I've been watching him since December 2012. Some of his theories are crazy. But trust me, some of his fans' theories are worse than some of his crazy theories. But i think he needs to let Stranger's son, Adam, go. He's a little boy, and he's pretty much DEAD.
Lol I doubt that. There are so many Trolls on here its Impossible to know which one is who behind a dislike button, The whole thing means nothing anyway.
Lol I doubt that. There are so many Trolls on here its Impossible to know which one is who behind a dislike button, The whole thing means nothing anyway.
I don't find him that bad but I don't find him that great either. I think his theories are strange and weak most of the time but some aren't too bad. I only watch his videos to see if there's anything news that's TWD related that I (may have) missed and TWD related stuff.
I'm not trying to defend anyone here but hey I don't see anyone else who tries to predict shit except puke ships so stop hating if you can't do any better. I'm Looking at you mr. I'm better then everyone whitout doing shit. (headless horseman)
I've been watching him since December 2012. Some of his theories are crazy. But trust me, some of his fans' theories are worse than some of his crazy theories. But i think he needs to let Stranger's son, Adam, go. He's a little boy, and he's pretty much DEAD.
Thank you kind sir.
You are welcome.
See How easily we turned this into a wave of Likes ?
No need to go nuts. My work here is done.
Outta Here Troll .
I found the troll

who is it?
Lol I doubt that. There are so many Trolls on here its Impossible to know which one is who behind a dislike button, The whole thing means nothing anyway.
But he could just make more accounts than just one
yeh thainks that u downvote me, now everyone can see im not the downvote troll, i was just trolling sum furries
I don't find him that bad but I don't find him that great either. I think his theories are strange and weak most of the time but some aren't too bad. I only watch his videos to see if there's anything news that's TWD related that I (may have) missed and TWD related stuff.
I'm not trying to defend anyone here but hey I don't see anyone else who tries to predict shit except puke ships so stop hating if you can't do any better. I'm Looking at you mr. I'm better then everyone whitout doing shit. (headless horseman)
I like to see you do better
Better than you and him for sure
Wow, you can judge someones skill through a computer screen.
you are a very kind person saltlick, i like you
BUTANYWAYS yeah i think mattsalright i guess yeah i dont see the hate especially mhm yeh....
Who the fuck is Matt?