Vinces murder victim: Guilty or Innocent?
In the 400 Days DLC, Vince murders a man who he thought was involved with whatever trouble his brother was in. Do you think the man was innocent or guilty for the few moments we knew him? Why?
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Murder is wrong. Unless it's like a child rapist killer or to protect your family if you are good people
I'm not asking about that: I'm asking if you thought he was guilty or innocent, regardless on your stance on how the situation was handled.
He was guilty, only the guilty beg for their life.
Oh he was probably guilty of something and wow, you are downvoted a lot. More than I've seen before. Less than a minute -3
Damn Ohyoupokedme, someone really hates you! :O
He was guilty.But what he said,that his brother was in danger.I think vince was a good guy that he helped him
Guilty threw his weapon away and didn't seem to bothered about what he done like he was proud of it. But hard to say good question thumb for thread Poke
"How many dislikes does it take to piss off Ohyoupokedme? None: Ohyoupokedme doesn't give a shit."
Does it even matter at this moment?
This is how many fucks I give.
More like Itdoesntpokeme, no?
Or people who don't want to get shot in the face...
lol people downvoting you for no reason
In response to your question i think its pretty hard to say i dont think vince is a bad man so i think he would only act if he knew 100% that guy was guilty but then again he could have acted a bit rash because he was protecting family so its a 50/50 but il say he was guilty or at least involved in the trouble his brother was in
Some people really hate you lol
Judge Dredd disagrees!
Why so many dislikes?this is a good thread
It seems like Vince is a good man, he probably wouldn't kill someone if he wasn't sure if they were involved.
I don't know. Even good men can go over board when they are angry enough.
It's okeh man, they just be jelly.
Go ahead and dislike me.I don't give a shit.
See 0:30
Rick didn't go overboard. a group of men was attempting to rape his son as well as micchone and then kill them, and they were beating Daryl to death. I would've done the same thing.
not saying he went overboard, just thought that gif worked pretty well right there lol :P
Vince's story is just ambiguous. We don't know anything about his brother or what he was mixed up in, much less the guy that got shot because of it.
There isn't even a canon perspective on how Vince feels about the issue, as its determinant in whether he brags or shows regret.
This, is was I going to to say, except I decided to go for the snarky tangential cultural referrence...
Innocent until proven I personaly didn't like Vince so maybe this guy was really Innocent? Maybe he lent Vince's brother some money wich he couldn't repay...
Are we talking about peopke like Stranger HATE HIM
He wasn't a child rapist killer. He was just a fucked up dude who lost his family
vince said he was protecting his brother. he did something wrong to do something for family. he's a family man.