more depth to the story, whereas The Wolf Among Us has little depth to the story, and instead focuses on making the mystery complex because... Well, it's a mystery.
I like screwing around with the choices in TWAU, seeing everything different that can happen, etc. I don't do that with TWD because I like the story that I've created, and most of the time, I don't want to see the other side. I don't want to go back and have a separate save where Alvin and Nick die, because I liked those characters, and for me, why would I go out of my way to see the other side when I won't like it? Even to change something that I didn't like... I still won't do it because I honestly feel it works better when I just leave it with my first choices.
That's not the case with TWAU, I can easily go back and change choices, good or bad(I've got saves for both), because it's simply a cool story, and not the emotional roller coaster that is The Walking Dead.
There is this point too. Personally, I felt like a lot of tension left the game the moment I found out that Woody could survive an axe to the head. Fables are near impossible to kill, so why should I worry to much about them? Of course, there's the whole thing with Lawrence, but he's such a minor character that I doubt anyone is losing sleep over it.
And if we were to compare the episodes(all of them, even from TWD S1), then my list would look like this: