Go soon! I have a friend who went on hajj last year. Unfortunately, he said the holy cities are being corrupted more and more by skyscrapers and five-star hotels. Kind of messes up why hajj is all about, IMO.
From Ireland born in the capital Dublin I read the comments I'm the only one lol. Fun facts my goverment spent 300,000 euro on biscuits last… more year for the governments building in middle of a recession. Our taoiseach(pm) gets paid more then Barack Obama yet were billions in debt. It rains all the time only know it's summer because the rain gets warmer lol. I love it here Europe own us every decision goes through German parliament before being accepted after signing a treaty for a loan off europe we voted twice for the treaty first we said NO then got us vote again and we said YES with scare tactics love it. Sorry mean leprechauns and rainbows beautiful country
My name is Adrian I live in Romania,I'm 15 and I would love to go to college with international relations thing and foreign languages.I study English,French and Japanese,but I would love to try Korean too
U kunt spreek Nederlands als u wilt dat ik was gewoon een grapje
This is fun hehe
Btw I hope that translation was correct otherwise I just called you a kunt, if I did, my bad
My name is Adrian I live in Romania,I'm 15 and I would love to go to college with international relations thing and foreign languages.I study English,French and Japanese,but I would love to try Korean too
From Ireland born in the capital Dublin I read the comments I'm the only one lol. Fun facts my goverment spent 300,000 euro on biscuits last… more year for the governments building in middle of a recession. Our taoiseach(pm) gets paid more then Barack Obama yet were billions in debt. It rains all the time only know it's summer because the rain gets warmer lol. I love it here Europe own us every decision goes through German parliament before being accepted after signing a treaty for a loan off europe we voted twice for the treaty first we said NO then got us vote again and we said YES with scare tactics love it. Sorry mean leprechauns and rainbows beautiful country
Go soon! I have a friend who went on hajj last year. Unfortunately, he said the holy cities are being corrupted more and more by skyscrapers and five-star hotels. Kind of messes up why hajj is all about, IMO.
I want to go to Ireland one day, hell Australia already is half irish, most of the convicts they brought here were Irish :P.
Name's Sven, I'm 29 and from Aalborg, North Denmark. Born in Germany though, and half German.
Esti din Bucuresti?Sau de unde?Eu sunt din Targoviste.
U kunt spreek Nederlands als u wilt dat ik was gewoon een grapje
This is fun hehe
Btw I hope that translation was correct otherwise I just called you a kunt, if I did, my bad
My name is Adrian I live in Romania,I'm 15 and I would love to go to college with international relations thing and foreign languages.I study English,French and Japanese,but I would love to try Korean too
Great city just not much to do, I'm planning to move to Melbourne soon anyway
Should you will love it lol as for convicts yeah thanks Australia we'll be bringing the government over soon :P
קלוג טאָכעס? זאָגן אַז צו מיר ווידער, און איך וועל ברעכן איר.
Du er en ekstraordinær herrer
don't worry it is oke and Google is not the best translation machine but still good.
Rofl thanks, its kinda wild over here, can you bring some grog over as well :P
English: You are learning are language good! Nederlands: je leert onzen taal goed! I hope this is correct
I recommend going to Seoul or Tokyo, both are beautiful places and will help you learn Japanese and Korean.
Hell yeah! Dallas, Texas born and raised. Represent!
You kicked my ass I have no idea what this is.
I haven't been to Melbourne for a couple of years now, even though I live 4 hours down the freeway from there, I love Melbourne though.
I live in The Netherlands also known as Holland, and I'm 16 years old
Man I wish i'm using a translator, if I could learn Dutch I would.
Kul att se andra skandinaver här!
I can teach you a few things.
Thanks for the offer but I would forget anything I get taught.
I'm Irish! From Galway. Dia duit, mo chara!
I would respond in kind in your country's tongue, but there isn't one. No comprehensible one anyway. :S
I'm from Israel (:
lol will do
Is maith liom Giraffehat
Ar fheabas! Go raibh mile maith agat. Ba mhaith liom tusa.
Det er ok jeg allerede kender jeg er awesome (kidding) jeg er ikke at selv centreret hehe
This is way more fun than it should be :P
Unfortunately it sounds much less exciting verbally than it does through text.
The Swedes aren't entirely wrong about how boring we sound. :S
You replied!I feel ''speshawl''!
I'm David, born in France, 16 years old.
From Congolese origins (100% Urban).
Currently living in Scotland.
Buggers Crazy, ar an drochuair bhfuair mé ach Béarla, ach shíl mé i gcónaí sounded Gaeilge badass
I live in huntsville al I scrub toilets for chicken feed
Australia's national anthem
I'm from the UK, England to be precise.
I wonder how many UK members are here on this forum?