Do people really think Lee's ex-wife will make an appearance?

edited April 2014 in The Walking Dead

Is this maybe too farfetched to happen?


  • I don't think so. Although I heard some people here say that she might be in Virginia (which is kinda close to where Clem and the others are)

  • I still feel like that's a really one in one thousand meeting. After somehow bumping into Kenny again already, it would be a shame that Clementine never got to try her luck at the lottery.

  • edited April 2014

    Clem: Hey so I knew somebody named Lee Everett-

    Ex-wife: YOU WHAT!?

    [Chaos ensues]

  • lol.Knowing her luck she would survive a shark attack.

    I still feel like that's a really one in one thousand meeting. After somehow bumping into Kenny again already, it would be a shame that Clementine never got to try her luck at the lottery.

  • Probably because the shark would be struck by a lightning-infused asteroid or something.

    Coincidence? Yes. A very large one. :S

    Tyranitar posted: »

    lol.Knowing her luck she would survive a shark attack.

  • I don't even know how anyone would know it's his wife, unless for some reason Clementine starts telling her about it... and i'm pretty sure (according to Dave Fennoy) that Lee also killed his wife in the fight. Another thing... why the fuck are people making shitty theories like this? That's one of the worst theories I think i've ever heard, apart from Lee coming back as anything besides a walker [determinant].

  • Could be Rebecca. Whoooooooo knooooooows?

  • edited April 2014

    Dave Fennoy said that? I always thought it was just the state senator. And would it be THAT bad for us to somehow meet Lee's ex-wife at Carver's camp? It would add more to the story. We could also learn more about Lee's character before the outbreak and a plethora of other things.

    _Juice_Box_ posted: »

    I don't even know how anyone would know it's his wife, unless for some reason Clementine starts telling her about it... and i'm pretty sure

  • I think it was in his recent Up at Noon interview, that or in his recent Playing Dead interview. I'm not sure where in the interviews though.

    Conduit42 posted: »

    Dave Fennoy said that? I always thought it was just the state senator. And would it be THAT bad for us to somehow meet Lee's ex-wife at Carv

  • edited April 2014

    I think Dave made a mistake, cause in the very beginning of the game, the police guy asks Lee where his ex-wife is at the moment, and Lee says something like, "she's up in Virginia." I highly doubt he meant she was buried there either, and even if she was, why would the police guy bother asking where she is if she's dead? lol there would be no point in that.

    _Juice_Box_ posted: »

    I don't even know how anyone would know it's his wife, unless for some reason Clementine starts telling her about it... and i'm pretty sure

  • edited April 2014

    Well Carley said it was just the state senator and the game never implied otherwise. But Dave keeps saying in some interviews that Lee killed both the senator and his wife. Aparently he is either confused, read an older script and didn't know about the change or he knows more than we know.

    Conduit42 posted: »

    Dave Fennoy said that? I always thought it was just the state senator. And would it be THAT bad for us to somehow meet Lee's ex-wife at Carv

  • Weirdest. Plot twist. Evar.

    Itchy_Tasty posted: »

    Could be Rebecca. Whoooooooo knooooooows?

  • Ah, good point.

    Tenmile posted: »

    I think Dave made a mistake, cause in the very beginning of the game, the police guy asks Lee where his ex-wife is at the moment, and Lee sa

  • edited April 2014

    How the hell is clem gonna know anything about his wife beside the very small info he gave out at the store, its not like lee sat her down and gave her huge amount of detail on his wife/life.

  • Spoiler

    I think Rebecca could possibly be Lee's wife considering she has slept with Alvin and Carver she might as well have slept with the state senator that Lee killed and then went on to be with Alvin.

  • What if Clem has Lee's photo on her and drops it for some reason. Then some lady picks it up about to give it back to her, stops, realizing who the man on the photo, begins to lament on how poorly she treated him to Clementine.

  • Alt text

    Gengar posted: »

    Weirdest. Plot twist. Evar.

  • I think they were married before the ZA. They talked about how they went on a ski trip while Clem was looking through the binoculars, which isn't really something you doing during an apocalypse haha.

  • Your theory has fucked up my mind on so many levels. I would shit my pants if true.

    Itchy_Tasty posted: »

    Could be Rebecca. Whoooooooo knooooooows?

  • Double affair? I kid, I kid

    Team_Purple posted: »

    I think they were married before the ZA. They talked about how they went on a ski trip while Clem was looking through the binoculars, which isn't really something you doing during an apocalypse haha.

  • edited April 2014

    I hope it doesn't happen it would be too cliche

  • Really, what info do you need other than you know Lee had an Ex?

    How the hell is clem gonna know anything about his wife beside the very small info he gave out at the store, its not like lee sat her down and gave her huge amount of detail on his wife/life.

  • Pardon me if I'm wrong, but in Dave's interview didn't he say that Lee murdered the senator and his wife?

  • edited April 2014

    They have butchered everything about the original story already so they can't get worse. They might as well bring Lee back. They made every character in the game so unrealistic and unlikable by completely changing the theme and story from season one. The writers have created a completely different game on every level. Lee and Kenny are clearly written as characters who would prefer death before living in the of kind of society they have created with the ridiculous writing in season two. How do they expect fans to like characters that's behavior is the opposite of what was most admirable and easy to relate to in season one? This game takes place in an entirely different universe and shouldn't be using characters that someone with a lot more talent created. It's not just different than season one, it goes against much of the story from season one which is insulting.

    I know a lot of people here love the game, but there are a lot of fans who hate it to. I don't mind people enjoying season two. I think the adult fans are the main ones who dislike season two. It comes off as a much more childish game with over-the-top dialogue that seems like something a younger kid would like. I have no idea how many kids play this game. A diverse group of people loved season one even though many people experienced a different reality than other player. The new one doesn't appeal to men.

  • This. Also, he mentions it at the farm too. I think to Clementine. She asks him where his family is, and he mentions he thinks his wife is in Virginia but that she probably doesn't want to see him. Something like that.

    Tenmile posted: »

    I think Dave made a mistake, cause in the very beginning of the game, the police guy asks Lee where his ex-wife is at the moment, and Lee sa

  • edited April 2014

    Lee: "She traveled for work. I didn't like that. I wanted a family."

    Stranger: "A reasonable thing to want."

    Lee: "So we fought. And it made my biggest fear come true. I got sick one day on my way to class, cancelled it and went home. Found her there with someone else. Killed him. I was mad at her for so long and I can't imagine how much pain she felt."

    Lee didn't kill his ex-wife. He only killed the senator. I think Hulu Guy made a mistake.

  • Lee didn't kill his wife. At the farm, he can mention to either Shawn or Hershel (I forget if it's both or just one), that he thinks his wife is in Virginia.

    _Juice_Box_ posted: »

    I don't even know how anyone would know it's his wife, unless for some reason Clementine starts telling her about it... and i'm pretty sure

  • Yeah but apparently he might have been wrong. Even still, how do we know she even survived?

    Blooey posted: »

    Pardon me if I'm wrong, but in Dave's interview didn't he say that Lee murdered the senator and his wife?

  • Hmmm... interesting. Also, a little off topic, but didn't the map that Luke looked at on the 5 day trip say Virginia on it as well?

    skeletori posted: »

    This. Also, he mentions it at the farm too. I think to Clementine. She asks him where his family is, and he mentions he thinks his wife is in Virginia but that she probably doesn't want to see him. Something like that.

  • I agree cause if we Will also meet Lily or christa it kinda seems a bit unrealistic with everyone that you have heard or known of have survived. And also if she does meet another one she have known clem should just attack Carver with all The luck she has.

  • that could be true though, if they meet . they will probably start taking and if lee comes up between talking . drama's gonna happen , she will hate lee's ex wife

    cause clem loves lee of course. We all do !

  • Nah, man. The cop only mentions the senator was killed, and when Lee is asked where is his wife he says up in Virginia.

    Blooey posted: »

    Pardon me if I'm wrong, but in Dave's interview didn't he say that Lee murdered the senator and his wife?

  • And I think, Telltale will make some kind of DLC like 400 days, which makes stories about missing characters like Lilly, Molly etc. Maybe some others before they've met main characters like Stranger and others. I dunno.

    I agree cause if we Will also meet Lily or christa it kinda seems a bit unrealistic with everyone that you have heard or known of have survi

  • That's a great idea for a dlc. I would totally play that.

    MisterA posted: »

    And I think, Telltale will make some kind of DLC like 400 days, which makes stories about missing characters like Lilly, Molly etc. Maybe some others before they've met main characters like Stranger and others. I dunno.

    edited April 2014

    I made a theory about that back when season 2 ep1 came out. I bet she'll meet her at some point, but it'll be weird. North Carolina and Virginia share the same border, so maybe she's in Carver's community.

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