_____ Dead in Episode 3?
Looks like Sarah is gonna bite the dust. List of Achievements http://steamcommunity.com/stats/261030/achievements
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Looks like Sarah is gonna bite the dust. List of Achievements http://steamcommunity.com/stats/261030/achievements
What do you guys think?
Maybe a rival group kidnaps Sarah? I don't really know, don't want to assume too much.
Well, the storm is referring to the horde of walkers.
I'm assuming that 'Eye of the Storm' is referencing that they aren't out of it yet. As in, still more to come. I'm definitely expecting a cliffhanger at the end of Episode 3, that much is for sure.
I agree
...or...maybe she loses her glasses while escaping with Clementine?
Perhaps the image is symbolic of a physiological change in Sarah in the sense that the colour of her glasses can be compared to rose coloured classes and thus Sarah looks at the world in an optimistic manner, but after the second and third episode her outlook on the world changes.
...after getting bit by a walker?
I like this theory. We will get to see her "cease to function" whether that be metaphorically or literally.
Oh gosh, I'm getting that hype feeling back!!
I would prefer seeing Carlos die in Episode3. Not because i like his character more, but because we already saw Kenny losing his family (Duck) in Season1 and it would be nice to see it the other way around in Season2. Sarah losing her father and seeing how she " cease to fuction. "
Face it man, the Stache can't die.
Was it too difficult to place a spoiler tag? I know it's only an achievement but some people want to know absolutely nothing until the episode's out.
He obviously can't, but that's not even part of this discussion!
What makes you think that?
I hope it's out by Tuesday. I'm excited.
As much as some people dislike Sarah, I'm one of those who's interested in seeing how her character unfolds. I think there is a pretty neat parallel going on between her and Clementine; she's like Clem without the maturity and the cynicism.
I think it's like fishmahboi said, it's a symbolic image of a psychological change in Sarah. Furthermore, I'm gonna guess that you playing as Clem get to choose whether or not you support her growth in cynicism or not. Though from the achievement description fitted with that thumbnail image, I'd say the end result is gonna be the same - Sarah gets jaded. It'll just be an illusion of choice kind of thing.
What if we actually get EP3 by late April?! Wishful thinking but that would be awesome, haha.
Then it would mean my predictions were correct with April 22nd, 29th, or May 6th
I mean they did say that they would try to get it out a bit earlier than the last episode so we'll see.
Isn't the safest part of a hurricane right in its eye? Or is that some bullshit fact I've magic'd up out of nowhere?
If I recall correctly the episode was released maybe only a week after the achievements were uploaded.
meh it might not be wishful thinking, episodes 4 and 5 of season 1 took around 40 days i believe so maybe this one can show up late april or even next week if were lucky enough!
Yeah, the earlier, the better since I have to start studying for finals in May.
Yeah, I'll subscribe to this one methinks.
Hmm, Idk I think a few people are going to die in the next episode, maybe we'll have to choose between who to save but we'll see, can't wait!
@TWDFan86 @Eddie_Maiden @Green613
Let's hope we get lucky then!
It is
I was almost close to comment the same thing... jajaja I agree with your theory and this may be about the dead of someone, but that someone is not Sarah... I think is Carlos...
The hype got to me. People will most likely give in anyway...
Either that or it may be a Judith situation, like in the tv series... They find little things that make it seem like Judith died, although she's actually alive. After all, Judith knows as much or maybe even more about survival than Sarah does, so it's basically like as if Sarah were a helpless child that was presumably dead.
the achievement title may be a idiom meaning a temporary peaceful time amidst more trouble and strife yet to come meaning that sarah becomes angry or tough
Becca and Sarah have a disagreement, Becca kills Sarah and beats the shit out of Clem.
Alternatively, Sarah changes drastically.
maybe,maybe not. Looking at the glasses one side is shattered, and the other side is broken. In theory, it looks like sarah might shoot her eye while trying to use a gun, breaking the side of the glasses she shot and shattering the other side. Now, it is possible sarah could survive that, but it could also be fatal and possibly lead to her death? perhaps, the outcome will be dependent on your choice to teach Sarah to shoot in episode two.For example, if you teach her she becomes too confident in her abilities causing her to use the gun and becomes wounded.On the other hand maybe she'll be forced to need to use the gun, perhaps when the zombies get in if other speculations are correct, but since you didn't teach her she harms herself in the process. Once again, this is all in theory, and have no way of knowing if its correct,but its a guess
it's the most dangerous part according to my big brother
Well, that's wrong. The immediate eye of a hurricane is the in fact the safest, but the eyewall (outer edges of the eye) is usually where the most wind and rain occur.
I'm pretty sure the eye is the safest part of a storm. Look at satellite images of a hurricane, and you can see that the eye is where there is no activity.
If that's true then it does seem like a shorter wait than Episode 2.
I can't believe my brother lied to me. man fuck him. >:(