Clementine, Nick and Bonnie (not including 400 days) are the only ones who don't have brown eyes so it doesn't really narrow it down that much. But it could be Kenny's eye since it looks like he was gonna fight Carver.
I'm kinda hoping there'll be a "get up" mashing prompt after each round of pummeling. If you mash the button, Clem gets up and is beaten further. If you do nothing, Clem will give up and stay down. That would be a great way to make the player feel "beaten down" along with her.
I'm not expecting anything too graphic. They'll probably cut away from the action and focus on some object or the reaction of anyone present. Or maybe just focus on Clem's face or eye as the blows land.
And yet there's already probably around 50 brutal death scenes for Clementine, her being mauled by a dog, being clotheslined in the stomach, and no lawsuits. You can do pretty much anything in media if you play the "art" card and no one's actually getting hurt lol.
And Clementine can beat grown men(granted not in a straight up fight), so I think she can take on someone like Becca, but it'd probably be a very difficult fight scene like Molly vs Lee.
I'm kinda hoping there'll be a "get up" mashing prompt after each round of pummeling. If you mash the button, Clem gets up and is beaten fur… morether. If you do nothing, Clem will give up and stay down. That would be a great way to make the player feel "beaten down" along with her.
They have shown Duck getting shot in the head, (offscreen, but then you see it) Clementine getting pistol whipped by Carver, Clementine gett… moreing just about getting her arm torn off by a dog, and quite a lot of death scenes.
I think they would've already had lawsuits up the ass if it were the case.
Actually, we do know that Clementine will get a beatdown of some form, because we were blatantly told. Telltale likes to play mindgames with us, but they have NEVER blatantly lied. It might be a form of beat down other than physical, but it will happen to Clementine. There is no room for speculation when we've already been told it will happen.
Clementine, Nick and Bonnie (not including 400 days) are the only ones who don't have brown eyes so it doesn't really narrow it down that much. But it could be Kenny's eye since it looks like he was gonna fight Carver.
That explains episode 4 Amid the ruins screen. She won't be physically beat, she will be mentally beaten. Carver will try to manipulate her … morebut fails. Clem doesn't lose her hat. Episode 4 could be an episode to reflect on memories of Lee and the season 1 characters. If she does get beat then I think it would be Kenny due to Clem trying to stop him from getting revenge on Carver. Kenny is like Shane from the comics who does things without question that's why Walter died.
Maybe we'll be given an option to attempt to fight back but in futility, that's happened a couple times before. (HURRY MASH Q BEFORE ZOMBIE CLEM EATS LEE- nope).
In the achievement picture, there's a figure that looks like he's holding something up and about to strike. Maybe it's the crowbar in the "r… moreehabilitated" achievement. But I agree, as much as I don't want it to happen, it's gonna happen and it's going to be worse than the ep.1 stitching scene.
Child violence? Lol this is TWD anything could happen. Clem was getting beat around in episode 1 by Winston already. He was trying to kill her. Becca wanting to kill Stephanie, Duck being killed, Clem learning to shoot, Clem teaching Sarah how to shoot, Sarah probably losing her innocence and kills someone in episode 3. They even said this game is rated M for violence so you should know what to expect.
I do think something bad is going to happen to Clem, whether it be physically or mentally or emotionally. It is best for people to get ready for her to get injured physically by someone because it's bound to happen at some point in the game, the whole point of TWD is that no one is safe from the dangers of the world, not even a little kid, especially not the playable character. It is good to keep in mind, though, that sometimes the achievements can be misleading.
Here's a twist: turns out Luke was a traitor all along and he's already at the camp. He's the one who beats Clementine. Would be so gut-wrenching and soul-crushing. I really liked that guy. For the love of god TTG, you sure know how to create drama.
Luke doesn't believe in abusing kids lol. He even said he's good with women and children. I think your right though Luke could be a traitor and at the camps already. In episode 1 if you tell him you killed Lee it says Luke will remember that. Maybe since you told him you killed Lee he will know how to stop you and not be killed by you.
Here's a twist: turns out Luke was a traitor all along and he's already at the camp. He's the one who beats Clementine. Would be so gut-wrenching and soul-crushing. I really liked that guy. For the love of god TTG, you sure know how to create drama.
Luke doesn't believe in abusing kids lol. He even said he's good with women and children. I think your right though Luke could be a traitor … moreand at the camps already. In episode 1 if you tell him you killed Lee it says Luke will remember that. Maybe since you told him you killed Lee he will know how to stop you and not be killed by you.
When you think about it, Clem has really never actually been.. hurt physically by another human. They've pointed guns at her, sure, but never actually hurt her... It's probably gonna happen at some point.
The part that scares me the most is the picture of the eye. It's brown but what if Clementine loses her eye? I'll freak out. I hope it's somebody else's eye.
That's not true lol. Winston grabbed and held on to her. He also dragged her from a tree, so how didn't she get physically hurt by a human? Lol This was episode 201
When you think about it, Clem has really never actually been.. hurt physically by another human. They've pointed guns at her, sure, but never actually hurt her... It's probably gonna happen at some point.
When you think about it, Clem has really never actually been.. hurt physically by another human. They've pointed guns at her, sure, but never actually hurt her... It's probably gonna happen at some point.
If you yolo and try to save Alvin in episode 202 you get owned in the stomach with a gun, it knocks the wind out of Clementine. From experience having the wind knocked out of me plenty, it hurts like fuck. So that alone should show she has been hurt physically by another human, though there are other cases, and only 2 episodes in, it'll probably get much worse.
When you think about it, Clem has really never actually been.. hurt physically by another human. They've pointed guns at her, sure, but never actually hurt her... It's probably gonna happen at some point.
Heh... Um... The walking dead season 1 disagrees. They shot a kid in the fucking face.
RIP attic child.
Oh shit, two children. I forgot about him.
And I forgot about Duck!
Brush it off.
Clementine, Nick and Bonnie (not including 400 days) are the only ones who don't have brown eyes so it doesn't really narrow it down that much. But it could be Kenny's eye since it looks like he was gonna fight Carver.
I'm just curious on how they are going to handle the scene
I'm kinda hoping there'll be a "get up" mashing prompt after each round of pummeling. If you mash the button, Clem gets up and is beaten further. If you do nothing, Clem will give up and stay down. That would be a great way to make the player feel "beaten down" along with her.
the thing that worries ME more is that the guy with the knife is a reflection in a SEVERED EYE! im terrified for clem
I'm not expecting anything too graphic. They'll probably cut away from the action and focus on some object or the reaction of anyone present. Or maybe just focus on Clem's face or eye as the blows land.
And yet there's already probably around 50 brutal death scenes for Clementine, her being mauled by a dog, being clotheslined in the stomach, and no lawsuits. You can do pretty much anything in media if you play the "art" card and no one's actually getting hurt lol.
And Clementine can beat grown men(granted not in a straight up fight), so I think she can take on someone like Becca, but it'd probably be a very difficult fight scene like Molly vs Lee.
if she does get beaten down then, as clemintine said: " THIS IS GANA SUCK"
its like I DONT WANT TO GIVE UP! but at the same time you dont want her to get hit anymore...
Holy shit, that's as big as a deal as the time Aaron Carter beat Shaq!
Nice ninja edit stealin ma points. d:
Actually, we do know that Clementine will get a beatdown of some form, because we were blatantly told. Telltale likes to play mindgames with us, but they have NEVER blatantly lied. It might be a form of beat down other than physical, but it will happen to Clementine. There is no room for speculation when we've already been told it will happen.
it probably meant someone SAW her
UGH this wait for episode 3 is MAKING IT HARDER
It's already confirmed she will receive some kind of beatdown. They wouldn't have an achievement stating so if it wasn't true.
But its pretty strait forward don't you think...
Maybe we'll be given an option to attempt to fight back but in futility, that's happened a couple times before. (HURRY MASH Q BEFORE ZOMBIE CLEM EATS LEE- nope).
i think its a walkie talkie
yep lol
. She remembering the past and lost her innocence
Child violence? Lol this is TWD anything could happen. Clem was getting beat around in episode 1 by Winston already. He was trying to kill her. Becca wanting to kill Stephanie, Duck being killed, Clem learning to shoot, Clem teaching Sarah how to shoot, Sarah probably losing her innocence and kills someone in episode 3. They even said this game is rated M for violence so you should know what to expect.
I do think something bad is going to happen to Clem, whether it be physically or mentally or emotionally. It is best for people to get ready for her to get injured physically by someone because it's bound to happen at some point in the game, the whole point of TWD is that no one is safe from the dangers of the world, not even a little kid, especially not the playable character. It is good to keep in mind, though, that sometimes the achievements can be misleading.
and stomp one in the face (the attic kid)
Viva brought him up.
All the more reason for them to do it, if their fans doubt their ability to be overly dark and edgy.
Here's a twist: turns out Luke was a traitor all along and he's already at the camp. He's the one who beats Clementine. Would be so gut-wrenching and soul-crushing. I really liked that guy. For the love of god TTG, you sure know how to create drama.
Luke doesn't believe in abusing kids lol. He even said he's good with women and children. I think your right though Luke could be a traitor and at the camps already. In episode 1 if you tell him you killed Lee it says Luke will remember that. Maybe since you told him you killed Lee he will know how to stop you and not be killed by you.
Poor clemy
I must have missed the dialogue option, when does he say he's good with women and children?
When you think about it, Clem has really never actually been.. hurt physically by another human. They've pointed guns at her, sure, but never actually hurt her... It's probably gonna happen at some point.
As much as I'd hate to see clem lose her eye im pretty sure most of us can agree it would make her look even more like a tough badass
when him and pete are questioning her after they save her from walkers
in 201
That's not true lol. Winston grabbed and held on to her. He also dragged her from a tree, so how didn't she get physically hurt by a human? Lol This was episode 201
Andy St. John grabs her hair which hurt her, Carver can also punch her in the gut when she saves Alvin.
If you yolo and try to save Alvin in episode 202 you get owned in the stomach with a gun, it knocks the wind out of Clementine. From experience having the wind knocked out of me plenty, it hurts like fuck. So that alone should show she has been hurt physically by another human, though there are other cases, and only 2 episodes in, it'll probably get much worse.