A basketball, hopefully the Walkers will join me in a game. I could raise the stakes aswell ; If I win, I get to live happily ever after, and if I lose, well I guess I am zombie food.
A basketball, hopefully the Walkers will join me in a game. I could raise the stakes aswell ; If I win, I get to live happily ever after, and if I lose, well I guess I am zombie food.
It was many, many moons ago, (10 years ago to be exact) where I returned to my dorm room drunk and my roommate, completely shitfaced at the time, mistook me for a burglar and bashed me over the head with the nearest object he could find.
We laughed about what we could remember of it the next morning.
My One Direction albums, 'Up All Night (2011)' , 'Take Me Home (2012)', 'Midnight Memories (2013).
Huh, atleast I won't get bored when I bash zombie heads
No you have it all wrong, you have to listen to good music like five finger death punch, children of bodom and dark tranquility when you're killing zombies :P
My One Direction albums, 'Up All Night (2011)' , 'Take Me Home (2012)', 'Midnight Memories (2013).
Huh, atleast I won't get bored when I bash zombie heads
No you have it all wrong, you have to listen to good music like five finger death punch, children of bodom and dark tranquility when you're killing zombies :P
It was many, many moons ago, (10 years ago to be exact) where I returned to my dorm room drunk and my roommate, completely shitfaced at the … moretime, mistook me for a burglar and bashed me over the head with the nearest object he could find.
We laughed about what we could remember of it the next morning.
You know what bro? Count me in, these fools ain't got nothin on us!
Either way, I guess I'm in the clear this time. Unless if I'm being stalked right now.
I'm not updated here, when and where'd that happen?
Oh thanks man XD
Long story, my friend. It's best if we keep the attention away from here, tho.
Its too late, I saw it XD
Let's do it!
I'll pay to see this. Let the games begin. "They're playing Zombie basketball, We love that Zombie basketball."
Click here
Ooops...did I just do a wrong thing?
Even though I felt bad and was trying to help you out a bit, I have to admit, it was pretty funny, heh.
We have some pretty tough competition...
I suggest you keep quiet about it then. It's for the best.
Lol bro, she probably has a shrine of you like Helga in Hey Arnold!
Nah, that's probably on me.
I now look back to it and smile too :P
Man, I loved that show!
She got burned, a woman who gets burned...becomes a demon.
As if! They'd fall right apart after we PWN their asses!
So our line-up: (So far)
Haha, yeah it was one of the best! I think it still comes out on TeenNick but at 12AM.
Too bad I rarely watch TV. Only for baseball games and TWD.
Hehehe yeah, she was a complete douche
True that, man. Idk though she might be back with hell's fury.
Heh, there's nothing good on TV now and plus with the internet it kind of killed it.
Dat song is so
This is so badass, lol.
Yes, the radio should play Justin Bieber songs and Friday by Rebecca Black repeatedly...the walkers would be dispatched easily XD
A calculator...
Welp, I'm screwed.
Perhaps you can trade that calculator for this one. If only it worked like a real gun.

It was many, many moons ago, (10 years ago to be exact) where I returned to my dorm room drunk and my roommate, completely shitfaced at the time, mistook me for a burglar and bashed me over the head with the nearest object he could find.
We laughed about what we could remember of it the next morning.
Holy shit, wtf? That's a badass calculator!
My One Direction albums, 'Up All Night (2011)' , 'Take Me Home (2012)', 'Midnight Memories (2013).
Huh, atleast I won't get bored when I bash zombie heads
No you have it all wrong, you have to listen to good music like five finger death punch, children of bodom and dark tranquility when you're killing zombies :P
no walkers can't be strangled unfortunately (the governor in the comics kept zombies decapitated heads in fish tanks - they were still moving)
Meh, I like the music One Direction make. :P
I was talking about those bands because their metal and it gets me pumped.
Oh my god. That is hilarious. Thank you for sharing, that made my day XD
I'm 5'4.......PERFECT HEIGHT FOR BASKETBALL. Zombified Micheal Jordan ain't got nothin' on us!