TWD issue 126 this Wednesday! The Negan Finale!
Any other walking dead fans hyped for this upcoming issue?
Ive been a fan since the very beginning of the series and I have to say Ive never been so excited for an issue since the Made to suffer arc.
Three more questions:
-Who do you think will die?
-Do you think the fighting will start back up?
-On the Comic cover, if Negan is on his knees then who is holding Lucille?
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Man, i'm fucking hyped.
Does that mean that negan survived the knife,or a misleading cover?
I am really excited I haven't been a fan of the series since the beginning actually I found out about the TV show first and enjoyed it so much I decided to read the comic (which I found I liked better I should add) despite me not being a comic book reader,but to answer your questions I do think the fighting will start back up and I think Rick or Maggie will be holding Lucille,I am not really sure who I think would die this issue possibly Jesus or Ezekiel.
Here is a link to the panel preview
Negan better fuck some of Rick's group up. Better yet, he better kill at least one major character.
I never read the comics
Hope Negan finally dies. He's a very poorly written character.
I just hope that the rest of Alexandria is okay for at least a little bit. The last arc has just been killing off the small times from there which had pretty good potential.
I dont read the comics but i heard that rick got stabbed with an arrow that might have walker blood on it, what happened with that?
Rick died in issue 106.
Just a light cut, right? Negan will obviously survive to get a le epic death scene?
He was hit by Dwight, who is actually a traitor working for Rick, so when Negan ordered Dwight to hit right with the poisoned bolt, Dwight fired a clean one instead. So, Rick lived.
However, I think there's a good 40% chance that he'll die in the next one. He walked out in front of Negan's army to confront Negan, and actually got through to him. Just as Negan realized everything he'd done wrong, Rick cut Negan's throat with another walker poisoned poisoned blade. So whatever happens next, Negan is dead, he's been infected, even though the cut was not deep at all.
It looks like it was the walker poisoned blade that Jesus found, so it would appear as if no matter what happens, Negan is still dead.
I really hope that Rick doesn't die, but it actually is looking that way. Unless of course, Negan's people turn on him at the last second, giving Rick the time he needs to get away. and into cover of some sort. And at the point, Negan and his people are fucked. They are if Rick dies or not. They've got Andrea and her little sniper brigade on the walls, Jesus, Michonne, and everyone else out in the woods, and then of course Dwight and whoever else joins him among Negan's own people.
Stopped reading it after Jesus introduction.
To be honest the comics are a bit boring in my opinion, it's always the same pattern: find some new people -> travel -> think place is safe -> it isn't -> people get killed -> escape -> do it again. It already happened about 5 times from memory, that's too much. Though I admit Negan's "introduction" and the threatening aura he had along with Rick's fears coming out was pretty interesting to read.
Now, I enjoyed what I've read but I don't think I'll read any comic TWD for some time. I'm prepared to get publicly executed for saying that, so go ahead
If Negan does survive the knife to the throat for long enough I'm sure Maggie will get her revenge for Glenn,even if he's still dead they could bash Negan's head in for what he did,Glenn had a child on the way and everything,damn you Kirkman!
Rick should get the kill. Well, I mean I guess he already has, but Rick and Negan have been rivals, and sure, Maggie deserves vengeance, but Rick also lost his friend Abraham, his son was kidnapped, Glenn's death affected him probably second most to Maggie. Well, third most next to Sophia I suppose. And then destroying Alexandria, killing Nicholas... I think Rick should get the finishing blow. Unless he dies. Then that goes to Carl, or Andrea, but if neither of them gets it, then yes, Maggie.
snt magge pregnant
srry dsagree wth u
While I don't hope he dies, I really don't want to see him become the lead, ever. The damage has been done Kirkman, you can do your best, but you will never have Carl be truly loved by everyone in a way that they would accept him as the protagonist. Even I'm warming up to Comic Carl a little bit, but he probably isn't even on my top ten list of favorite character's.
So I'm okay with Carl sticking around for the moment, so long as he never becomes the lead. To be honest, one of the only things I'm interested about with Carl is his relationship with Sophia. That's it really. I think it's ridiculous that Rick trusts his ten year old son to lead soldiers and stuff, and while Carl and Negan have an interesting relationship... Go back to those moments with Carl and Negan. Carl hardly says anything, it's all Negan, which is probably why I liked those moments so much.
You have a point, But I don't think Rick'll die. But if Carl dies and Rick lives, there will be HUGE character development for him, so that's also good. But I like Carl, he grew up from an annoying boy to a badass warrior.
I am angry about his death, since he's my favorite character, but also content, since his death did impact everyone, and made Maggie and Sophia stronger. Plus, he died in issue 100! That's a lot of respect right there!
Negan is gonna get tortured by Rick..
I loved the ending. It was a nod to issue 100, when Negan said that his best chance was to cut his throat right there:
If it was just a light cut, then they might.
Also, Kirkman has shown before that he doesn't give a damn about logic. Remember the Governor being tortured? Realistically, he would have been dead.
Just wanted to point this out, seeing these two pictures side by side, you can easily see just how much better the art got once they brought Stefano Gaudiano on board.
Yeah, true.
I could have sworn even a light cut to the throat area could cause death
It does most of the time, but like I said, Kirkman is probably going to give another big "Fuck you" to logic and have Negan live long enough for a more epic death.
Everytime I see this thread I think (The niger final)