Character Parallels in S1 & S2
Hey. Just thought I'd bring this bit of thought out on the Forums, see what y'all think.
Lately, I've been thinking about the characters in Season 2, and that they all have some sort of indirect connection with Clementine, or representing other characters from Season 1. Below I'll put down the name, how they can relate to Clem, and what similar theme they fit into regarding TWD's previous 5-Episode journey.
Nick & Pete: While his screw ups have most in favour that he is more likely Season 2's version of Ben, I found Nick more like Kenny and Clem, only gone the wrong path after grieving. Like Kenneth, he had to shoot a relative, his mother; and also like Ken, he blames himself for her death, as Lee explained to Ken on the train, that "it wasn't about Duck". He does this again after shooting Matthew, and is still grieving over Pete in this time. You know who else can express guilt over the death of their friends? Clementine. Dialogue options, if chosen, can show that she not only feels responsible for Lee and Omid's death, but that it was because of her young stupidity that caused it all. Such is the same with Nick. He often got out of line with Uncle Pete, and kept a long distance away from him frequently. He is young and stupid, but in a more direct approach instead of Ben's screwups. Also, Clementine appreciated Lee as a father figure when her parents were gone. Nick was the opposite, and despised Pete, and now he's haunted by it.
Carlos & Sarah: This is an easy one. Carlos and Sarah's relationship as father and daughter had traces of Larry and Lilly within them, as both fathers are over-protective of their children, and have the authority to take control of the group if necessary; however, this is more true for Lilly than it is for Larry, as she had the power struggle with Kenny over who was in charge at the Motor Inn. Also, like Larry, Carlos can be seen as a potential antagonist. We all know how smart he is when it comes to bite marks, but perhaps he fooled us all? Clementine was seen as a threat, not just to the group, but to Sarah. Would it be possible that he lied to the group, using his influence as a medical practitioner to doom Clem in the shed in order to keep her away from his daughter? Sarah, although much older than Clementine, is unbroken by the zombie apocalypse, and most importantly, isn't orphaned by it. She represents how Clem could have been had there been a more protective guardian, or if her parents hadn't left in the first place. Sarah still doesn't known how to shoot, her hair is still long, and she has no clue to the extent of what is going on around her. She is the opposite to Clementine, who is already self-sufficient, strong, and confident. Traits any father would be proud of. If Sarah dies, what would Carlos cling onto first? What is Kenny seemingly clinging onto already? What does Carver want?
Alvin & Rebecca: No doubt this has shades of Omid and Crista. Alvin is an optimist, and has a good heart when it came to Clem needing assistance, much like how Omid had wanted to help the group in S1:E3. Also, like Omid, it's possible for him to get shot and killed prior to his lover giving birth, leaving Rebecca without a proper husband. Rebecca, like Crista, is also judgmental. Both were harsh when dealing with the playable leads, going straight to the point instead of easing something into discussion, and questioning their motives when something stupid or possibly threatening occurs, such as the walkie-talkie and the walker ambush in the train station. Both Crista and Rebecca are hard to trust others at first glance, both of which have traces of paranoia of strangers within them. Of course, we're all waiting to see what will happen in Episode 3, but is Clem prepared to retrace old memories of when Christa had her child? Would Clem reflect on Christa's ultimate decision to (possibly) rid themselves of a baby that can alert walkers, and requires constant care? Perhaps Carver and his secure encampment may actually have a benefit to it after all, in this case?
Juice-Box: Delicious apple juice. We all know who we gave the half-apple to in "Starved For Help".
Luke: This is the tricky one. Luke is not a father figure, but it becomes simple when you think about one thing. He doesn't treat Clem like a child, nor did Lee. Luke is more of an older-brother figure, if anything else. He seems comfortable around her, and knows his way to tease and praise her appropriately. I wouldn't be surprised if he had a younger sibling to look after, and failed at it. There is a reason why he's become attached to Clem, and perhaps he does so in order to redeem himself over a family disaster, just like Lee. Although, this has yet to be proven, I do suspect this is the case. We'll just have to wait, see, and deal with it when we know more about him.
Half-apple went to Doug.
Regarding on Nick despising Pete, I don't think that's the case. It is clear that the two loved each other as family. Outwardly, it seems that they have a bad relationship, but inwardly they really care about each other. Nick showed guilty and regret when Pete died and he wouldn't have wanted Pete's watch if he despised him.
Well, we have to consider if Nick would feel this way if Pete was still alive. Pete loved Nick like a son, but did Nick ever show any love for Pete before his untimely demise? Let's be blunt; Nick was ungrateful and took Pete for granted. Only when he died, did Nick realize that he had another father figure.
Luke- Lee
Pete- Carley
Sarah- Duck
Carlos- Lilly
Rebecca- A much nicer Larry
Alvin- Doug
Nick- Ben
Sarita- Katjaa
Theory: Carlos killed Pete and Alvin :O