Do you think Lilly will appear in Season 2?
In Season 1 you can either take her with you or leave her behind. No matter what you choose Lily runs away and after that we don't hear anything about the status of Lilly if she's alive or dead. So what do you think? Do you think she's alive or dead? If she's alive how do you think it will play off in the future?
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I actually hope she does return so we can so how she reacts to Clem and how she talks about Lee regarding the choices from season 1
How do you think she will react to Kenny? (if he'll survive) because he wanted Lee to leave her behind which you can agree to. Honestly, if that happens I'm afraid she'll just kill Kenny.
Bringing Lily back would introduce very interesting dialogue with Clementine and Kenny. Would be very interesting to see how that plays out.
It would be interesting to see how Kenny and Lily would react to them meeting again :P
i guess this will affect on Lily's behavior when we meet her.
i wonder if she appears in ep 3 as carvers wife or girlfriend
I don't think so. He likes Rebecca remember?
I think her story arc ended too early, so seeing her return would be pretty good I'd say. It would make for some meaty interactions regarding Lee
It's possible, but I think if she would appear, Telltale would have teased about it like they did with Kenny. "His fate will be uncovered" and stuff.
She better come back. I could say the same for Vernon and Molly, I want to know if they're dead or not. I hate not knowing
Vernon's dead. In 400 days dlc the remnants of the cancer group say that the boat plan didn't work and Vernon died. As for Molly it's unknown.
They said they "lost" Vernon, but it was never stated that he died. At the end of Episode 5 of Season 1, it says Kenny was "lost" to the herd, and look what happened. I'm not entirely convinced that he's dead or alive. I just want to know for sure/
She won't come back, end of story.
they should keep it that way as she was highly annoying and pretty much a burden on everyone.
Something like this:
(okay this isn't the best dialogue)
Lilly: Kenny?
Kenny: Fuck off you shitbird !
Lilly: Why are you still alive ? I was hopping you and Lee were dead in a fucking city far from here.
Kenny: Lee is not here bitch !
Lilly: Good, and I hope you're dead soon !
Kenny Shoot's Lilly's head. END
I don't really WANT her the return, but I need a return for closure's sake. It'd be nice to see, if she returns, how she survived etc.
I admit it would be interesting to see her return, see her interact with Clem and (especially) Kenny, and hear how she has survived this long. However, I think it would be kind of silly to have closure with EVERY character whose fate was unknown at the end of season 1. It's cheesy and unrealistic. Kenny was enough for me, and even his return was a little too coincidental. Another "coincidence" like that would just cheapen that character and their reunion. Plus, this is The Walking Dead. Lack of closure is kind of part of the story. Some may chalk it up to bad storytelling, but I think it's a realistic representation of what would actually happen in the apocalypse. People will come and go, shit will happen, and you will have no way of finding out. Literally their only forms of communication are word of mouth and the occasional walkie-talkie.
She won't come back, but I think we're going to listen a story about her. You know, something like "There was a woman in our group, her name was Lilly..."