What would you do if this happened ? (Crazy)

What would you do if it turns out Carver's group and the cabin group are a bunch of psychopaths that just kill each other to make it seem like they are enemies but are truly on the same team and just want to attract people ?
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Ask Telltale what drugs these people are using.
Well, even Patrick Bateman, Hannibal Lecter, Norman Bates, you name it! Will tell you that's indeed crazy.
I'd do this:
This is insane lol
Uninstall the game. :P
Lol xD
What the fuck
Link me that gif i need it LOL
Right click > Open image in new tab
i love you for that comment
Yeah, because people spontaneously snap and go on a killing spree for fun.
I love you for loving my comment.
Bro Hug For You !
Kill myself
could be hard without a head.
I haven't seen you in a while, Miss Snow :O
Hey ! Its been a while since we last talked
I know, I haven't seen you in like a week and I finally found you
Gamer poop Lee- "Whoa! WTF? I mean, WTF?"
I've been mostly on the comic thread these last fes days
Oh, well I haven't been on as much the past 3 days because my cousin was over, but now I'm back in action!
You got a Carmelo avatar ? Nice lol
Thanks, and I didn't expect you to know who Carmelo was :O
Do you watch basketball?
Sometimes actually with my dad and brother. They like the Knicks but I like the Heat and Nets more. One thing we all have in common is we hate Pacers and Chicago
What about the Heart? lol
How do you know that? :O
Do you pay attention to the Basketball thread that I started?
i like the heat also!:)
Sometimes. I was refering to my family anyway but I think it applies to you and Saltlick as well lol.
You'll get along with SaltLick just great he is a heat fan.
yayyyyyy hugzzzzzzzz ^W^
Oh yeah me and Salty both hate the Pacers and Bulls. Especially the Pacers.
Hey, feel free to join us on there if you like
I'd come here and question why the fuck Telltale hired M. Night Shyamalan
I'll be there with you guys from now on. Why does everyone I know hate those two teams ? Lol my family are actually Knicks fans and they root for the freaking Heat when they play those teams
Them being on the same team just to catch people? I dont like that idea.
Because they play dirty, and they bitch and whine about everything. And they're all douchebags for the most part, and bad sports. You'll know what I mean once you watch them play.
I actually saw the Pacers playing Miami and New York last year they push the other guys around and take hars fouls I always root for Miami against them
Yeah, anything to get the Pacers to lose.