The Darkest Part? (possible spoilers)

edited April 2014 in The Walking Dead

What do you guys think the darkest part throughout the whole of the the walking dead, season 1 and 2
I think it was the tape in Crawford about the baby...


  • Yeah I agree, Crawford was pretty dark especially after seeing the tapes. But I think that Amid The Ruins is going to be pretty dark too, and I'm really concerned about it.
    Alt text

  • None of them were "dark" for me, not even a little. Most of the parts that tried to be dark or brutal ended up being very fun and entertaining to me. Amid The Ruins looks very promising though.

  • Some of the darkest parts of the game to me were only implied to have happened.

    In Season 1, there was the suggestion that the Save-Lots bandits may have raped and killed Jolene's daughter . Then in Season 2, there's the apparent death of Christa's baby and the realization that Clem or Christa must have had to bash its brains in to keep it from turning.

    For fucked up things that happened on-screen, I have to give it to the St. Johns and what they did to Mark.

  • I agree the St. John's was very dark and disturbing

    DomeWing333 posted: »

    Some of the darkest parts of the game to me were only implied to have happened. In Season 1, there was the suggestion that the Save-Lots

  • Definitely the St Johns brothers for me. I don't know why but I didn't get my head wrapped around the fact that they that. :S I think I had the same reaction as everyone else did.

  • i know it looks scary... anyway thats my profile picture ^-^

    Oreos posted: »

    Yeah I agree, Crawford was pretty dark especially after seeing the tapes. But I think that Amid The Ruins is going to be pretty dark too, and I'm really concerned about it.

  • The implication that Jolene was raped and her daughter abandoned was really dark, as was Lily's murder of Carley.

    Killing Sam and sewing up Clementine's arm were both very dark.

  • edited April 2014

    It never crossed my mind that if the baby died, they would have to smash it's head in. This now sort of explains Clementine and Crista's interactions at the campfire. No human being could just simply move on after enduring something like that. I wonder who had to do it?

    DomeWing333 posted: »

    Some of the darkest parts of the game to me were only implied to have happened. In Season 1, there was the suggestion that the Save-Lots

  • edited April 2014

    I'm not worried, I think it's just a tomato sauce/ketchup accident :P

    Oreos posted: »

    Yeah I agree, Crawford was pretty dark especially after seeing the tapes. But I think that Amid The Ruins is going to be pretty dark too, and I'm really concerned about it.

  • M guess is Christa.

    eRock92 posted: »

    It never crossed my mind that if the baby died, they would have to smash it's head in. This now sort of explains Clementine and Crista's in

  • I'd give it to the jolene's daughter situation.

  • Finding Mark barely conscious with his legs cut off was pretty scary for me. I knew something was up with the St. John's all along, but I didn't suspect cannibalism until then. I was totally shocked and disgusted.

  • edited April 2014

    Probably, for me, just the fact that Clem has to grow up in this. She has seen horrible things, and has been forced to DO horrible thing (killing the dog, sowing up her own arm, killing Lee) She has been through so much, and she has been forced to grow up, and quick.

  • Well, she could be pulling an Asim and goes crazy over his failures to protect his group (Which I hope she doesn't, that would be too depressing for me to handle), or she could be using it as a cloak to camouflage herself from the walkers.

    Oreos posted: »

    Yeah I agree, Crawford was pretty dark especially after seeing the tapes. But I think that Amid The Ruins is going to be pretty dark too, and I'm really concerned about it.

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