400 Days

edited April 2014 in The Walking Dead

How does the 400 Days Episode end? Do all Members of the campsite have to go with Tavia?


  • Characters go or stay depending on what choice you made in their part of the story, aside from Bonnie, who will go regardless.

  • No it depends on how you played all of the characters

  • Does the episode actually end? I keep getting a rewind at the end of the episode - what am I missing

  • edited April 2014

    If you wonder what happens at the end why don't you just google it?

  • The fact that I know there is a rewind button indicates that I have played the episode - my Question is - Is that the end of the episode or have I done something wrong?

  • What was the last part you played? That'd help to work out if you finished it or not.

    EagleBoy posted: »

    The fact that I know there is a rewind button indicates that I have played the episode - my Question is - Is that the end of the episode or have I done something wrong?

  • It ends depending on how your choices went as the five characters. Bonnie will always go regardless. Which is why many people expect that Tavia's group and Carver's are one of the same.

    Plus, you have finished the episode. Don't really understand what your problem is to be honest.

  • JakeSt123

    I played all of the episodes in the 400 days. I come to the end where Tavia shows up and go through that part as well. At the end after credits I see a screen with back and rewind and one more choice I can't remember right now. It is not the ending one would expect from the game. So I am wondering if I missed something or does the game end that suddenly?

  • Love your username. Lol

    WhatTheDuck posted: »

    No it depends on how you played all of the characters

  • It is just that nothing appears to happen at the end of the episode. you would think a note or something that states until the next episode... I only get a screen that gives one the idea I missed something and that is why I have the rewind option

    CathalOHara posted: »

    It ends depending on how your choices went as the five characters. Bonnie will always go regardless. Which is why many people expect that Ta

  • I think you've completed it. There is no "Next Time on the Walking Dead" section for 400 Days, and once the credits roll that means your choices are saved and the Episode completed. You don't need to get everyone in the group to go with Tavia, either, as I only managed to get Bonnie and Vince to accompany her.

    EagleBoy posted: »

    JakeSt123 I played all of the episodes in the 400 days. I come to the end where Tavia shows up and go through that part as well. At the e

  • I made everyone go with Tavia so they're all gonna be villains now! So exciting.

  • Spoiler

    It's not necessary for everyone to go with Tavia. It depends on your choices during your play through. Actually here's the list of them:
    Vince: Shoot DANNY'S leg off otherwise he won't go at all no matter what you say to him as Tavia
    Wyatt: Will go if you left Eddie behind otherwise you can say that he may find people he knows at Tavia's camp
    Russel: Will go ONLY if you say that there may be people he knows at Tavia's camp
    Bonnie: Goes no matter what
    Becca-Shel: Go if you leave roman's camp and don't kill Stephanie otherwise they will go only if you say that there are people of all ages in the group.

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