
  • Alas, I think you may be right about that. I still don't think it's an impossibility to come out before the end of April though. Would make for a nice Easter gift.

    Considering the Vita version comes out Tuesday, I don't see it coming out the 22nd.

  • Give us a teaser, picture something D:

  • edited April 2014

    What else would you expect from a foot fetishist :P

    iorek21 posted: »

    And for good reason

  • If there is an Series 3 I am definitely going to wait until all episodes are released before playing it. The games are great but the increasing gaps between episodes is kill my anticipation for the next.

    Perhaps they shouldn't be taking on so much new work if it is impacting the release schedule for existing projects.

  • Awww! Lee look's like he's dancing with that walker x)

    I didn´t notice this thread. I´m really genius...NOT... Anyway, the files changed in some time: Not really special, but I´ll stay tuned. Happy easter!!!

  • What, you don't like lesbians?

  • edited April 2014

    IGN Article

    The series is currently midway through season two; the third episode, "In Harm's Way," is due to come out sometime in May.

    Alt text

    Why is IGN doing their PR work for them now?

  • how do you know the vita version comes out tuesday?

    Considering the Vita version comes out Tuesday, I don't see it coming out the 22nd.

  • episode 1 & 2 only?


  • Twitter

    Green613 posted: »

    how do you know the vita version comes out tuesday?

  • edited April 2014

    Not that one ;)

    Katalept posted: »

    What, you don't like lesbians?

  • That could be the author of the article giving an estimate based on how long ep2 took to come out. Im still thinking april 29 but if it doesnt come out that day then fuck everything.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    IGN Article The series is currently midway through season two; the third episode, "In Harm's Way," is due to come out sometime in May. Why is IGN doing their PR work for them now?

  • Plus an IGN article says sometime in May

    Green613 posted: »

    how do you know the vita version comes out tuesday?

  • edited April 2014

    the author better not actually know when the release date is, i don't want it to be may :(

    That could be the author of the article giving an estimate based on how long ep2 took to come out. Im still thinking april 29 but if it doesnt come out that day then fuck everything.

  • I'm hoping May is the worst case scenario that TTG has told people, just in case it isn't classified early enough for it to come out in May.

    That could be the author of the article giving an estimate based on how long ep2 took to come out. Im still thinking april 29 but if it doesnt come out that day then fuck everything.

  • I doubt she checks as often as us forum users.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    IGN Article The series is currently midway through season two; the third episode, "In Harm's Way," is due to come out sometime in May. Why is IGN doing their PR work for them now?

  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited April 2014

    Don't trust any release dates until you hear it directly from a member of Telltale staff, either through their blog, their Twitter, or their Facebook page, or in interviews with a direct quote from a member of Telltale staff. The large gaming sites have a tendency to put up placeholder dates that are just guesses.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    IGN Article The series is currently midway through season two; the third episode, "In Harm's Way," is due to come out sometime in May. Why is IGN doing their PR work for them now?

  • :D

    Jennifer posted: »

    Don't trust any release dates until you hear it directly from a member of Telltale staff, either through their blog, their Twitter, or their

  • The almighty moderators save us and our hopes and dreams once again!

    Thank you, Jennifer!

    Jennifer posted: »

    Don't trust any release dates until you hear it directly from a member of Telltale staff, either through their blog, their Twitter, or their

  • Yeah, thought so. Thanks for clearing it up :D

    Jennifer posted: »

    Don't trust any release dates until you hear it directly from a member of Telltale staff, either through their blog, their Twitter, or their

  • I'm doing great, especially with all the hype going around, tons of fun reading everything. And you probably already got the comic by the time i send this, but I hope you enjoy/enjoyed it!

    Oh yes, I am. My hype is over NINE-THOUSAND!!!!!!!! This week is the best not only did I enjoy reading my fav mangas, and release my comic,

  • I was hoping for a trailer yesterday but no news, teasers or anything yet. If we get a trailer next Thursday then it could release on the the 29th, If not then I hope early May and no later than that.

  • May is the placeholder date. We've been getting a TT episode monthly since February, so it's easy for IGN to assume the next episode would be in May. I'm holding out April 29, though.

    If TT managed to alternate releases between TWD and WAU every 3 weeks, that would keep in with their 4-6 week schedule.

  • God, good news. I would come out before, but ... Well, have to wait.

  • edited April 2014

    That's good! Yeah I just got the comic. It was alright, my only problem is how they "time-skip" way too much at points. Kinda lost the flow of the story because of it.

    KISSAKI posted: »

    I'm doing great, especially with all the hype going around, tons of fun reading everything. And you probably already got the comic by the time i send this, but I hope you enjoy/enjoyed it!

  • Hehe, Episode 3, crowbar, get it?

    Katalept posted: »

    "Rehabilitated" has a picture of a crowbar, so that should be interesting, because it might be the opposite outcome of "Not in Nottingham".

  • Thanks you killed Bieber! God is with you

  • Yes only god and Telltale knows when it comes out.

    God is real

  • Thinking about it, God knows how Season 2 ends


    joshua007 posted: »

    Yes only god and Telltale knows when it comes out.

  • Writers for IGN articles are nobody's assuming like us.

    Plus an IGN article says sometime in May

  • IGN ruins everything

    Ellias posted: »

    Writers for IGN articles are nobody's assuming like us.

  • HELL YES i feel like this

  • i posted this already lol

    Lee_Forever posted: »

    HELL YES i feel like this

  • Really? dammit xD

    i posted this already lol

  • dayum this thread has been silent....
  • lolol. "HOLYSHIT EPISODE 3 THIS EARLY?" That didn't work out to well
    Eazy-E posted: »

    dayum this thread has been silent....

  • Yeah i guess this teaches us not to get too excited over seeing files being updated. I don't think it'll stop me from making a "HOLY SHIT EPISODE 4 THIS EARLY" thread if i were to see the 204 files uploaded in a couple of weeks.
    Tyranitar posted: »

    lolol. "HOLYSHIT EPISODE 3 THIS EARLY?" That didn't work out to well

This discussion has been closed.