Login Error



  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff

    My apologies, I cannot open your support tool file. Please make sure you are uploading the .zip file that you receive after running the support tool. Also, if you have not done so yet, please contact/email our Support Staff at Support@Telltalegames.com for further assistance with your issue.

    Here's my info : http://www.sendspace.com/file/ho3iqg

  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff

    If you have not heard back from them yet, you should be receiving your message in the near future.

    Iasha12 posted: »

    Now, I am really getting tired of this, I asked for the steam key and still no reply. How can they not solve this problem, firstly you want us to buy the game and when we do, we cant play it, I have tried everything and this is really frustrating.

  • I first tried to play the game last Saturday. After I got the login error, I tried every solution posted on the forum without any success. Thus, I wrote an e-mail to the support staff, explaining everything I did, including logs and screenshots, just to make it easier for both me and TTG support staff. For my effort, I got a generic e-mail telling me to do all the checks that I specifically mentioned in my first e-mail. Of cource, I was offered a Steam key in case that none of their solutions helped. I replied immediately stating they I did all of that and that the key would be a sufficient solution. However, it's probably too difficult task to send the key since it has been 2 days without any response and 6 days of not being able to play the game which I'm not even that thrilled about anymore. (I'm trying not to read any spoilers but I'm curious about a playtime of this episode, because I personally feel that TWD:S2 episodes are much shorter then in S1).
    Combined with the annoying bug crashing the game when a wireless 360 controller is plugged in and astonishingly slow and unhelpful customer service, I doubt that I'll ever buy TTG game again, and if I do so, I'll opt out for a Steam version, even though it would mean less money for the dev. It's unbelievable.

  • Unbelievable is correct. I just don't understand why they won't communicate with us and let us know what is going on. Instead all we get is "contact support and they'll get back to you in the near future." Whatever that means...

    I first tried to play the game last Saturday. After I got the login error, I tried every solution posted on the forum without any success. T

  • edited April 2014

    I too am having this problem, and I'm also wondering exactly why they don't just give out steam keys on purchase. I have just sent TTG an email stating that I have tried all of their "fixes" but none of them work, and if I get an email telling me to try them even though I specifically told them I already had, I'm going to be very reluctant next time I would like to play a game that they have made. I'd rather not go through all of these issues again.

  • Telltale games said they won't give steam key to the people who purchased the game on their website, I got the same problem with The Walking Dead season 2 can't login and all the goddamn crap solutions and manipulations said on this thread didn't work so I guess I'm gonna download a Crack for this game to be able to play and I'm in my rights because I paid for the original fuckin'game that I can't play and I was planing to buy TWAU next month I'm gonna download it because I see that Telltale games don't give a damn shit about their players they don't even read what you people are writing here when someone answers it's always the same copy and paste bullshit message with the same crap manipulations. I'm gonna download your games now you've lost one customer unless you fixed my problem, refund me or give me steam key and send me my dvd when the 5 episodes are released as It mentioned, even you gave me a steam key I still want to dvd and free shipping for the inconveniences of your incapacity to solve a simple problem from months now.

    I enjoyed Monkey Island that I bought on your website and The walking dead season One that I luckily bought on Steam not on Telltale Games Website I hesitate to buy on steam the season 2 but I wanted to have the dvd because I don't like Digital stuff only. All is about money now. we paid but we can't play nevermind they already got our goddamn money.

    Just download their fuckin'Games and Boycott to buy, I respect studio who respect their fans like CD Project RED the studio who made the Witcher 1 and 2 real good studio really close to the community games and really listen to them but I've no shame to download when the studio don't give a damn shit and scam their fans with bugged games and fuckin useless DRM because Hackers always pass through your DRM and only buyers get in trouble with it not the Hackers when will you put this in your stupid heads. Hackers will always find a way to bypass the DRM no matter what they're smarter than you guys, and more the DRM is strong Happier they are because it's a new challenge that always win in the end, your games were on download websites the day they were released it's so pathetic.

    So I'm still waiting a solution from TellTale Games Support but Don't expect me to order a new game on your website maybe on steam because I noticed that at least there your games are working or download them.

  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff

    We have implemented a possible fix that should resolve this Login Error for people effected by it. Please try logging in again now. If you are still unable to login, please reply with your Ticket Number that you received when emailing support, and I will try my best to get your support email answered soon.

  • Thank you Mike, this has resolved the issue for me. May I suggest that you email the others affected to say that the problem is fixed.

    We have implemented a possible fix that should resolve this Login Error for people effected by it. Please try logging in again now. If you a

  • it works for me also thanks, I have another issues on my TWD season one I'll create a thread for it.

  • I bought the Game Before making an account and now I cant play it.

    We have implemented a possible fix that should resolve this Login Error for people effected by it. Please try logging in again now. If you a

  • Did you neanwhile make an account? (Sorry, if this sounds dumb but I am not quite sure If I understood your problem).

    BobSagget posted: »

    I bought the Game Before making an account and now I cant play it.

  • edited April 2014

    I sent support an e-mail on 12 April 2014. They responded on 14 April 2014 asking me for a screenshot of registry, which was attached to my first email, the troubleshooting steps I tried and suggested they would forward me a steam key.

    I haven't heard from them in a week since that email.

    What is going on? A week is a long time to wait for support.

    Ticket ID #26296

    I tried logging in again today after clearing my registry.

  • just bought Walking dead season 2 from Amazon, followed instructions (created account with telltales etc) & downloaded game (twice btw just in case 1st was flawed), I too get this error message "can't communicate with servers", what frustrates me the most is that there is NO help from telltales to be found! Son inlaw told me to get $$$ back from Amazon & re-purchase game from STEAM, he told me that several of his friends (and himself) had same issue but that once game were going through Steam servers all games were now working great. Am going to wait a few more days and then will go to Steam. Anyone has other suggestions/ideas as to what is causing this error message, I would be very grateful , whishing all a Great mother's day. Thank you ,Dan from Landers CA.
  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff
    I apologize for any inconvenience caused by this. We have implemented a fix that will help most affected customers login. Please try logging in again alternating between your username and your email address. If you still encounter a Login Error, this may indicate an issue with your login information in your registry.

    To correct this, please open a command window (Below are instructions on how to open a command window).

    Windows XP: Go to your start menu and click on run. Type in "cmd" and press enter

    Windows Vista / 7: Press the Windows key. Type in "cmd" and press enter

    Windows 8: At the start screen, type in "cmd" and press enter

    Then copy the command line below and paste it into the command window, press enter, and confirm the question (to confirm the question, type “y” and press enter):

    REG DELETE "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Telltale Games\Launcher”

    (Please make sure when you copy the above text that you do not copy a space before or after the text, as that will produce an error message. If you still receive an error after inputting the command line, please try typing in the command line one letter/symbol at a time into the Command prompt)

    Also please make sure your password ONLY contains a-z, A-Z, and 0-9 and no other characters. If you have an " or \ or any non-ASCII characters in your password, please login to your account on our website and change your password.

    Also, please make sure you are using the correct username/email and password. You can verify this information by logging into your account on our website. Please also note that your login credentials are case sensitive.

    If you are still encountering an error message after trying these suggestions, please reply and specify the exact error message you see.
    mrbelge posted: »

    just bought Walking dead season 2 from Amazon, followed instructions (created account with telltales etc) & downloaded game (twice btw j

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