Do you think Clementine will get beat up?

edited April 2014 in The Walking Dead

A while back someone posted the achievements for the latest episode, in which one points to Clementine receiving a possible beat down of some form. Do you think that'll happen?

EDIT: The Achievement sis called "Not in Nottingham" and it's description is "You got beaten down". I'm staying from this episode :/ I have a feeling based on the trailer, when Kenny is being fought, she intervenes just like in episode 2 when she tried to save Alvin...



  • Nah, People say Carver is not a " Bad guy ".

    What's it gonna be then ? Lol.

    Maybe this is in reference to Kenny though, Which I hope so. Sorry Ken.

  • edited April 2014

    Maybe, but they're going to feel pretty stupid when they find out...

    Dramatic pause

    ...they're screwing with the wrong girl.

    If it happens, it won't be easy to watch.

  • edited April 2014

    It was hard enough watching Carver put a gun to Clem's head and watching her start to cry. I HATE CARVER AND HOPE SOMEONE CASTRATES HIM AND FEEDS HIS BALLS TO CARLOS!

    Maybe, but they're going to feel pretty stupid when they find out... Dramatic pause ...they're screwing with the wrong girl. If it happens, it won't be easy to watch.

  • edited April 2014

    Its gonna be Ken, as much as i hate that is gonna be ken, at first i thought maybe is gonna be Alvin, but even if he dies Ken gets beaten so it will be him, sadly >:(

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Nah, People say Carver is not a " Bad guy ". What's it gonna be then ? Lol. Maybe this is in reference to Kenny though, Which I hope so. Sorry Ken.

  • I'm sure something will happen that will stir up emotions. Telltale knows how to make us feel, that's what makes them so good.

  • No, somebody gets beaten up by clementine.

  • edited April 2014

    Why Carlos? If they do that (wich i find imposible to happen) it should be carver who eats them lol XD im usually not like this but you made me laugh so hard, u got a thumb up

    GdaTyler posted: »

    It was hard enough watching Carver put a gun to Clem's head and watching her start to cry. I HATE CARVER AND HOPE SOMEONE CASTRATES HIM AND FEEDS HIS BALLS TO CARLOS!

  • Im not worried about Ken getting beat up though, He survived a gunshot so Im sure he can handle it.

    HOWEVER, People think Carver shoots Kenny in the Trailer or Episode 3 and you see the " Witnessed a murder " achievement.

  • edited April 2014

    I would rather have Kenny get beaten up though. I mean, Clem's a (mostly) helpless 11 year old while Kenny's a grown man who could fight back better.

  • edited April 2014

    So Carver will suffer watching his most precious jewels being eaten by his greatest enemy. Tears will stream down his face as incandescent flames of anger resonate inside his being. Together with the burning sensation in well you know, what's left of his manhood.

    darky07 posted: »

    Why Carlos? If they do that (wich i find imposible to happen) it should be carver who eats them lol XD im usually not like this but you made me laugh so hard, u got a thumb up

  • ^ This, lol. It was cute when she punched Walter.

    No, somebody gets beaten up by clementine.

  • edited April 2014

    Yeah he will survive, i dont think he will be killed Carver would have done that in the ski resort if he wanted, oh some forum member if im not mistaken had that theory because he saw some kind of flash at the end of that scene, but i dont think that was a gunshot, witnessed a murder i hope thats not Sarita.

    Edit: im pretty sure Clem will be able to defend Ken somehow in that scene, something like with Alvin

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Im not worried about Ken getting beat up though, He survived a gunshot so Im sure he can handle it. HOWEVER, People think Carver shoots Kenny in the Trailer or Episode 3 and you see the " Witnessed a murder " achievement.

  • Dear lord thats golden! LOL

    GdaTyler posted: »

    So Carver will suffer watching his most precious jewels being eaten by his greatest enemy. Tears will stream down his face as incandescent f

  • Yeah i cant imagine someone beating clem >:( ppl think Becca will be mean though

    Tenmile posted: »

    I would rather have Kenny get beaten up though. I mean, Clem's a (mostly) helpless 11 year old while Kenny's a grown man who could fight back better.

  • Yeah, it'll probably be determined by what you choose to say and not as a result of a quicktime event. I'm more curious about the bloody crowbar, though. Who gets a piece of that steel?

  • edited April 2014

    Yeah it was, but in ZA a cute punch isn't enough.

    She needs more power to her punch if she wants to beat the fuckin' crap out of her enemies.

    GdaTyler posted: »

    ^ This, lol. It was cute when she punched Walter.

  • ...or a crowbar.

    Yeah it was, but in ZA a cute punch isn't enough. She needs more power to her punch if she wants to beat the fuckin' crap out of her enemies.

  • Well yeah, a crowbar gets the job done too.

    ...or a crowbar.

  • Telltale won't go that far.

  • Goodness, I hope not. Maybe they mean beaten down in spirit. Does anyone want to see a little girl get beaten up?

  • If they do, they'll have succeeded in being the first game to actually make me have to look away from my monitor.

    I can pretty much assure them that. D:

  • I don't think Carver is a fair match. It seems to look like Carver's silhouette in the thumbnail for the achievement which makes me think it's probably going to be Carver beating on Clem, if anybody. I mean honestly guys, I know Clem-Clem is strong but she can't beat up Carver, I think he might beat her up a little bit but he's an asshole for doing so and he'd be abusing his strength and 'authority'.

  • I don't think so because so far it seems like carver likes clem

    _Juice_Box_ posted: »

    I don't think Carver is a fair match. It seems to look like Carver's silhouette in the thumbnail for the achievement which makes me think it

  • I have no doubt she will get beaten. It's fairly forward isn't it? "Got beaten down." It can't mean much else. Only question I see that can be asked it what kind of beat down will it be and who will be doing it? For some reason I have the vision of a scene where one of Carver's men is beating Clem and Carver walks in and rectifies the situation, but I have no support for it :p

  • It'll be Kenny, there is an eye referring to witnessing. Kenny will beaten not Clem

    GdaTyler posted: »

    It was hard enough watching Carver put a gun to Clem's head and watching her start to cry. I HATE CARVER AND HOPE SOMEONE CASTRATES HIM AND FEEDS HIS BALLS TO CARLOS!

  • It will probably be a mental beat down, but we'll have to see who does it

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    I have no doubt she will get beaten. It's fairly forward isn't it? "Got beaten down." It can't mean much else. Only question I see that can

  • Not if you chose to surrender to him and protect Alvin. If you do that he holds a gun up to Clementine's head in which Kenny gives up so that you don't get killed. Carver doesn't bluff and it's been seen before and how he would come close to killing Clem is awful.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    I don't think so because so far it seems like carver likes clem

  • I can see it being either, though I think the mentally beaten down could play more to the emotional investment in the story. Then again I can see the physical beat down playing into the plot better. So I really don't know.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    It will probably be a mental beat down, but we'll have to see who does it

  • I know that, but I doubt that he will abuse her physically and it makes more sense to get inside her head so I think he will abuse her mentally

    _Juice_Box_ posted: »

    Not if you chose to surrender to him and protect Alvin. If you do that he holds a gun up to Clementine's head in which Kenny gives up so tha

  • If it is a physical beat down I bet one of carvers men will do it

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    I can see it being either, though I think the mentally beaten down could play more to the emotional investment in the story. Then again I can see the physical beat down playing into the plot better. So I really don't know.

  • I don't want this to happen but I feel like carver might abuse or rape sarah and make clem watch to get inside her head

  • I believe Carver is trying to bring her into the fold, so if it's true then Carver could come in and kill/punish his man and reinforce the idea Clem should join him, because he will keep her safe and defend her. This is pretty much all speculation, but it makes sense.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    If it is a physical beat down I bet one of carvers men will do it

  • Agreed

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    I believe Carver is trying to bring her into the fold, so if it's true then Carver could come in and kill/punish his man and reinforce the

  • I wouldn't say that.

    Telltale won't go that far.

  • This again?

    Dear ESRB, we don't actually want our platform providers to host our game. We're going to put something in it that will make you rate it AO, which is called the Kiss of Death for a reason.
    Love, Telltale

  • Okay......

    Slicer posted: »

    This again? Dear ESRB, we don't actually want our platform providers to host our game. We're going to put something in it that will make you rate it AO, which is called the Kiss of Death for a reason. Love, Telltale

  • edited April 2014

    Im pretty sure It'd be harder to see her spirit crushed than her physically abused. Shes gotten bitten by a dog and turned out fine, she wasn't even worried about the scar.

    Other than a mutilation of a limb, i can't think of anything physically worse than that. And since none of the achievements hint rape i think a beat down wont affect clemmy :)

    KCohere posted: »

    Goodness, I hope not. Maybe they mean beaten down in spirit. Does anyone want to see a little girl get beaten up?

  • Alt text

    darky07 posted: »

    Dear lord thats golden! LOL

  • sorry but i dissagree with you Cart_hero_2010... in the eye it shows someone holding what appears to be a walkie talkie. and before this achievement a hand is grabing walkie talkes(clem steals them) aka:larceny

    so i think clem tries to steal them, but in the process gets spotted doing so {explains the eye because someone saw her doing it}

    and then she gets beaten up for committing larceny.

    It'll be Kenny, there is an eye referring to witnessing. Kenny will beaten not Clem

  • edited April 2014

    i think clem will look so bad ass with a crow bar. she be like:

    Alt text

    Well yeah, a crowbar gets the job done too.

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