A VERY disturbing theory....(possible spoilers)

So, based off the achievements, we know Sarah's probably going to die or drastically change in some way, Clementine is going to witness a murder and Clementine is also going to get the shit beat out of her. Judging by the picture for the beat down(not in nottingham) achievement(the picture is an eyeball looking at someone), Clementine probably gets 'beat down' by the same person who murdered someone, after witnessing the murder. There is evidence Sarah might die....

One character I believe would have no problem murdering a child is Becca. Maybe Becca murders Sarah(they have completely opposite views and I could see them getting into a fight VERY extremely easily) and Clementine attacks her for it but gets 'beat down'. Or perhaps it's just a very difficult fight to win(like the fight between Lee and Molly, it goes by sooo fast it's hard to react).

Let's say the options here are -

Watch the fight between Sarah and Becca play out or try to stop it.

Be aggressive towards Becca after she kills Sarah, promise not to tell anyone and be a scaredy cat, or sympathize with Becca.

Win the fight or Lose it(just based off how you think you would handle an extremely difficult to win fight, like the one between Molly and Lee but longer).

I would try to stop the fight and probably be aggressive towards Becca. Though I might be inclined to sympathize with her if given a good enough reason. I think I'd probably not be prepared for the fight, lose then rewind and win.



  • But that would rely on Becca being or not recruited at 400 days...

  • edited April 2014

    the episode 3 achievements were released on steam


    CocaColin posted: »

    What achievement are you talking about....? I've seen none.

  • What achievement are you talking about....? I've seen none.

  • Not necessarily. There's also evidence anyone who doesn't go with Tavia will be in a group and you can invite them into Carver's group(there's an achievement for it), so maybe she joins Carver's group regardless. Though the whole group will likely meet up at some point anyways, why not in episode 3? d:

    iorek21 posted: »

    But that would rely on Becca being or not recruited at 400 days...

  • I think Clem steals something, they beat her and she return the stolen.

  • Oh, that's a good theory, I didn't even think about putting the beatdown one next to the "stole something" and "gave what you took" achievements.

    Arrows posted: »

    I think Clem steals something, they beat her and she return the stolen.

  • How is this "disturbing" again lol?

  • edited April 2014

    The preview showed Carver giving Kenny a bit of a beating. Perhaps that will be the result of Kenny jumping in while Clem is getting hit, or vice versa.

    Say, Kenny is not cooperating with Carver, Carver starts beating on him a bit, Clem attempts to intervene, and in all his rage Carver turns around and continues taking out his frustrations on Clem instead.

  • Seeing Clem getting beaten is gonna suck.

    Whoever beats her it is pretty much dead in my playthrough if we get the chance

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator
    edited April 2014

    I don't think Clementine gets beaten, I think its Kenny that gets beaten like in the preview and Clem witnessed it. The eye in the achievement pic represents Clem's eye watching the beating.

    Alt text

  • edited April 2014

    Agree with you, we can see Carver beating Ken maybe Clem can, watch or defend him, or the beating could mean Alvin is in real trouble, but is more likely to be Carver beating Ken cos if Alvin dies in 2 nd ep Ken gets beaten anyway

  • Dunno about this one, but if we get a scene of a grown-ass man beating up an 11 year old girl I'll definitely be more than a little disturbed.

    Rigtail posted: »

    How is this "disturbing" again lol?

  • I suppose everybody has their opinion and views on everything, I just don't see how any of the above is disturbing.

    Dunno about this one, but if we get a scene of a grown-ass man beating up an 11 year old girl I'll definitely be more than a little disturbed.

  • You don't find the idea of one young girl murdering another young girl then beating the shit out of another young girl even a slight bit disturbing? Well, I guess you have your opinion and I have mine, but I find that disturbing, especially since I'm attached to all three characters(no I'm not a pedo, they're just interesting characters). :<

    Rigtail posted: »

    I suppose everybody has their opinion and views on everything, I just don't see how any of the above is disturbing.

  • I also had a thought that maybe Carver murders Kenny, based off the trailer.

    The preview showed Carver giving Kenny a bit of a beating. Perhaps that will be the result of Kenny jumping in while Clem is getting hit, or

  • What can I say? I love me some violence, and I like it brutal!

    You don't find the idea of one young girl murdering another young girl then beating the shit out of another young girl even a slight bit dis

  • Clementine is probably going to get beaten, but my retaliation...maybe the person beating her would prefer to die.

  • edited April 2014

    Why would the achievement description be in first person then?

    "Got beaten down" ?

    Shouldn't it have been "Witnessed a friend get beat down" instead? Like the other achievement which is "Witnessed a murder".

    The way I see it, that's a terrified Clementine's eye staring into a figure approaching her in order to beat her.

  • if that happenes... GET OUT OF MY WAY

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    Maybe both could happen, first she could witness the beating like we see in the preview and then the person doing the beating (possibly Carver) might see that we witnessed it and beat us. It's hard to tell from the pic but it sort of looks like his back is towards us and he is slightly bent forward with his left hand slightly in front of his left leg.

    Pride posted: »

    Why would the achievement description be in first person then? "Got beaten down" ? Shouldn't it have been "Witnessed a friend get beat

  • edited April 2014

    Why would Becca kill Sarah ? Where did that came from ? '-'

  • I actually find the grown man beating a young girl more disturbing because it hasn't happened in TWD media yet. As for the other one... well, yeah...

    Dunno about this one, but if we get a scene of a grown-ass man beating up an 11 year old girl I'll definitely be more than a little disturbed.

  • Spoiler

    Becca doesn't seem to show much empathy and very easily jumps to agreeing with killing Stephanie (even if she does back down if you let her do it) and with the time skip I can easily see her personality becoming darker and more violent.

    Alive_Clem posted: »

    Why would Becca kill Sarah ? Where did that came from ? '-'

  • stfu lizzy. We all know you're crazy

    Rigtail posted: »

    How is this "disturbing" again lol?

  • I'm not easily disturbed but violence towards children does it for me pretty damn easily. It's almost a phobia.

    I kind of dangle my feet over fire a bit just by playing this game. :S

    dqtl74 posted: »

    I actually find the grown man beating a young girl more disturbing because it hasn't happened in TWD media yet. As for the other one... well, yeah...

  • I think that's one of a few directions they could take Becca. Another would be that she's more wary of the camp than the other 400 days characters, who think they are safe. She had a habit of sneaking out in Roman's camp, and if she does the same at Carver's she might've seen things she wasn't supposed to. In that case she might actually be the first of the 400 days group to help Clementine.

  • But Becca doesn't has no reason to kill someone of her age! Just if she thinks Sarah is annoying , and we don't know her that well to say that she could kill a person, because if you say her to kill Stephanie, she start's afraid and say's Shel to do it !

  • That achievement could just be meaning letting Walkers into where they are or Luke. For the moment we don't know that the remainder of the 400 days group are with Carver. Enough time has passed since the end of 400 days up to season two for Bonnie to have potentially left that group

    Not necessarily. There's also evidence anyone who doesn't go with Tavia will be in a group and you can invite them into Carver's group(ther

  • It's not "gave what you took"

    Oh, that's a good theory, I didn't even think about putting the beatdown one next to the "stole something" and "gave what you took" achievements.

  • edited April 2014

    Lizzie is that you?

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    Rigtail posted: »

    What can I say? I love me some violence, and I like it brutal!

  • edited April 2014

    Thats a good point there, but i don't think she will get beaten, maybe our bond with the character is trying to tell me, that will never happen to her but you got a good a point, probably that happens before they get to Carver's magical land: a place to enjoy, because theres an achiev that says something about getting to your new home or something like that

    Pride posted: »

    Why would the achievement description be in first person then? "Got beaten down" ? Shouldn't it have been "Witnessed a friend get beat

  • Becca couldn't kill Stephanie she acted though but in the end she couldn't she wont be able to kill sarah, Carver is mean, but he seems to care A LOT about his group, i dont think he would let his group do things like that to his people

  • edited April 2014

    She doesn't care much for the lives of others, even a close friend to her, she insisted on killing(even though she still didn't want to do it her self) and she would probably consider Sarah arrogant and annoying and hate her for her completely opposing views.

    Alive_Clem posted: »

    Why would Becca kill Sarah ? Where did that came from ? '-'

  • Ok o_O

    Rigtail posted: »

    What can I say? I love me some violence, and I like it brutal!

  • Not sure what you mean by that second statement, but it sounds worrisome. :<

    I'm not easily disturbed but violence towards children does it for me pretty damn easily. It's almost a phobia. I kind of dangle my feet over fire a bit just by playing this game. :S

  • Maybe we're beaten down with harsh words? :p

  • edited April 2014

    I don't want to see Clem get hurt or touched in any way.

  • The chances Rebecca kills Sarah are next to none. I also think the get beat up achievement is not Clementine. . .I think its Kenny as we see Carver strike Kenny in the preview. I really don't see anyone beating up Clementine. . . that just wouldn't fit in the story in my opinion.

  • BECCA, not Rebecca. Shel's little sister from 400 days.

    And I think the 'get beat down' achievement is Clementine, since if it's not, it should say "see someone get beat down". =/ If the achievement were for seeing Kenny get beat down, it would say "see a friend get beat down" or something. For instance, the "witness a murder" one doesn't say "get murdered" for a reason.

    The chances Rebecca kills Sarah are next to none. I also think the get beat up achievement is not Clementine. . .I think its Kenny as we see

  • Who does?

    I don't want to see Clem get hurt or touched in any way.

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