The object to your left.
I decided to make a thread for this, since it got a fair amount of attention in the meme and fun thread!
Feel free to add other challenges, and things like that.
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I decided to make a thread for this, since it got a fair amount of attention in the meme and fun thread!
Feel free to add other challenges, and things like that.
Clem's hat. Looks like i'm in the clear.
A controller, it's wired so maybe i can use it as one of those spiked ball on chain things only not spiked.
My trash
3 glass bottles... molotov cocktail anyone?
Plastic or Metal?
A that almost looks like this
Idk, I think I'll be good for a while.
I may be considered a weirdo, but I've got a machete on my left side.
If it's Kenny's. Don't worry.
A figure of the Emperor Dalek.
not actual size
Hell yeah! Let's team up, me with my stainless steel chair and you with your molotov's we'll kill any zombie in our way lol.
A water bottle. Oop.
my computer, its pretty big
We will WOMBO COMBO the shit out of walkers!
A tool box with two screwdrivers in it. I think I'll be dual wielding.
Plastic :c
A fucking pillow...
That aint Falco.
Can't wait until Smash Bros. 4 comes out!
Well after playing S1. You must know the power off 1 pillow.
Exterminate! All zombies!
Is that cheating?
I know, kinda wish I had a Wii U for that but I guess I can pick it up on the 3DS.
Oh yeah, that's right :P
*1 pillow and a gun.
A smartphone. least I'll be able to Instagram the fuck out of my horrible death.
Details details.
Lol, I'm going to get it for 3DS as well! It comes out summer for it anyway and winter for Wii U, I'll like it on the go too.
A can of Carlsberg.
Not sure what good it'll do me, but hey.
Of course not...
Oh, and for me, my TARDIS mug that disapears, and re-appears on the other side, if there is hot liquid in it.
A Pillow. Come at me teenage girls.
Oddly enough me too.
pistachios... lets get cracking AT WALKER HEADS!
My computer speaker and a protein powder container. I don't think I'll last long...
My stunningly good looks, oh, and a Glock
This was the first thing that came to mind when I saw my pillow, lol
... A pillow. -_-
Paper...I will kill zombies with paper.cuts pretty good,and paper is deadly
You just have a Glock with you at all times? your like a real life Carley(im pretty sure she used a Glock).