Please hire more mods

edited April 2014 in General Chat

I understand mods have lives to but can we please have more mods or make an app for mods that will notify them on their phones when someone is posting graphic content. After today's spam posting of pedophile pics faster action is needed. Also can TTG please contact and report to the fbi on these pedophilia pics. If a company reports it there would be possible faster action than an individual.


  • They're not hired, they're volunteers who don't get paid.

  • How does one volunteer?

    They're not hired, they're volunteers who don't get paid.

  • Someone better volunteer to be a muthafuckin tribute.

  • Hey, I don't have a life! I can do it! :D

  • Lot's of people do actually want to be a mod (or at least wouldn't mind it), the case is that barely does anyone get picked. I only know of 3 mods on this forum.

  • Come on, TTG, just pick someone to be a mod.

  • I don't post much but I check out the forums quite a bit. I'd mod

  • edited April 2014

    I recently e-mailed telltale to request moderator status, hope they get back to me soon.

  • SaltLick305, GOUSTTTT, Deceptio, Tobi, rafoli. All these people have what it takes to be a mod

  • And I don't? I'm hurt.

    ImSnowWhite posted: »

    SaltLick305, GOUSTTTT, Deceptio, Tobi, rafoli. All these people have what it takes to be a mod

  • Yeah... this needs to not happen anymore. The site's flagging system is bugged apparently and so is the messaging so I can't even message a moderator to try and alert them of... shiver THAT. That "raid" proved how easy it is to troll on this site and it isn't the first time that it's happened.

    This seriously needs to be sorted. I don't ever want to see that stuff ever again. Can't the web-team make it more difficult for things like this to happen? Or at least make it easier for it to be reported?

  • It feels like the forum is having it's own apocalypse at this stage.

  • Im sure you do :) I just don't know you that well so Im saying from what I've seen in my short time here

    Harpadarpa posted: »

    And I don't? I'm hurt.

  • or you could all just ignore what is being posted without the need to complain, just saying, complaining gets really annoying

  • Lol. I was just fooling.

    ImSnowWhite posted: »

    Im sure you do I just don't know you that well so Im saying from what I've seen in my short time here

  • edited April 2014


  • As desensitized and messed in the head as I am, I still conserve some empathy for those who don't like pornographic material being thrown at them. Just saying, complaining about complaining gets really annoying. It's not as easy for many to just shrug stuff like this off.

    Rigtail posted: »

    or you could all just ignore what is being posted without the need to complain, just saying, complaining gets really annoying

  • I agree that this needs to be stopped, but reporting them to the FBI wouldn't mean sit. For one thing they have more important things to deal with and besides, if they can't catch these sick bastards posting real children online, what hope is there for this forum.
    No, what we need are moderators on 24 hrs a day from different time zones as others have said. At least that way, they would be removed quicker. Yes report them to authorities as well, but you would be wasting your time.

  • I definitely wouldn't mind being a mod.

  • I'm here frequently, i'm an adult, I have a cat named Carlos, and i'm from Europe (different timezones), so if you need more mods you can count me in...

  • You have my vote buddy! This probably does not mean anything, but still.

  • edited April 2014

    Alt text

  • edited April 2014

    I've emailed Telltale Games and they sent me an automated message that mentioned this. "Please note that our offices are closed on weekends and holidays". If this means what I think it means, it's that Telltale basically leaves the forums unsupervised and entirely in the care of select moderators who may or may not be present during a troll invasion. What occurred today proves that there needs to be more moderators to prevent something like this from happening again. There are plenty of eligible users who visit the forums nearly everyday and will be something that Telltale has to look into. I've sent a moderator request and I recommend anyone else to as well if you were disgusted by what happened today.

  • :(

    ImSnowWhite posted: »

    SaltLick305, GOUSTTTT, Deceptio, Tobi, rafoli. All these people have what it takes to be a mod

  • I would become a mod, but only if I was asked. I don't want to push myself on them. if they don't think they need more mods, then that's their choice.

  • Im here every second i get.... I think I would be a good mod.

  • JenniferJennifer Moderator

    As I said in the other thread asking for more moderators, I'll bring it up to the other moderators and Telltale staff. If we do decide to get some more moderators, we choose from people we feel show the most qualities that moderators need to have, so we don't need any volunteers. Thanks though.

This discussion has been closed.