What if ___ Was Still Alive?
What if Ben was still alive?
Do you think he learned from his mistakes?
Would he survive?
I think if someone had him like this then he would just give up and die.
What do you guys think?
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Dayumm he takin dem punches like an urban.
Well...maybe. Maybe he'd mature mentally and physically if he survived.
I personally think he should have survived and met up with Christa, Omid, and Clem. Maybe he could have taken Omids place...
I just want to know how kenny would feel seeing Ben.
He would probably be happy. Depending on the choice you made
Yah i know he wouldn't be mad,but it is a head scratcher.
well kinda be happy or normal because if u save him in ep 4 season 1 he puts a bullet in his head for he would not get eaten out but if that didn't happen probably normal
Yeah. For all we know Kenny chopped up Luke in pieces
He'd probably have learned from his mistakes. Hopefully.
Sorry for potential spoiler
dat name
He is alive. Heard of Nick?
Good one
I guess the wait for ep3 really makes people desperate to talk about stuff.
Oh, and no.
Well, these are the kind of threads you see here. Nothing really different.
I feel that he would have become less of a screw up and more competent, but he'd still do a couple of (minor) dumb things and wouldn't be AS capable as other survivors, such as Luke or Kenny.
That would be Great. if lee let ben go he will dropped from the top of the Crawford bell tower get up and escape from walkers in Savannah, and Appearance in season 2.
Yeah, fair enough, but there's no way he's alive, he's done his part in this game. Plus, he can get eaten by walkers in ep4.
I'm not saying he survived. I'm saying what if he was never in the death situations.
Sorry, but that would never happen
well if you chose to let him fall the walkers eat him alive did u even play lol
and he can get bit in the crawford scene
so what do you think that ben will survive? and Appearance in season 2.
so what do you think that ben will survive? and Appearance in season 2.
hell no why would he look either way hes DEAD he played his part he either gets shot in the head or eaten alive
Ummm. Sorry? lol
I can't stand that song. It's good, but it's too damn sad!
Same here