Favorite Moments from TV, Game or Comic?
For me my all time favorite moment is when Rick, T-Dog, Daryl and Glenn find Merle's severed hand on the rooftop in Atlanta. My favorite moment in the game is when Lilly shoots Carly/Doug (because of shock value of course, not because I wanted to see Carley dead). Unfortunately, I've only read the first volume of the comic so I don't have anything else to say.
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My favorite moment in the game is when lee goes badass in ep 5 and kills tons of zombies.In the tv show is when Hershel kills zombies with his infinite ammo shotgun and in the comics is when michonne tortures the governor
Episode 2 Season 1 Game
Kenny: You know how to pick a lock right?
Lee: No, why?
K: Because... You... You know... Urban?
L: Oh man you're not saying what i think you're saying!
K: Sorry, Sorry! I'm from Florida random shit just comes out of my mouth sometimes.
Zombie genre cliche #6: Survivors have unlimited ammo until a zombie/plot device needs to bite them.
Also I never read much of the comics, but I heard that torture scene is gruesome.
Imagine Lee and Merle stuck with each other.
From the comics there are 3 moments I love
and from the game
When carl had a seizure, i know its sad but i cried... with laughter
Man that season was crap...
In the comic; I liked Michonne's revenge on The Governor. The Governor does not tease rape; he commits the animalistic act many times. The helpless Michonne is forced to endure the worst form of appalling torture at the hands of The Governor but, in truth, she is biding her time. When she finally does get free, instead of escaping with Rick and Glenn, she pays the unsuspecting Governor a visit. What follows is one of the most cringe-worthy spectacles of brutality and torture ever rendered on a comic page. Michonne shows The Governor what being violated truly means and reduces the once imposing figure to a quivering bag of agony.
In the game; I loved the scene when Lee fight his way through the walker herd for Clementine with only one arm. That scene made me having a nerdgazm.
In the show; I liked Rick and Governor conversation in Season 4 mid-season finale. He really wanted to belive Rick's words, he wanted to have a new fresh start, he even nearly gonna spare Hershel. But when he realized that he's too far gone and there's no going back he says to Rick: