What's the last book you read?

Just like it says in the title. What's the last book you read? What is it about? Was it any good?
I just finished The War That Ended Peace: Road to 1914. It's a non-fiction book about the crises and tangled alliances that caused Europe to blunder into WWI. It was interesting, but kinda dense. Probably most enjoyable to people interested in history.
Your turn.
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The Dresden Files #11: Turn Coat. Continues the adventures of Harry Dresden, Chicago's only openly practicing professional wizard, as he harbors a fugitive and fights against supernatural friend and foe alike.
It's essentially a fantasy set in the modern day. Think Harry Potter with a lot more cursing, blood, and sex.
It was very good. Easy and quick to read. If you like fantasy and are looking for something a bit more grown-up then Harry Potter or Narnia, I would highly recommend this series. (Start with the 1st book though, Storm Front.)
Interesting! I've heard about the DF series, might have to give it a try.
Great thread thumb for you
Read these two finished at sort same time few weeks ago
Hunger games mockingjay just blown away so dark actually shocked how much psychology and violence was in it plus the ending was so unexpected just quality
The power of five by anthony Horowitz like watching blockbuster movie but I was actually reading a book written that well so many twists with fantasy element just superb
I don't have the greatest attention span, so I don't read long novels usually. The last full book I read was Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde. I have other books partially read that I plan to finish.
The Souls of Black Folk
The Red Badge of Courage
Stephen King's Misery & The Eyes of the Dragon
Birth of A Nation
Tale of Two Cities
The Tipping Point
The Comedians (reading now)
And I have books years old I haven't read yet.
Live By Night by Dennis Lehane, amazing read very emotional & thought provoking. Currently reading Wolf of Wall St I loved the movie so thought I'd read the book & I'm loving it aswell it's hilarious
The last book I read completely was "Gulliver's Travels", and I'm currently reading "The Name of the Wind".
I liked the Hunger Games series as well. I agree with your points on it.
I read non-fiction primarily. The last book I read was Will Durant's "The Life of Greece." Prior to that I read Robert S. Gottfried's "The Black Death: Natural and Human Disaster in Medieval Europe." The last fictional series I read was something I found and decided to read just to mix things up, Alex Bledsoe's "Eddie Lacrosse Series." It was decent.
Thanks Eddie
Not a problem. I'll look into Power of Five since it seems like you'd recommend it, based on the praise you gave it.
With that grammar hunny, I believe you.
Re-read, actually. I still can't get over the ending of that thing.
Cool, good to know I'm not the only non-fiction reading nerdball around here!
Fuck you ugly whore.
Brilliant really recommend it
What's it about?
A dystopian future (past?) story supposedly set in late 1983 to early 1984. I use "supposedly" because although that is the official date given by the government, the protagonist isn't sure if it even is a real one. The world is divided into three superpowers constantly at war and allying with each other in a neverending conflict. They are: Eastasia, Eurasia and Oceania. Our protagonist lives in Oceania.
The story takes place in "Airstrip One", formerly known as "London" and follows the thoughts of an Average Joe named Winston (Are you fucking kidding me?!?), who isn't fucking kidding you when he says things are messed up in Airstrip One. He and many others are part of Ingsoc (English Socialism) which gives them certain "rights", although the only truly privileged ones are the most prominent members of the party; there's also the proles, who arguably lead a happier life than ones in Outer Party, but not a more comfortable one.
Winston's job is to basically rewrite history -be it recent events that were read in last day's newspaper or historical accounts many years old- to the benefit and veracity of The Party. The Party is never wrong. Oh, and they are systematically destroying the English language into a simplified form dubbed "Newspeak" to avoid "thoughtcrime" in the future, so that nobody can question Ingsoc's ideals.
TL;DR: Shit happens, NSA, NWO.
Non-fiction is definitely my personal preference. I'm a bit shocked to find another person who reads it here as well.
Non-fiction is definitely my personal preference. I'm a bit shocked to find another person who reads it here as well.
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix!
lol no thank you i prefer my men with atleast a highschool education.
Heroes of Olympus: Book 4- The House of Hades by Rick Riordan.
Yeah I prefer my women under the age of 25 and not ugly.
Yeah that's cool but I must advise you 99% of women don't settle for shit, so I think you're out of the question. I mean unless it's the type of girl who ships cluke
But I do got moar questions brah, you ship bigby that must be you're boyfriend. But he doesn't have a high school education brah. And what y'all KiK? Lmao...
11/22/63 by Stephen King. 10/10
Can't remember what's a book?
Assasin's creed Black flag that was a heck of a book.
I can remember it... I red AC Blag Flag and it was bad AC 2 book was so much better and AC Blag Flag was just ME the hole fucking time ME ME ME
Yh Edward was a complete asshole and cocky to be protagonist. Now Brotherhood is my all time FAV.
I didn't like Brotherhood all that much but I understand it if you like the book yourself it wasn't my style and we came after what happened whit that girl Ezio was talking in Monterigioni the city of Mario that girl with the flowers and promised Ezio tomorrow fun! fun!... She is dead... But I want to read the next book of Oliver Bowden
Is AC Unity the next one?
Don't know but Oliver lifes in Paris and the game probably takes place there so maybe. And second I thought I saw Oliver Bowden last year when I was on vacation.
Nice,did you talk to him?
I didn't got the chance to do that but I said I thought I saw him, I was on vacation in my own country Netherland but he speaks French and realy looked like him so probably he was him! and France isn't far away from my country
I remember reading the ending a couple times because I thought I'd somehow misunderstood what was happening...I wish I had.
Such a great and haunting book.
Under The Dome by Stephen King
To Kill a Mockingbird.
Los Angeles by Marian Keyes. Apparently I'm the only one who reads girly books.