Well this community does mean a lot to me,the people here are great and I don't think we can all just abandon each other so you know we keep on letting the good times roll.
I'll buy the ring already for whenever we meet for the first tims, Which Im sure we will (Probably).
Are you in High School ? You have to deal with the FCAT and all that BS.
I think I should just say I found it on the internet it wasn't me but I felt it showed off a more respectable side of Kenny,one we rarely get to see anymore,I'd like to think that before the apocalypse it was like this and the stress from the apocalypse pushed it down into the way it is now,changing Kenny forever,now he is a different man.
We'll meet if you ever want of course .
Indeed it is. I passed it my senior year I don't know how. Given I've never studied outside of school in my life.
That'd be awesome so definitely.
I've never studied either, I procrastinate a lot too which is a really bad trait of mine. I always do really well anyways so fuck it.
Okay wristbands it is.
I think I should just say I found it on the internet it wasn't me but I felt it showed off a more respectable side… more of Kenny,one we rarely get to see anymore,I'd like to think that before the apocalypse it was like this and the stress from the apocalypse pushed it down into the way it is now,changing Kenny forever,now he is a different man.
I still can't believe we live so close to each other. Crazy but Awesome.
I've never really liked school honestly. I just started my course on Inmigration Law and I feel like giving up already..
I usually am a fan of beards over mustaches although I have to make an exception here considering I agree and the 'stache will always be better on Kenny,it is like his emblem,if he were Batman his Bat-signal would be his mustache.
It is crazy but I'm glad we do.
I hate school, people always assume that I like it but I don't know why they do. I have to force myself to get motivated for it everyday.
Well this community does mean a lot to me,the people here are great and I don't think we can all just abandon each other so you know we keep on letting the good times roll.
You're funny, nice, popular, and not ugly (I find it awkward calling you hot or something but hey, if you prefer it I will) all rolled into one. Bless you man... You're perfect as fuck.
You're funny, nice, popular, and not ugly (I find it awkward calling you hot or something but hey, if you prefer it I will) all rolled into one. Bless you man... You're perfect as fuck.
How can the Queen of Perfection call me perfect ?
All those things you said apply to you as well. Well, except Popular but I don't really give a crap about that. My Queen.
Nah, i think we will find what to talk about like how unfairly that character that we loved died or who will be the new protagonist and we will have new material for the meme and fun thread
Wristbands sound cool.
What in the hell did you do to Kenny's mustache ? It looks awesome.
Well this community does mean a lot to me,the people here are great and I don't think we can all just abandon each other so you know we keep on letting the good times roll.
Aw. ♥ (it was a heart you might not see it though lol)
Yeah, it fucking sucks lol. The FCAT is pointless.
We'll meet if you ever want of course
Indeed it is. I passed it my senior year I don't know how. Given I've never studied outside of school in my life.
Okay wristbands it is.
I think I should just say I found it on the internet it wasn't me but I felt it showed off a more respectable side of Kenny,one we rarely get to see anymore,I'd like to think that before the apocalypse it was like this and the stress from the apocalypse pushed it down into the way it is now,changing Kenny forever,now he is a different man.
That'd be awesome so definitely.
I've never studied either, I procrastinate a lot too which is a really bad trait of mine.
I always do really well anyways so fuck it.
I still can't believe we live so close to each other. Crazy but Awesome.
I've never really liked school honestly. I just started my course on Inmigration Law and I feel like giving up already..
Kenny's godlike mustache is dead now anyway.
His godike beard has taken over ! I honestly like the mustache better though.
It is crazy but I'm glad we do.
I hate school, people always assume that I like it but I don't know why they do. I have to force myself to get motivated for it everyday.
I usually am a fan of beards over mustaches although I have to make an exception here considering I agree and the 'stache will always be better on Kenny,it is like his emblem,if he were Batman his Bat-signal would be his mustache.
High school is better though. You can do lots of things that are not tolerated in College.
Have I ever told you you're the best gal on here ?
That's true.
Aww Salty... You know just what to say to girls lol. I love you.
Im not gonna lie. Im pretty good at that, This is coming from my heart though.
I love you. What else can I do ?
I'm blushing.. You're the best babe.
Love you more.
Have you told your parents about our relationship Babe ?
Can't wait to meet em'
Yeah, they know all about you Salty. I talk about you 24/7. :P
For some reason I'm thinking of DougxCarley (or whatever their ship name is).
You better !!
I treat you like a goddamn Princess all day.
And Im not ugly Lol, In case you were wondering.
Hahaha, I figured you weren't.
Lol how ?
Im just saying because usually sweet guys on the Internet turn out to be... You know.
Haha, bitches love Saltlick. I'm not ugly as well... I think. :P
Im sure you're not.
Even if you are Im still gonna be your husband !
This love goes beyond physical appearance.
And that is why I love you babe. This love will last forever.
We'd create our own TWD. :P
I actually find it hard to believe you're not ugly though.
How can you be Cute and so sweet at the same time ? That's just crazy. True perfection.
You two are so cute
OMG just meet and go out already haha 
You're funny, nice, popular, and not ugly (I find it awkward calling you hot or something but hey, if you prefer it I will) all rolled into one. Bless you man... You're perfect as fuck.
How can the Queen of Perfection call me perfect ?
All those things you said apply to you as well. Well, except Popular but I don't really give a crap about that. My Queen.
You're my king baby.
Best internet relationship ever.
Let's just make it real now.
We have chemistry. You're not getting rid of me now I won't stop until you're completely mine Baby.
Goodnight Salty, I'll talk to you tomorrow babe.
Night Babe
We'll talk tomorrow.
Season 301 DLC
10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Days
Nah, i think we will find what to talk about like how unfairly that character that we loved died or who will be the new protagonist and we will have new material for the meme and fun thread
I'm pumped for Tales from the borderlands and Game of thrones,so I'll be playing these
Thanks Walter,you'll always be my favorite anti-hero!
so..when is this wedding? I'd be glad to fly over to America for the wedding (you better make me a best man :P).
Well there is still Tobi's comic series.
We can also dicuss the walking dead comic or the Tv show.
This is a community, we'll always stay together, no matter what!
You're my Bro !
You're gonna be one the first people invited